Read MTL - Undying Patient - Chapter 68 I heard that you have a crush on me too 5 - NovelBuddy (2024)

When they met face to face, both were shocked for a moment.

Yu Xia was surprised because although he knew someone behind Su Jin, he never knew that person was Su's boss, Su Changdong. Su Changdong's face is more famous than he is in the circle. Almost everyone in the entertainment circle has heard his name more or less. No wonder Su Jinzhi was able to get Dongjin's contract book so easily, and he could find so many resources for him.

Dongjin Dongjin

Why didn't he think that Su Jinzhi was the younger brother of Su Changdong?

Su Changdong was surprised because the man named Yu Xia looked a bit like the new nursing staff he had just found for Susu yesterday.

Yu Xia's nose is very tall, her eyebrows are wide, her facial features are deep, her jaw contours are sharp and angular, and it is this highly recognizable look that makes him stand out quickly in a small, creamy fresh meat, and soon becomes entertainment. The rookie in the circle is inseparable from his face. In the words of fans, it is that he is born with a sense of domineering, when he looks at people, he can see people close together.

If such a person looks like a star in his own company, Su Changdong is happy. But if he is like his brother, Su Changdong can't laugh at all.

"Mr. Su." Yu Xia greeted Su Changdong after passing her sunglasses and mask to her assistant. She was neither humble nor overly enthusiastic nor overly enthusiastic.

Seeing him like this, Su Changdong turned around with a "um" sound, and by the way, gestured to Yu Xia to follow him.

When they waited for the elevator, they were silent.

Su Changdong was so embarrassed that he didn't know how to speak. After all, he was not familiar with Yu Xia, let alone Yu Xia was his brother's ex-boyfriend. However, Yu Xia was still a little confused, just thinking how to speak after meeting Su Jin. There was no other thought to talk to Su Changdong.

If Tang Yutong were here, he would have scolded Yu Xia stupidly leaving such a good opportunity for any boss. He didn't even know how to grasp it, but Yu Xia really didn't want to grasp it. To put it bluntly, he has a sense of pride, and feels that he can mix well with his own skills, there is no need to bend over to go to flatter and flatter others, so he will react to Su Jinzhi's "cultivation" Big.

The silence continued until both of them entered the elevator. In the end, Su Changdong couldn't bear to speak first. He asked Yu Xia, "You and Sucri have been together for two years?"


Su Changdong also said: "The relationship between two years is not short."

Hearing Su Changdong's words, Mrs. Yu Xia looked at him side by side. He didn't know what Su Changdong said about the incident now, and could only respond: "We are over."

"Yeah, it's all over, but I didn't know about the two of you together recently." Su Changdong ticked his lips, his eyes still looked at the elevator door, and Pi Xiaorou didn't smile. Tell me that he has a particular person, and I asked who he was, but he refused to say anything. "

"Lin Ai told me later." Having said that, Su Changdong looked back at Yu Xia.

Yu Xia was embarrassed after he seemed to know everything, so he looked away first.

"So I disagree with you."

Yu Xia was still silent.

"But he almost died."

"The doctor issued several notices of critical illness, but when he needed me most, I was not with him. To be precise, no one can be with him." Su Changdong's voice was calm, as if he was only Explaining a very bland thing.

"I've been persuading him to break up with you. Su-Cui has listened to me since he was a child, and this time he refused to listen." Su Changdong sighed and laughed again, his voice suddenly appeared a little tired, "Later he finally listened to the advice , Come back and tell me that you broke up, and I have been happy for a few days before he had such a thing. "

Su Changdong's speaking speed is still urgent, but Yu Xia the more she hears, the more she feels wrong. He thought that Su Changdong, who knew how he and Su Jinzhi were together, should be disdainful or even disdainful to him, but did not expect that Su Changdong seemed to have a good impression on him?

However, just when Yu Xia wanted to think more, the elevator door opened.

Su Changdong took the lead to step out and walked towards the promenade: "Crispy Ward is here."

When Yu Xia heard Su Jinzhi's name, her heart leaped violently, and her breathing was a bit chaotic-he wondered, should he speak after meeting the young man, or wait for the young man to speak first? How would the young man react to him and be happy? Still sad? Or indifferent? After all, they have been breaking up for so long. When they broke up, it was difficult to hear what they said. If the person who said that day was Su Jinzhi, Yu Xia Ning would die and would not like to see Su Jin again. He is all ready to meet Su Jinzhi's old age, but in the end it is still the person who proposed to break up to meet, will Su Jinzhi think he is ridiculous in this regard?

