A Hall of Heroes - Chapter 7 - Archangel61 (2024)

Chapter Text

Ritsuka Fujimaru




They all just feel old to him now. He can still recall the sensation of fear gripping her very being when he unwittingly arrived in Fuyuki. Mash was his only sole Servant, tasked with protecting both him and Olga. Before, such actions made him feel ashamed, but now it just reminds him of how far he's been.

No one really held it against him. He was still young and immature, unfamiliar with the Moonlit World and its intricacies.

That's why he sought to improve himself. He won't be like the Magus that's stuck inside the Association, focused on their political squabbles and their need for control. While it's understandable they don't wish to release the existence of the supernatural into the wider world, their fickleness is another thing entirely.

Stories have spoken of Kiritsugu Emiya, the well-known Magus Killer , and coincidentally the identity of that self same person as an Assassin-Class Servant as part of his immense roster of Servants. A man who relied on conventional tactics and not merely Magecraft like many Magi, seeing such things as banal and fit only for mere commoners.

The irony isn't lost on him how the willingness to use tactics and weapons deemed unfitting for people like him is what caused him to earn that epithet in the first place.

Though they shield the existence of the Moonlit World from the commoners, they also cling to what little influence they have be it social standing, bloodline or both.

Magus, especially from older families, pride themselves in their lineages, their crests and what they can pass onto their next generation.

In a way, it reminds him a lot of Harry Potter. Except the supernatural society in question has a stick so far lodged up their ass they lose whatever brains cells of common sense they have. Some of them, at least.

With every trigger he pulls, the sound of pained cries cease. All of them, unable to even control their bodies and do nothing but shamble helplessly like puppets dancing on a string.

Hearing movement behind him, Ritsuka swiftly turns around and aims his hand cannon towards another human-turned Honkai zombie, not hesitating to fire the trigger.

Not even a second later did the bullet connect, blasting whatever's left of its brain matter to the nearest wall.

Had he still been a greenhorn, he most likely would've puked from the gore alone, vomiting out whatever food he ate.

It would've been a waste, and he's pretty sure King Gilgamesh would be angry if he emptied out anything from his vault.

Ritsuka glances at the hand cannon gripped upon his right hand. A custom-made weapon, courtesy of Da Vinci herself before she got transferred into a new body. A graduation present of when he ascended to a Cause.

The weapon in question has a black barrel (no, not that weapon) with an insignia of a white spade symbol painted by the cylinder. The top strap and iron sights are colored white, with the grip of the weapon being mostly black save for an outline of an upside down spade with a skull in the middle.

Sensing movement in front of him, Ritsuka points his hand cannon and fires another shot, this time the shot causes the zombie to explode, with two nearby undead to be caught up in the blast radius.

At first, he didn't get why she named this weapon the Ace of Spades. After seeing it in action now, it's pretty understandable.

Every headshot results in a mini explosion.

"Master, this floor's been cleared!" A chipper voice reaches the confines of his mind through the Master/Servant link.

Saying nothing for a second, Ritsuka glances at his hand cannon once more before blowing away the smoke, spinning it in one finger and holstering said weapon.

"Good work, Okita. Let's proceed to the next floor."

"Yes! Okita-san's Great- '' Suddenly, Ritsuka can hear the sound of coughing, followed by splatters of blood.

Hearing the sound of that never fails to make him wince. Alas, it's part of her skillset so it's inevitable. It's a miracle she can even fight despite it.

"Take it easy, Okita. Get a breather if you need it."

"I'm okay, Master! I'll be up in a flash!"

Letting out a loud sigh, Ritsuka opens the door, or rather what's left of said door when an aged man wearing brown samurai armor with a long cape that touches the ground lightly comes through knocking. On his left hip are two Japanese katanas with a brown handle.

"Master. If you're ready, we'd like you to accompany us to the top floors. She should most likely-"

A loud, repeated staccato of gunfire can be heard, followed by laughter.

"...I see she's already reached the top." The man says curtly, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Ritsuka smirks. "It's no trouble, Yagyuu. Let's see if we can rein in our resident Demon King before Schicksal arrives here. I gotta get Okita first."

As if the world decided to answer for him, a flash of blue appears in his vision, followed by a pair of arms wrapping themselves around him.

"Master!" She cries out happily, nuzzling her cheek onto the black-haired teen's chest.

It doesn't take long for him to recognize who it is.

A girl with pale blond hair that goes as far to her neck with lime green eyes. Despite the sun, a black scarf wraps itself around her neck, clad in a white and blue haori with a white sleeveless Japanese kimono that shows quite a bit of leg.

"Hey, Okita. You can get your headpats later. We gotta rendezvous with Nobunaga." He gently reminds her.

Fortunately, she knows it's not the time to dilly dally, and nods her head in excitement.

"Of course! Let's go save that idiot Nobbu!" Drawing out the Japanese katana she has held at her hip, she slashes through a group of zombies like mere butter, her katana slicing through radiated Honkai flesh like butter.

"Follow me, Master! Okita-san will lead the charge!" Raising her sword up high in victory, she kicks down the nearest door, knocking away more groups of radiated undead.

It's no surprise Nagazora is in dire need to clean-up. Until the Honkai radiation littering the city has been taken care of, more and more of any potential civilians will be infected.

Raiden Mei, the name of the Herrscher in question, has been detained under the hands of Schicksal. Most likely, she's to be enrolled at St. Freya Academy considering her fighting potential.

Well, it's best to leave the matters to Theresa. They may have fought all kinds of things, but the Honkai are something they have no idea about beyond the basics.

He hopes the few that they rescued back when the outbreak happened were able to make it out alive, even if mentally traumatized from seeing their loved ones turned into zombies.

"Get behind me, Master of Chaldea." Yagyuu Munenori follows behind her, a katana drawn.

Ritsuka grabs the gun holstered from his back, drawing it out to reveal a black and gray machine gun with a belt feed attached as well as a red dot sight.

co*cking Xenophage , Ritsuka smirks as he lets his Chaldean Servants take point, climbing up the stairs.

He's lost count how much time has passed. The blood roaring in his ears, the sound of inhuman screeching. Even with his life in danger, time flies by just as quick, almost fleeting.

'Well, compared to our introduction this was rather tame.' Ritsuka notes as his weapon does its work. Much like the Ace of Spades, Xenophage fires high-powered ammunition that explodes on contact, not needing to aim for the head unlike his sidearm.