Yu Xia thought about a lot of thoughts, but when he saw the young man lying on the hospital bed staring blankly at him, he disappeared completely, leaving only a blank space and ears. The sound of silent breathing.

He knew that the youth's skin had always been white, but he never thought that one day his face would be pale and weak to a level of transparency; he knew that the youth was not well, thin and thin, and they were a bunch of boys in high school I also laughed at him privately because she couldn't get used to him, but never thought that one day he would become thinner than before, and there seemed to be only a thin layer of skin covering the broken bones below; He also knew that young people would stare at him with affection, longing, and gentle eyes. Those pale eyes could clearly reflect his figure, but never thought that one day when he stood in front of him again, he He would still look at himself, but his shadow was gone.

When Yu Xia's eyes passed the young man's high arms and legs, his breathing was stagnant, and he thought of the photos of the accident scene that Tang Yutong sent him. He also remembered Su Changdong in the elevator. The words to him--

"He almost died."

They were really close to each other, and he didn't even have the chance to repent.

"Su Jinzhi" didn't seem to wait for the youth to speak first, and Yu Xia shouted his name with a trembling voice.

These three words broke the silence in the ward, and tore the usual calm and cold expression on the bed youth.

Yu Xia's hands on the side kept trembling, and Su Jinzhi was no better than him. He widened his eyes almost at the moment Yu Xia's voice fell, because Yu Xia's voice and Qin Yezhou, Feng The voices in Jiuli, Song Mingxuan, Reeves, and the strange dream he made were almost exactly the same.

For a moment, Su Jinzhi almost thought he was the one he was waiting for.

But isn't his family's dear name in this world called Xie Shu? Su Jinzhi did not forget that when he first came in, Su Changdong said that his name was Yu Xia. Could he have another name?

Su Changdong looked at his brother's eyes widening suddenly when he heard Yu Xia's voice. He wondered whether he should cry or laugh, and he felt helpless and unwilling.

He didn't want Su Jinzhi and Yu Xia to recombine, and he was always hesitant to let loose mouth agree with the two of them, but watching his brother's reaction, it was clear that Yu Xia had a deep-rooted love. Is there any other option?

"Crispy summer is here, let's talk to him slowly." Su Changdong took a deep breath, walked to the bed and touched the young man's hairpin, whispered to his ear, "Brother is outside, don't go Far."

Su Jinzhi's neck could not twist or speak, but she blinked and told Su Changdong that he understood.

Su Changdong looked at him again and smiled, nodded to Yu Xia and went out of the ward, but he did not lock the door of the room, but just emptily moved closer, making it clear that he was going to eavesdrop. At this moment, neither of the people in the room noticed Bo Su's move. One was invisible and the other was facing away from the door.

After Su Changdong went out, silence was restored in the ward. Su Jinzhi couldn't speak, couldn't move, and couldn't see anything. He was dying in bed, but just opened his eyes to the place where the man just said, hoping he could say more. a few words.

When Yu Xia and Liu Wei contacted, he only mentioned Su Jinzhi's car accident and did not elaborate on his injury. Therefore, after seeing Su Jinzhi, Yu Xia also thought that his injuries were only his left leg and eyes, and he did not know that Su Jinzhi could not. speak.

After he called the youth, the youth responded to him in silence, Yu Xia didn't think too much, and felt that the youth was still angry and sad.

"Su Jinzhi, are you okay?" After a short shock, Yu Xia quickly adjusted her emotions and her voice no longer trembled, so she subconsciously wanted to explain why she came to see him this time. "I heard you had a car accident, so come and see you"

However, Su Jinzhi could not speak, so he could only raise his head in silence, his dull eyes shot forward, seemingly falling on Yu Xia, and seeming to pass through him, without any focus on a certain location.

Seeing that he was still silent, Yu Xia didn't know why a bunch of small flames were lit in his heart, and his brows were not consciously wrinkled, and he almost couldn't control what he wanted to say. He didn't know what happened to him. Obviously, he could treat each other well when facing other people, but when he saw Su Jinzhi, he couldn't help but want to get angry, it seemed to see young people. He will be happier if he is sad.

This strange feeling accompanied almost his entire high school and college, and he can't get rid of it today, either, but Yu Xia looked at the young man's pale face and godless eyes, and those bitter words turned around in his throat and swallowed go back.

Su Changdong, who was eavesdropping at the door, was dying for the two of them, but he couldn't rush in directly to tell Yu Xiasu that he couldn't speak now-it's not clear that he had been eavesdropping at the door. ?

The reason why Su Changdong didn't go in was because he finally made up his mind to make a decision.

Yu Xia and his brother must not be together.

Although his brother does seem to like Yu Xia, and their reunion seems to help his brother's recovery, Yu Xia is definitely not the one who can accompany his brother's life.

Yu Xia has passed a long time since he knew Su Jinzhi was involved in a car accident. Today, if he really cares a little bit about what he means, he will do everything possible to ask him how he is ill and where he is hurt. If you hurt your throat, you can't speak, and there will not be a situation in which the two now face each other silently.

What's more, when Yu Xia came to see Su Jin, she couldn't even remember bringing a gift of flowers, pots and fruit baskets, and even a visit to the patient. Su Changdong didn't care about this gift. What he cared about was Yu Xia's love for Su Jinzhi.

As a result, Yu Xia didn't care about his brother at all.

At this point, Su Changdong has begun to doubt whether Su Jinzhi's words about how well he cares for him and how he cares about him are true when he asked him to agree with him.

Rather than let his brother hang himself on Yu Xia's crooked neck tree all his life, let them just misunderstand and let Su Jinzhi die.

No matter how painful and sad you are when you break up, you will forget it over time.

Time is the cure for everything.

"I also learned today that Su is always your brother. You should be well with him to take care of you. I still have something today, and I will come to see you next time."

Yu Xia didn't want to listen to the youth's silence anymore, took a deep breath and left this sentence to turn around and leave.

Su Jinzhi was still listening to his voice carefully. The more he heard the doubts in his heart, the more suddenly he heard that Yu Xia said he was leaving, and he ignored the injuries on his body and uttered some vagueness from his throat. Clear breath, struggling to keep him.

And Yu Xia looked at him in such a embarrassing manner, and a kind of morbid pleasure was raised in his heart—Look, let you put on your face again, I have to leave today.

Su Changdong immediately pushed in the door and walked in. He snapped Su Jinzhi's body by the bed, suppressed all his movements, and prevented him from tearing the wound. He opened his mouth without looking at Yu Xia, blocking Su Jinzhi back: " Crisp, there are still some things in the company, Yu Xia is going to be busy, so next time my brother will let him see you, OK? "

"Woo," the young man hummed, but couldn't keep the footsteps of the person he wanted to stay.

Yu Xia also heard his voice. He paused, but still chose to move forward.

Su Jinzhi listened to his footsteps gradually drifting away. The negative emotions that a person had spent so long in the darkness and silence finally broke out. He used his intact hand to tightly tighten Su Changdong's sleeve and whimpered lowly. He He wanted to speak and told the man to stay. He could hear the unhappiness in that man's tone, but he couldn't explain.

He didn't mean not to say

He didn't intentionally fail to explain

He just did n’t have time to speak.

The sudden stinging in the back of his head was like an awl, drilling Su Jinzhi's head fiercely, he covered his forehead and screamed, then he lost consciousness.

Su Changdong was taken aback by Su Jinzhi's response, and quickly rang the paging bell and tortured the old doctor Zhong Yan tortured. Finally, he knew that his younger brother was stunned because of fainting caused by too much stimulation. Itching, once again affirming that he disagrees with their decision to be right together.

"Mr. Su."

"Dr. Zhong, thank you so much, thank you very much!" Su Changdong bowed and nodded the old doctor Zhong Yao at the door of the ward, and suddenly heard the voice of Yu Xia calling from behind him.

"How do you--"

Su Changdong suddenly turned back, but his voice stopped abruptly after seeing the face of the comer, because the comer was not Yu Xia, but the new caregiver Xie Shu that he was looking for.

Xie Shu and Yu Xia should look similar, but their similarity cannot be seen in the photos or videos if they are not careful. After all, Yu Xia is a star. He needs makeup and playing on the stage and screen. The lamp, usually pays attention to taking care of himself, and his skin tone is healthy wheat.

Xie Shu is a full ten years older than Yu Xia. His facial features are more vicissitudes and deeper, and his skin tone is deeper. More importantly, his face is covered with a scar from the eyebrow to the corner of his mouth. The scar like that ruined the face almost identical to Yu Xia.

But this is not the main reason why the two are different. Su Changdong can distinguish them at a glance, mainly because of the breath around them.

Yu Xia is a star, full of vitality and vitality of young people, and the kind of self-confidence and arrogance under the magnesium light all year round, and Xie Shu is a murderer who has just released from prison.

In this way, the temperaments of the two people who are so different from each other are completely different.

If Yu Xia is a young general who is invincible on the battlefield with integrity, Xie Shu is a vicissitudes veteran who has been killed by blood and blood. He is covered with **** history and an unbearable past.

Xie Shu has indeed been a soldier, but he has also been in prison.