Each and every weapon designed from her aren't just shooting out ordinary bullets. They're rocket-propelled bolts that counts as a self-propelled missile, some more...explosive than others.

It helps that he's fond of a certain franchise involving a grim darkness from the far future, and he can certainly see the passion crafted into the design, the weapons on his hand modified to fit someone of his stature instead of a super soldier in power armor. Good thing too, or his wrists will break with each trigger pull.

Aiming down the sights, Ritsuka fires two shots, taking down more squads of zombies. Their cries go silent as explosive ammunition connects and predictably maims the targets.

His eyes quickly train from one target to another, not hesitating to pull the trigger. Good thing all the time spent training with Billy the Kid paid off.

A zombie from a door to his left bursts out akin to a monster from a horror movie, only to get cleaved in two by Okita. Flashing him a bright smile, she sweeps past him and mows down anyone from behind.

"Yo, Master! You got here a little late!" Before he can address who called him, another zombie appears to his right. Aiming his weapon at the creatures, he pulls the trigger, yet no bullets come out.

Seeing it get close, Ritsuka stores the machine gun upon his back, drawing forth another weapon from his side and shooting the monster dead.

The weapon in question is a jet-black hand cannon with the same base structure as the Ace of Spades , only this time it's got a laser attached beneath the barrel, with folded wings protruding on both sides of the gun barrel.

Well, the Hawkmoon's an effective gun too it seems.

The black-haired Chaldean Master huffs.

"Maybe you shouldn't distract me like that, Nobunaga." Upon hearing her name, a petite girl comes out from behind him, grinning.

Said person in question has long dark hair that goes down to her legs, wearing dark modern military attire and a crimson cape with red eyes. Unlike Gilgamesh's her pupils are round, yet still hold a different kind of confidence.

"Hehe. Good to see your skills are sharp as ever, Master!"

Smirking back at her, his face morphs back into a frown shortly after.

"How are the rest of the floors?"

"Already cleared!" She answers with a grin.

"Good. Now let's hope Okita isn't-"

"I'm right here, Master!" The Shinsengumi Captain in question appears from one of the ruined rooms, stabbing the poor thing from the back.

Ritsuka glances around. Myriad buildings are dilapidated and destroyed. Nothing resembling humans are left save for the decayed and twisted corpses that once had sentience.

Kaijus that serve as biological weapons as well. What a waste.

"Hey, Master! Everything clear on your end?" Da Vinci's high-pitched voice reaches through his mind.

"Yep. Send in the extraction up top, we're done here."

Ah, the perks of being able to have multiple Servants who are experts in invention and engineering. One can be surprised what they can make even on an island.

Some Time Later, on another mission...

Kadoc aims with deadly accuracy as he fires through a line of zombies withSunshot, the orange bullet zooming through the line like a sniper bullet, piercing through groups of enemies.

Sure, he's got knowledge of Magecraft, albeit a simple kind, but he has to compensate for other ways of fighting too.

Drawing outLuminafrom the other sheathe, the silver-haired cowboy starts dual-wielding both hand cannons like a cowboy from the Wild West, shooting down specialized bullets that tear apart the enemy from the inside. Every trigger he pulls causes averysevere knock back and recoil, with only hours poured into practice preventing it from flying out of his hands.

'I wonder if this is what characters from Call of Duty feel like.' Kadoc mentally notes as he shoots down another zombie. The blood roaring in his ears. His heart pounding and the adrenaline keeping him awake and alert.

A small flying Honkai Beast suddenly appears behind him, only for an arrow to pierce its hide.

"Master, you okay?" Looking back, he sees Arash holding his iconic bow with a grim expression.

"Focus on clearing out the top floors while Diramuid deals with the horde outside." Speaking of which, Kadoc glances down to see theKnight of Fianna going to town on a horde of zombies, using his dual spears to cleave through them like butter.

"My apologies for being too late to save you, but I can still grant you all the peace you deserved!" Irradiated Honkai flesh start flying shortly after.

Shaking his head, Kadoc jams the barrel of both his hand cannons to another zombie, pressing the triggers on both simultaneously.

A loud crash can be heard outside, as well as a blue of silver as a certainKnight of TreacherydrivesClarentinto the body of another Honkai Beast, causing red lightning to arc through its body before fizzing out.

"Come on, is that what'cha got!?" She taunts, charing forward like a bull, donning her collapsible helmet.

'Well, it's certainly better than just sitting around doing nothing.'Admittedly, he got the idea to do this when he saw Ritsuka training with some of the other Servants such as Leonidas. At first, he thought of such activities as beneath him, yet seeing how he's earned the respect of many of the Servants puts into perspective how he's willing to improve for their sake as well as his own.

Another Mission Later...

"Please stand back, my Masters. I shall handle this." In front of Kadoc and Ritsuka is a woman with golden hair tied into a bun, clad in medieval knightly armor and a cape to match. She stands valiantly in front of a group of Honkai Beasts, ready to charge at her.

"Come on, there's trapped people in this building!" Ritsuka frantically gestures Kadoc to come cover, who kicks the door down and spray lead on the nearby enemies. Unlike in the past, they have no need for Servants to cover their backs for they have each other.

Turns out Schicksal is committing to a rescue operation around here and they were about to commit to a rescue operation to get the civilians treated if possible. Fortunately, their arrival rendered that idea moot and allowed them to kick things off without a hitch, allowing Schicksal to focus more on the evacuation efforts while they deal with the brunt of the enemy.

"EMIYA, how's evacuation coming along?!" Kadoc inquires, holstering his hand cannons and bringing forthVigilance Wing.

"It's all coming along fine. That building you're in should be the last of the survivors. It's the most concentrated with zombies."A deep, smooth baritone connects with him through the mental link.

"Damn, it's been a hectic time since we pulled up here." Ritsuka remarks.

"It's a way to put our name out there. To show the world what we can do. Missions like this are small, but will help boost Chaldea's reputation and foster goodwill."

"True, but now I'm starting to understand how the Servants who I take for farming felt." Ritsuka admits sheepishly.

Kadoc's about to comment when a loud scream can be heard.

Without saying a word, both of them immediately charge forth to the source of the noise.

If there's one thing he's learned from this, it's to never take his farming Servants for granted now that he understands how they feel.

Theresa Apocalypse

When it comes to the unknown, caution is always considered a good thing. Being too open makes one too vulnerable, but at the same time, being too guarded will leave no room of trust.