It stands to reason that Su Changdong would not find someone in jail to take care of Su Jinzhi, not to mention Xie Shu also killed someone, but Xie Shu's reason for killing was to save people.

He had just turned 24 that year and graduated from a military academy, waiting for him with great prospects. But when he came home, he happened to meet a man who raped a high school student. He immediately called the police and rushed over to put the man down. However, he did not expect that the man had a knife hidden in his body. The knife hit on the man himself, severed the femoral artery, and died of excessive blood loss before the ambulance arrived.

Xie Shu was finally sentenced to 6 years. By the time he was released from prison, he was already 30 years old.

Su Changdong wanted to find a strong caregiver to manage Su Jinzhi, but no matter how strong a woman is than a man, and Su Changdong knows that his brother is thin-skinned, it would be really inconvenient to find a woman to change clothes and go to the toilet. I ’m afraid that Su Jinzhi ’s trouble will directly let him find a man. It ’s best to work part-time as a bodyguard and protect him after leaving the hospital. Anyway, Liu Wei ’s white-cut chicken Su Changdong felt unreliable.

Not only that, Su Changdong also requires that the caregiver must be careful and careful, and it is better to say less because his brother likes to be quiet, not too old or too young, and not to be thin and not to be fat, he must be strong and love exercise.

After asking for so much, the intermediary recommended Xie Shu to him, saying that he was the most qualified.

After looking at his basic situation, Su Changdong disagreed initially, but the intermediary patted his chest to show that Xie Shu's abdominal muscles and chest muscles are all indispensable. He loves to do things and is definitely the best person under his control. Su Changdong reluctantly agrees I don't care where he feels to get his face.

However, after the stubble just after the summer, Su Changdong regretted it again.

But he was not good enough to immediately fire him. It felt like he was being discriminated against. He had not been able to find a job since he was released from prison. Su Changdong also felt sorry for it.

"Mr. Su?" Xie Shu saw Su Changdong staring at his face without talking, his eyes darkened, but he soon recovered, and called Su Changdong again.

Su Changdong found it a little awkward to stare at him for so long, but he couldn't laugh at Xie Shu, and shook his face with a stiff face: "Xie Shu, right?"

"Um." Xie Shu lowered his head, trying not to let his face offend Su Changdong.

"You should know about work." Su Changdong coughed twice, leaning his body so that Xie Shu could see the young man lying on the bed in the ward. "My brother, Su Jinzhi, I'll trouble you during this time."

Xie Shu heard Su Changdong's words and looked up in the ward.

Lying on the bed was a young man with narrow and long eyelashes, exquisite facial features, as beautiful as white camellia stained with morning dew, but his face was sickly pale, his eyebrows froze in his sleep, and his lips narrowed. It ’s very tight. It feels wronged and pitiful like who bullied him. People ca n’t help but want to hold him in his arms and put him in the body to protect him. .

Xie Shu couldn't tell the specific feelings in his heart at that moment. He only knew that he had dried up the dead heart, as if he had been injected with a hot and fresh blood, with a gentle warmth erupting with each throbbing, The blood vessels flowing through the body gradually flowed through the body.

When Xie Shu came back to God, he had reached the bedside and was close to the youth. As long as he raised his hand gently, he could touch his cheek and feel whether the touch was as delicate and soft as he imagined. Cold or warm.

"Crispy cases are here." Su Changdong handed Xie Shuhou a thick book, "Although I have sent it to you before, but you'd better read it again. I'll have someone come here to add an extra bed." Before you leave the hospital, you will stay with him. You ca n’t sleep too much at night, and you ca n’t talk to him. You have to get up and take a look at him. Nothing is allowed without my consent. People come to see him "

Su Changdong, a mother-in-law, said a lot, but still felt uneasy, afraid that Xie Shu didn't pay attention to listening to him carefully, and came to him and stared at his eyes, saying "I My brother is really important to me. You must take care of him. "

Xie Shu took the stack of paper and glanced at the young man on the bed. He didn't make too many guarantees, but just made an oath from his throat--

"it is good."

The author has something to say: Nurse Xie: He is so cute.

Boss Su: My brother is so cute.

Number 1: The host is not cute at all.


The author does not study law, does not know how many years of manslaughter will be sentenced, and does not know whether the situation of manslaughter is guilty of manslaughter: 3 ゝ Everyone will look at it.

-In fact, the image of attacking in this world, I think is the fierce and muscular muscle nurse attacking hee hee hee not to hit me.


-Thank you for the little angel who threw mine yesterday, love you guys = 3 =

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Read MTL - Undying Patient - Chapter 68 I heard that you have a crush on me too 5 - NovelBuddy (2024)


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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Job: Real-Estate Liaison

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.