It was a gamble, getting herself involved with Chaldea. They're an unknown factor, a wild card. There's also the consideration of what her grandfather would think. Just the idea of him summoning Servants like what the caliber she read and saw in Nagazora...it makes her clench her fists.

Even despite being outnumbered, it's clear that hardly held any significance to them.

There's also the matter of Kadoc Zemlupus and Ritsuka Fujimaru. They've spoken about having been no stranger to battle, and even with the lack of firepower they possess in comparison to their Servants, not an ounce of fear is present.

Battles to save humanity's history...He wasn't lying about that, but it's clear he's not telling the whole truth either.

Well, she can't really force it out of him. Schicksal too has their own secrets and she'd be a hypocrite for forcing them to spill the beans.

A knock on the door can be heard, with a certain redhead following shortly after.

"Ah, you've returned. How's cleanup going?"

"Pretty good so far. Honkai radiation levels in Nagazora's died down with Raiden Mei now on our side." Himeko replies, stretching out her arms.

"How is she?"

"It took a bit of probing, but she was able to get used to attending St. Freya. It helps that people care more about her fighting ability than being the daughter of Raiden Ryoma."

"Her cooking's pretty awesome too! I'm glad someone in that dorm can actually make a meal that won't explode or summon a monster that'll come out of it."

The principal can see Himeko lightly shudder at the thought. While she has visited them from time to time, it's Himeko who all but lives there prior to the three girls moving in.

"Don't remind me. Kiana somehow once brought an octopus that was supposed to be dead to life. It also became a Honkai Beast for some reason."

Suddenly now she's glad that she doesn't live there. She loves her niece, no doubt about that, but unless she's trying to win the competition of worst chef ever, under no circ*mstances should she be in the kitchen.

"Right. Any reports on our newfound acquaintance?"

Theresa sees a small USB drive sliding from Himeko to her desk. Fortunately, she didn't store this one in her cleavage this time.

Plugging it in the port, she reads the report in question.

"Well, it's good to see him at least participating in the cleanup efforts." Theresa hums.

"Yep. He's actually been a big help, though I never thought he'd have such an absurd amount of...Servants, I think Fujimaru and Zemlupus call them?"

"How so?"

"His current roster wouldn't look out of place from people in the Sengoku era. An old man wearing samurai armor, a woman with a katana in a blue haori and another woman who can summon a lot of muskets."

Damn, how many Servants does Chaldea even have?

Before that, his current roster of Servants involved a blond cowboy from the Wild West, a man with a beauty mark below his eyes wielding two spears and a nun holding a large cross.

Prior to that, it's a blindfolded woman with purple hair and a short black dress, a man with purple hair wearing silver armor and a blue cape and a purple haired man holding a spiral-shaped sword.

She had a feeling Chaldea has a huge number of these Servants, but how many is the limit?

More importantly though, where are they coming from?

There is that possibility, however. That perhaps they've originated from a 'branch' of the Imaginary Tree?

It brings in some logic so far. Their manner of fighting is different from what they employ, or even that of Anti-Entropy. Neither of them have employed the usage of Servants before, as otherwise her grandfather wouldn't have hesitated to deploy them himself.

What scratches her mind however, is their seemingly lack of knowledge about the Honkai beyond them spawning Herrschers and beasts, showing that wherever they're from, the Honkai doesn't exist.

Except, that makes no sense, as far as the Imaginary Tree is concerned, the Honkai spawn whenever a new 'branch' is formed, but their lack of knowledge shows that they haven't fought the Honkai.

Yet with both Ritsuka and Kadoc's willingness to entire the fray despite lacking the firepower of their Servants show that no, they're not energetic greenhorns wanting to prove themselves.

"What about the five that you met some time back?"

"Haven't seen 'em yet. Most likely there's no threat big enough that didn't warrant their involvement."

Bronya has provided a name with one of them, however. The one with black and white hair, taking the appearance of a paladin from an RPG video game.

Charlie. A common name, one primarily used by men. Not much to go on, but it's better than nothing. It could potentially be their actual name or a codename of sorts.

There’s also the golden armored one Himeko crossed words with.

She spoke about how he carried within himself a power of authority, dripping with arrogance and conceit in nearly every word he spoke, yet it wasn’t born from a sense of delusion, but also surety. It’s not just someone playing mere pretend, but a person worthy of the station they view themselves upon.

Theresa cups her chin. What to do, what to do...

"Himeko, how's your squad coming along?"

They're actually doing good. Everyone's got great combat potential, though Kiana needs a few knocks to the head. She's got the lowest grade in anything that's not pertaining to combat training."

"At least she can hold her own, right?"

"Yep. A bit too confident for her own good, but she's coming along nicely."

"How do you feel about doing a mission with Chaldea? Or inviting some of these Servants into St. Freya?"

Himeko's eyebrows rise at the suggestion.

"That's not a bad idea. We could use them to act as a bridge as a means to establish further relations with this new player who entered the game." Theresa raises an eyebrow at Himeko's choice of words.

"Blame Bronya and her video game habits." She sighs out in exasperation.

Theresa smiles, finding it hard for her to disagree. "Regardless, you're not wrong. Since Fujimaru and Zemlupus went out of their way to contact us, then we should at least do more than just pretend they're not there. We've given them their space for some time, so we should find a way to build a proper foundation. It could allow them, and by extension, us, to also get a glimpse of what these Servants of Chaldea are like."

Kadoc Zemlupus

Sometimes, he just wonders how in the hell he hasn't lost his mind yet.

He already knew what he was getting into the moment he turned his back on the Crypters and became a part of Chaldea for real. Even though he joined the party around Traum, he had an inkling feeling just how crazy this place can be.

Admittedly, it almost makes him miss the time when he was a mere Crypter. Someone who kept an eye on his Lostbelt. And it's enduring a literal Ice Age that's ruled by a part-mammoth. Granted, said mammoth is Ivan the Terrible, he still feels like his life makes some semblance of sense even then.

No, he doesn't regret turning his back on his former crew. He's done playing traitor and it feels rather...liberating, being on the right side and doing something good. Even if it comes with the threat of death should he fumble again.

About months have passed since Chaldea started striking out on their own. Nagazora was just the beginning, and it's only a matter of time until their fame gets bigger. Having to strike out a balance between construction of their forward base and helping out to deal with threats.

Though, since most of them weren't outright Eruptions like in Nagazora, it's more of akin to taking down the monster of the week or dealing with zombified civilians. Overall, nothing too fancy.

Most likely Schicksal and other big players out there have their eye on them now, especially since their untimely arrival on Nagazora.

He thought after having to deal with ORT, that would be the end of it. Turns out, all of Chaldea got the Isekai treatment and now they're in a different world fighting an ever-adapting force with questions as to how the hell it was only in the Third Eruption did they start getting notifications.

The Shadow Border , or rather the Storm Border in its APC form lay parked within the Chaldean main base. Spatial Magecraft has been used to grant the interior space that betrays its outer appearance (because let's be honest, encapsulating every summoned Servant up to this point would be a logistical nightmare by conventional means alone).

A decent portion of Chaldea's Servants have been summoned. After all, if the Honkai's key is adaptation, then they can't afford to rely on the same team every time. Different Servants with different potential combinations. Some of the more dangerous ones, be it for PR or their overall power and reputation, have yet to be manifested, though their Spirit Origins registered in case the need arises.

Even within this world, they kept most of the main areas white, as a way to remind them that even in a different world and place, Chaldea is never far from them. Like Novum Chaldea within the Wandering Sea, they have a cafeteria as well as room and board. Thanks to a bit of Magecraft and having a bevy of Casters, they were able to alter the interior in a way that allows everyone to not only get room and board, but also no one getting lost.

Different Servants who prided in their architectural skills and pride to show their works such as Ozymandias also got heavily involved with designing their temporary, albeit nonetheless still vibrant, home. He even got into a competition with Gilgamesh to see which buildings and designs will be the grandest ever.

Both he and Ritsuka have their own rooms separate from the Servants, next to each other. Thankfully though, the room is soundproof and both of them have been fitted with king-sized beds that are more durable than the typical furniture.

That's a good thing, otherwise he may have to hear his fellow Master's...nightly activities.

Opening the door, he's fortunate (and relieved) to see merely Ritsuka in his current attire seated on the white bed. His shoulders are sagged and his face exhausted from having to do physical labor.

"First time I didn't see your bedroom looking like a tornado flew by." Kadoc wryly grins at seeing his fellow Master's exhausted state.

Ritsuka snorts. "Wanna say something original for once?"

"Hey, not my fault every Servant here pulls you around like you're a community stuffed toy to be shared."

Not always in the romantic sense, either, may he add.

"Understatement of the year. It just feels nice to get a break once in a while."

'Judging from your mental state, it'll take more than that.' Kadoc mentally remarks.

The silver-haired former Crypter takes a chance to look at the black-haired teen in front of him.

It wasn't long when both of them were on opposing sides. One was a Crypter who was tasked with erasing Proper Human History and returning the state of the world to the Age of Gods, an accomplished Magus. The other a regular reserve no-name stuck in the wrong place and time, tasked with defending the timeline they know.

He wouldn't exactly call him a friend , but he'd be a fool to let personal feelings hinder how they are now.

Frankly, if this was his chance to be a hero, then it's not as what he'd thought it would be.

Saving humanity through controlled destruction. Taking the lives of few to save many.

Not too different from the modus operandi of a Counter Guardian.

Only this time, it's an entire civilization up in arms. The pruning of an entire alternate timeline that diverged from the current path to save Proper Human History.

Though a small part of him wouldn't want to admit it, he feels a little grateful now that he didn't get his wish.

Kadoc slowly makes his way over to Ritsuka, who makes no hesitation to move over to make space for him. He sits down, both of them enjoying the blanket of silence that covers the room.

He doesn't know how long they've been sitting here. A minute? Five minutes? An hour?

Despite not doing anything, neither of them even did so much as move from their very spot, blankly looking at a TV in front of them that remains unused.

Even with his white coat, he hardly feels warm at all.

Glancing at his side, he can see Ritsuka's shoulders slowly lessen in tenseness. His eyes, usually a shade of vibrant blue, are now melting away, replaced with exhaustion.

In short, the Chaldean Master looked as if he deflated like a balloon.

"No rest for the wicked, eh?" Kadoc turns his head to see Ritsuka looking at him with a burned out grin.

"What do you mean?"

"At least in this world, we know what the enemy is, and we don't need to worry about the guilt that comes with what we do. It's clear what the Honkai want, from that singular experience."

"That may be true, but we can't forget about Schicksal's aims. No offense, but you have a history of taking along people who have a habit of stabbing you in the back."

Ritsuka snorts. "You'd certainly know, wouldn't you?"

It was a rhetorical question, but one he knew was barbed. Even so, it wasn't as if his words were inaccurate.

Both guilt and irritation roil through him like stomach acid. He turned his back on Ritsuka, and for what? To sate his wounded ego? To prove he's better than Ritsuka?

He'd thought he'd feel happy that Ritsuka envies him too. The fact that there's something about him that he of all people envies.

Sure, he's a more experienced Magus and has slightly better Magecraft compared to him, but what does that matter?

Most Magi can barely form a professional relationship with their Servants. Granted, it's partially their fault for treating them like disposable slaves at best, but it does still apply.

His integration here is...awkward. No one really gave him the cold shoulder or outright treated him like a pest, and the people who were abrasive were already like that to begin with.

Though, having to see the bonds Ritsuka's built up with his Servants...it starkly reminds him of what the Magi of the Mage Association sorely lack.

The ability to empathize.

They treat the seeking of the Root as akin to gunning for a certain iron throne made of swords uncountable, seeing it as the ultimate prize and the ideal goal for people like them. Any sacrifice is worth it, no matter how small. Some may even resort to throwing away their entire families to get an inch closer to said goal.

For once, it must be nice. To actually be treated like human beings instead of a glorified attack dog.

Ritsuka doesn't just address Gilgamesh as king just because he's forced to, but because he indeed does like up to that title, for better or worse. Even someone like him had to deal with a Master who only appealed to his ego and acted like a borderline sycophant.

Little wonder why he barely tolerates them, for all their politicking and squabbles. Divided into factions, spending time busy stroking their egos and acting like entitled brats who overestimate their worth.

Discrimination isn't an uncommon thing in the world of politics. Dealing with the song of ice and fire that is thinly-veiled peace and violence.

He could understand. Being a Magus like them, he was grilled into that mindset as well, internalizing it and caring for nothing but Anastasia.

Though she's summoned here, it's not the one he knew. Perhaps this is karma?

It may even come to happen to him as well. With how fickle the Association is, they'll find some excuse to dissect Ritsuka and treat him as a lab rat instead of human being. By extension, him as well for being part of the team.

Even with their history, the thought of him subjected to such a treatment makes him clench his fists.

While there's nothing inherently unique about Ritsuka, his ability to connect with so many Servants can be used as an excuse to eliminate him from the playing field of politics. He wouldn't put it past some of the more extreme families to do so. Only Goredolf shields him from most of those accusations, thankfully.

It's almost so cliche how something as banal as human kindness is what it takes to truly touch the heart of a Heroic Spirit, but it's a tried and true method that's worked with him.

Considering what he's seen, there's merit to that than just blind idealism.

Neither of them say a word and just sit side by side, basking in the brief, yet poignant silence.

Some Time Later...

"Theresa wants to do what?" Asks the black-haired Master.

The command room doesn't look anything different compared to the one that he's been in Novum Chaldea . Even with the island still a work in progress, they were able to get one thing done: Get a command center up and running. The designing of the environment would come at another time, though with the type of help they'll have, it's sooner than expected.

Goredolf is here as well, a gesture to be expected from the incoming Chaldean director.

"It seems that Ms. Apocalypse is requesting that we send one of these 'Servants' as a way to introduce to the valkyries what we have under our arsenal." Da Vinci explains.

“Ms. Apocalypse also called for a meeting with me as well. Whoever you’ve chosen to bring to St. Freya, I’ll accompany them. Even with a change in circ*mstances, I’m glad you’ve acknowledged me as the Director instead of giving that role to yourself.” The blond Magus puffs up his chest proudly.

“It’s highly likely they’ve been monitoring our own independent missions, a way to see if we’re worth investing in. Good thing we’ve had Merlin, Medea and Morgan put up a Bounded Field that can conceal this place from view.”

“Hope we’ve given them a good show.” Kadoc says with crossed arms.

“Don’t worry, you both did a decent job. Nearly two months' worth of nigh-constant missions should be enough to establish a solid base of a reputation, especially considering our dynamic entry. Collateral damage is inevitable, and hardly anyone is expecting things to go smoothly when monsters of that size are constantly running around.”

Ah, the advantages of having Casters from the Age of Gods.

Typing the keyboards within the command room, Da Vinci sees the reports of their past battles. Video footage of both Kadoc and Ritsuka commanding Servants into battle. Some simultaneously, others by themselves.

“The key to fighting an adaptive enemy is to be adaptive yourself. Fortunately, we’ve got enough firepower in our stead. Speaking of which, you haven’t summoned anyone since you came here, huh?” Da Vinci asks.

“Not really. We’ve got so many Servants running around it’ll be harder to keep track. Wait, are we even going to be able to summon Servants despite being far from our own world?” Ritsuka queries with a raised eyebrow.

“I think we can. You’ve been able to summon Servants such as Gilgamesh before the Singularity in Uruk, as well as Sodom’s Beast, which is, well, a Beast Servant Class and former ones such as Kiara, Kama and Tiamat. It wouldn’t be out of place for you to start summoning Heroic Spirits tied to the world of Honkai. Why not give it a try?”

“Maybe after this home base is properly constructed. I’d rather not slink back into old habits.” Ritsuka chuckles with a sweat drop.

“The gacha giveth, and the gacha taketh away.” Kadoc sagely nods.

Both Goredolf and Da Vinci give the silver-haired Master a look of surprise.

“You’d be surprised how addicting they can be.” These are his only words.

“Didn’t you once pass out from a lack of sleep because you’ve been grinding all night on Arknights and Fire Emblem Heroes?” Kadoc delivers a harsh punch on Ritsuka’s right shoulder, making the black-haired Master wince in pain as he rubs the affected area.

“Want me to tell your legion of stalkers you play Blue Archive and Genshin Impact when you’re alone?” Kadoc retorts back with a smirk.

“Hey, I only play it for the story!”

“Do you really think that’s going to fly by with them?”

“For f*ck’s sake, please don’t be the one instigating this time.”

“AHEM!!” Goredolf clears his throat, making both Masters cease their squabbling as they both turn their heads to the Director.

“While I do wish that you’ve taken me with you to meet Theresa Apocalypse, I understand that it was during the aftermath of a battle, and they’re more likely to question you specifically. I know I don’t have to ask you this, but you didn’t spill the beans about everything right?” He inquires with a raised eyebrow. Ritsuka shakes his head.

“No. Even if I did, there’s a chance she’d most likely look at me like I’ve grown a second head.”

“According to Theresa, the Honkai has been attacking humanity since they started to build civilizations. Unless our Servants started getting memory damage, it’s pretty clear no one has even seen , much less fought the Honkai before. Sure, they’ve fought Demonic or even Divine Beasts, but never the Honkai.” Interjects Kadoc.

“Which means if we tell her everything, there’s a chance they may start getting funny ideas…” Goredolf surmises, his face grim.

“How exactly is she? Is Theresa easy to talk to?”

Kadoc and Ritsuka stare at each other.

“She is, but well…Just don’t mention her age. On both sides of the spectrum.” Ritsuka says. Kadoc’s lips are pursed.

"Oh yeah, you gave her the means to contact us right?" Kadoc turns to Ritsuka.

He rolls his eyes, fishing out a small card and gives it to the silver-haired magus.

"Hey there!" Blinking, he looks down and sees a white-haired man with white robes and black baggy pants waving with a closed-eye smile.

"Is that Merlin ?" He asks incredulously.

"Yep, it's me! Just wanted to make sure our dear principal got the memo." The Magus of Flowers says with a smile.

"Didn't you summon him already?" Kadoc asks Ritsuka.

"I did. I summoned a copy that got dragged into the system."

"At least you get to see more of yours truly!!" Looking down, he sees a beautiful background of white with flower petals occasionally flying through.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to send him as a messenger?" Kadoc asks. While Merlin won't do anything to put Chaldea in outright danger, this is the same Magus of Flowers who once engaged in a prank war with the King of Heroes to see whose scheme would create the most chaos.

Somehow, Sherlock Holmes got involved and was able to catch them in the act, despite both having high-level Clairvoyants.

"Now, Kadoc. Rest assured that I did nothing to ruffle the principal's feathers. Just be glad it's not my female self who elected to play the messenger."

Hearing about the Merlin from Arthur's world make's Ritsuka's eyebrows twitch. Somehow she makes Artoria's Merlin look like a model student in comparison.

Let's just say her broadcasting a video of her...mana transfer sessions and the reactions eliciting from that would make Beryl shiver in fear.

"I'd rather not have a repeat of the Ring of Discord , thank you very much." Ritsuka mutters under his breath, remembering that specific incident. Kadoc looks at Ritsuka with a raised eyebrow.

"Ehehe." Da Vinci scratches the back of her head sheepishly.

"When did she say? Any specifics?"

"Only someone who has an aptitude for teaching." Merlin replies.

"Well, it's a good thing we have several Servants for that, eh?" Ritsuka rhetorically asks.

Just then, a loud high-pitched scream that would've shattered the eardrums of anyone close by can be heard from the card.

Both Ritsuka and Kadoc blankly stare at Merlin, who smiles as if he's trying to hide something bad he did.

"What did you do?" They both simultaneously ask.

All he does is smile wider.

Da Vinci is barely stifling her snickers, while Goredolf pinches the bridge of his nose.

Kiana Kaslana

"Eh? We have a guest coming?" Class went by as usual within the halls of St. Freya Academy, a place where valkyries can be trained that doubles as a sanctuary for lost souls.

Mei had always talked about how it related to some underworld tale or whatever, not that she really cared that much about it, as she was busy stuffing her face with her cooking nonetheless.

Getting accustomed surprisingly didn't take long. Even with the negativities of having to deal with Aunt Himeko's (she can still feel the beer bottles being chucked at her head for that title) tendency to get drunk like she's a college girl at a party and Bronya's tendency to address her with the nickname 'Idiotka', the positive outweigh the negatives.

For one, she isn't alone anymore, being forced to wander from place to place to survive. With Mei and Bronya by her side, she's able to find a place where she can settle down, even if temporarily.

After all, her goal is to become an S-Ranked Valkyrie to find her father, as stated by Aunt Teriri.

"The Bronya is surprised Subject Kiana Idiotka didn't pay attention to Big Sis Mei when she talked about that." A certain silver-haired girl responds blankly, her eyes not being taken off her handheld all the while writing with her other hand.

"Hey! All that stuff's boring anyway! It's not like we need to learn from it."

"That's where you're wrong, girl. Even mythological tales have common themes and uses behind them." Himeko interjects.

"...I don't get it." Himeko's eye twitches, all the while Bronya's palm meets the center of her face.

"As expected of one who bears the nickname of 'Idiotka', who has the mind of a tuna." Bronya dryly replies.

Kiana hisses at her, a sound not too different from an agitated cat.

"Fufu. Don't get too riled up by her, Kiana." Looking to her left, she sees Mei with a gentle smile gracing her lips.

Even with what happened, the purple-haired girl seems to be able to pick up the pieces, now that she's actually in a place where even if the people who talk to her are few, their loyalty and friendship aren't based on her name or even her looks.

Why would she? There's more to Mei than being with a family name and someone that can turn heads.

"Mei! You should be on my side here~" She puffs her cheeks at the purple-haired girl, who smiles at her.

"Okay, that's enough girls. Let's make sure not to take it too far. I don't need your pet robot blowing up a part of the school." Himeko scolds both girls. Bronya glances at Kiana, smirking at her while the white-haired girl sticks out her tongue childishly.

"Ms. Murata, who is this guest we're talking about?" Mei asks politely.

"I don't have a problem with you addressing me by my first name, girl. I'd prefer not to be reminded of how old I am." She grumbles underneath her breath, mumbling that last part.

"Um...Captain Himeko, who's this guest you're talking about?"

"Eh, close enough. It's about Chaldea."

"Ah." Is the only word that comes out of Mei's lips. Despite having been beaten by them, Mei lacks any vitriol within her voice.

"It's a good thing you've already made contact with one of them, Bronya. It can help bridge relations between us." Himeko says.

"Eh? You've met one of them already?" Kiana asks.

"Da. The Bronya was the one responsible for patching you up while Charlie bought me time by fighting the Honkai."

Granted, the silver haired girl is no expert, but she does know basic survival aid and Kiana's a tougher cookie than most, so she was able to handle it just fine.

"Oh yeah, I think I remember you saying something about that..." Kiana puts a finger on her chin.

"You were too busy freaking out over doing last-minute homework to realize what she was saying." Mei interjects.

All Kiana can do is scratch the back of her head sheepishly.

"Normally I wouldn't say this to anyone, but I feel like I can make an exception since you've seen them already. The principal's considering asking for Chaldea to send their Servants here to either come as guests or even to accompany us on missions."

"Hmph. I dunno how I feel about that..." Kiana admits. While she's confident in a fight and is no stranger to fighting Honkai beasts on her own, and she can't deny the help Chaldea will bring, the fact that they nearly killed Mei makes her feel a twinge of irritation.

"Kiana, you forget that they don't know me and saw a threat. Wouldn't you act the same way if you saw a Herrscher that you have no relation to?" The purple-haired heiress asks.

Though she doesn't want to admit it, the logic in those words are sound. She would've tried to fight them with no hesitation if she didn't know who they were.

Upon seeing the double doors that lead to the classroom, they automatically open, with Himeko entering the classroom first, followed by Mei, Bronya then Kiana.

The classroom they're in is meant to be more akin to a lecture hall than a place of learning that wouldn't look out of place in high school, with a spacious classroom being able to hold a lot of students.

It doesn't take long for the other students to come trickling in, akin to dripping water from a faucet. Like any student within a school, all the girls gravitate towards their chosen seats, preferably to be those close to their friends. Fortunately, none of them are assigned to any seats just as long as they can behave themselves.

Well, she's not exactly behaving , but at least she doesn't disrupt the class by sleeping.

Sadly, that doesn't stop her white-haired aunt from using the Oath of Judah to drag her around when needed.

Fortunately, this is combat class, so the chances of her sleeping are as likely as being able to focus for an hour to study. Which is to say, slim to none.

Two firm claps can be heard up front, forcing everyone, including the white-haired girl, to pay attention on the screen.

Himeko stands proud, a relaxed grin on her face. Kiana's seen that grin a lot of times whenever she scored a date that usually tends to get interrupted because of a Honkai appearing somewhere.

She's lost count of how many bottles she's thrown from that involuntary co*ckblock.

As if following an ingrained command, the overlapping of voices consisting of various students have gradually been lulled into a silence. All of them turn their eyes on the redheaded woman.

"Nice to see everyone be able to take a hint. I hope all of you have been diligent enough to actually do their assignments for the day?"

Though Himeko addressed the questions to everyone, Kiana can feel several imaginary arrows marking her heart, each one sending a greater chill.

She swears she could feel the teacher's gaze on her for the moment, forcing her to school a calm expression and nod her head.

Yes, she did do her assignment this time. Granted, Bronya and Mei helped but at least she didn't just slack off while they worked.

"Well, time to get started with combat training. However, we're not going to just start with the simulators, or even going up against ourselves."

Kiana blinks, her eyes narrowing out of intrigue.

Himeko always arranged combat classes in different ways. Sometimes, she has them fight against each other as a means to get a read of how they fight and understand each other in the battlefield. Other times, they have to fight Himeko themselves as a means to test their progress.

Even if they're primarily fighting against the Honkai, the moves they learn here can be useful in self-defense against humanoid enemies as well.

"Just recently, we've met and acquainted ourselves with another organization that fought the Honkai, just appearing at the Third Eruption some time back. They've called themselves Chaldea." Himeko starts, causing most of the students to start silencing themselves.

Kiana, Mei and Bronya suddenly look up, their eyes on their teacher.

'So that's what they're called.' Kiana says under her breath.

"They're responsible for assisting us in the event that's the Third Eruption within Nagazora and have been helpful in cleaning up the remnants of the city. We'd think you'd be able to learn having to fight someone else other than myself or even the Principal."

That's a fair enough statement. While Himeko and Theresa are far from weak, it wouldn't hurt for them to learn from someone new. Other S-Rank Valkyries such as Durandal and Rita Rossweisse will occasionally come here from time to time, they're usually too swamped with missions that are usually on the dangerous side to be bothered coming to save for guest appearances.

Even through her haze of memories, Raiden Mei can still recall the skills the hooded knight had with a blade. Granted, her Herrscher powers are still in the midst of developing and she's good with a blade thanks to learning both Bushido and Itto-ryu, yet even with the blade invisible, the sword he's held felt second nature to his hands.

Bronya can also recall Charlie's control over the elements. He can imbue his sword with fire, wind, ice and even the earth. While his control over them pales in comparison to that of a Herrscher's specific domain, as even Mei's control over lightning is greater despite just awakening them, he makes up for it in versatility, able to switch and even combine them if he so wished.

"As a means to establish relations, they've sent one of their own to help teach this class from time to time. Please try to welcome our guest."

Out of obligation, everyone starts to clap, even Kiana. It wasn't a particularly fervent or passionate applause, but it's hardly lacking either.

However, as everyone is in the midst of sharing a round of applause, Kiana can hear the sound of something squawking. She couldn't believe it at first, as the overall clapping drowned out that minuscule noise.

The person to her right further confirms her previous thoughts.

"The Bronya sees a bird flying." Glancing at the petite silver-haired girl, Kiana follows her line of sight and witnesses a singular avian creature flying towards the middle. It doesn't look anything different than what a bird would typically look like. An adult crow, cawing while it flies.

It doesn't just stop at one however.

Raiden Mei gasps as she sees them all.

Much like the students from class, another bird comes into view, flying at such speeds she could barely keep track. Both birds than circle in the middle eight by Himeko, never falling to the ground.

Then another one came.

Then another.

Then another.

Until the entire classroom is surrounded with a flock of birds circling throughout the classroom, their loud cawing creating a cacophonous sound of chaos. All of them are circling the entire classroom, constantly in the air.

Yet, the odd part is, none of them are even breaking formation. No one bothered to scatter into different directions, always staying in the air.

While a few students gasp in shock, everyone is too surprised to do more than stare, dumbfounded.

Even the white haired girl looks up with wide eyes. She's no expert on birds, but she's pretty sure it makes no sense for even one bird to arrive here, much less an entire flock. It doesn't take a genius to recognize that no, these aren't your ordinary birds that just caw and occasionally deploy bird droppings in midair.

Eventually, the flock of birds converge within the auditorium. Like a waterfall did they fly down, the innumerable numbers of birds eventually coalescing, morphing into a humanoid form.

Until the myriad birds have been replaced with the build of a woman.

Her hair is white as snow, reaching as far as her lower back, with sharp golden eyes. Clad in a form-fitting wardrobe of red and black that's sleeveless and exposes her midriff along with a pair of open-toed high heels. Upon her head are what seems to be horns. Her most prominent trait, however, is the plume of white feathers protruding from her lower back.

On her left hand is a spear. The shaft is a dark green with a single-edged crimson blade.

What's odd about her is her lack of anything resembling modern technology. From her outfit choice and weapon, it doesn't even look as if she's a modern combatant, as if coming from an era centuries prior to now.

"Whoa, looks like I got a promising batch this year!" She calls out with a grin, looking at every single one of them.

Her voice is on par with Himeko's when she's exasperated or excited. The vibrant tone within seems to work its magic, energizing her down to the bone.

"Valkyries, you call yourselves hm? Named after the warriors who guide the souls to Valhalla..." She mutters underneath her breath, her golden orbs scanning almost everyone within the room.

She hardly takes the time to do so, yet her eye movements are quick, no hesitation from them.

They quickly lock onto Kiana, making her back instinctively straighten.

While her gaze doesn't have the same heaviness as her aunties, she's been exposed to them long enough to recognize when she's being judged without any verbal prompting.

There's also a hint of a challenge within that gaze, wanting-no daring her to come meet it with the best that she can.

A smile graces the lips of the white-haired girl. For once, feeling a sense of excitement about to burst.

"So, care to see if you live up to that title?"

Arthur Pendragon

"Are you sure I'm not looking at a failed clone of you, Gilgamesh?" The male King of Knights inquires with a raised eyebrow.

"Whatever do you mean?"

"Usually, I'd be seeing you either lounging in your room or laughing at Ritsuka's...numerous romantic interludes."

To his surprise, the King of Heroes seems to be rather enthusiastic about this whole endeavor. Being given a chance to shape their own base how they see fit. A place they can call home. Their very own Arcadia.

"As I've stated towards the Hero of Charity and the Awarded Hero , if we're going to display to the world a fraction of our might, then it's only fitting that this very world witnesses our splendor. After all, Chaldea is a den full of heroic legends, and as kings, it's only fitting we display to the wider world what they should bow to."

"Okay, but does that explain why you chose this ?" Arthur gestures at the building Gilgamesh spawned from his infinitely increasing vault of treasury.

The building in question is the same ziggurat that he saw during the 7th Singularity in Uruk during the Goetia era. Down to the very last length, width and height. Fitting for the era of his time, it's a terraced step pyramid with successively receding floors, with the summit consisting of a temple. Consisting of baked and mud bricks dried in the sun, there's decorations of the golden king's adventure plastered on the floors leading up to the summit.

Despite gathering dust in the Gate of Babylon for who knows how long, the building looks as if it's been recently created and finished, showing no signs of wear.

Buried beneath the ground is what looks to be a structure of sorts in the making, subtly sticking out from the ground.

Unsurprisingly, some of the other Servants have taken to visiting the place, many looking at it with awe and wonder. Even EMIYA seems to be observing the structure with an appearance of grudging respect.

It's surrounded by much vegetation, but not too much to the point of it looking like a group of overgrown weeds.

"I see you've taken notice of how well-built this ziggurat looks, King of Knights! I saw fit to copy the same structure that I've laid eyes upon arriving in Uruk. There's a sense of poetic justice in this building, instead of representing a fire slowly reducing into embers, instead glowing brightly to lead humanity free from the blight that plagues us." Gilgamesh nods sagely.

Well, he can see the point there. The last time they've been in Uruk, this building from which Gilgamesh dispensed council sat as the last bastion of humanity against a slowly losing fight against Tiamat. Now, it's no longer being a bulwark, but a symbol of hope.

Glancing behind the ziggurat, Arthur can see a mix of vegetation as well as what looks to be a building buried underneath the floor.

“Interesting, did you steal it from her?”

“On the contrary, no. She’s willing to lend me the keys from time to time provided I give her permission to use materials from my treasury. Seeing as how that would improve the performance, I accepted. Still, it feels…odd, knowing someone is in there, even with all the traps and security I’ve laid within.” Gilgamesh admits.

“Someone’s overprotective.”

“Why wouldn’t I be? I hardly think you’d be in favor if some mongrel is scurrying around in your own personal collection.”

“Calling the Queen of Assyria as a mongrel isn’t an insult she’ll lightly take.”

“Then she can try to prove her worth to me if she so desires.”

“You know, dialogue like that makes me remember how your head is still far up your ass.” Arthur replies with a shake of his head.

“It’s nice to see you interested in my pet project, at least.”

"That's good and all, but the decorations look like you're compensating for something. I can name a few Servants who wouldn't be above defacing depictions of your face." Arthur snorts.

"Let them try. They'll see their hands severed for such a crime." Gilgamesh growls.

"Ah, there's the egotistical and conceited monarch we're all familiar with. I take my words back." Arthur replies with a smile. Gilgamesh rolls his eyes, though gives a smirk back.

"What about you, Arthur? Surely you desire to have your own castle built upon this place?"

"I'm not against representation, but I'd prefer not to have this slice of land be filled to the brim with too many man made items. You've said it yourself how your era is less industrialized and tainted by modern human inventions."

"True, though I praise humanity's advancement, the direction it takes can not be to my desires." Admits the golden tyrant, shaking his head.

"We're relics of the past, Gilgamesh. Humanity proceeds even without our presence."

"Yes, though it's not as if we're not free to divulge our opinions of the modern world." Gilgamesh retorts back.

He desires and appreciates the efforts humanity has within its creations, and the efforts put within them. From the biggest projects to even how humans make their food, the golden king has a knack for appreciating the struggle to bring it into light.

In hindsight, that's mostly why he detests places that stifle creativity.

"Aha, so this is where you are!" Another arrogant voice resonates from his right. Gilgamesh's ruby eyes light up while Arthur lets out a groan, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Feeling a ray of sunlight on him, Arthur turns to see a sight that makes him shake his head in exasperation.

Slowly floating down to them is a man with tanned skin and golden eyes. His hair is a nice shade of brown, swept in both directions by his left eye.

His clothing is fit for someone who stays in warmer climates, clad in a black top that leaves his torso exposed, yet it's covered in a white cape. A golden band with lapis lazuli jewels embedded in the middle can be seen wrapped around below his neck. His pants are baggy, but showing a portion of his lower legs. While his perchance for gold isn't as high as Gilgamesh's, he's not lacking it in either as his gauntlets and tasse are colored golden with blue highlights.

The King of Heroes smiles at the new arrival.

"Ah, Child of the Sun. Such a pleasure to meet another esteemed sovereign."

"Ho? Giving compliments already, Wedge of Heaven? Nonetheless, I accept your praise." The man notes. He then turns to Arthur, giving a wide smile and a pat on his shoulder.

"It's about time you've graced me with your presence, Knight of Sky Silver. "

The mess that was Tokyo. So many people died, all because of her.

He can still remember the intensity laced within those eyes. How she loved to frequently caress his face like he was a long-lost lover. Because of her, the other Servants were heavily corrupted and were forced to kill them for the greater good.

She even went as far as to sleep in the same bed as him. Though nothing really happened, the sight of seeing her smiling when he woke from his slumber never fails to send a shiver down his spine even now.

Though the smile she dons is far from fake, he can sense the intent behind them. The possessive desire to claim him as her ideal Prince. The hollowness from her blue eyes.

"Hello, Ozymandias. Or Ramesses II, if that name is what you prefer." Arthur politely responds with a smile.

"I can understand your uneasiness towards me. Your former Master gave everyone quite the troublesome endeavor, and you feel shame. Fret not, it’s all in the past ind if anything, it’s your Master who should be held responsible.." Ozymandias tells him, patting his shoulder.

"Also, feel free to call me Ozymandias. Everyone else is already addressing me as such."

"Very well. I suppose you two aren't finished with your competition?" Arthur inquires.

"Ha, of course not! I won't back down until this arrogant king of Uruk acknowledges my majesty!"

"Your buildings are impressive, but my treasury is infinite and ever-increasing! You can only create pieces of work from Egypt while I can spawn one from any era! Such is the nature of my treasury."

"Don't underestimate me, King of Heroes. My people have praised me as a builder of works for a reason! Now behold!"

The greatest Egyptian Pharaoh spreads his arms, as the trees part to reveal its majesty.

Arthur looks to see an Egyptian pyramid standing proudly atop the very Earth itself, the ground effortlessly holding its immense weight. Made of limestone, granite and basalt, unlike Gilgamesh's ziggurat there's no other floors and is lighter in color due to the very nature of its make.

In between the pyramid are two sphinxes colored in azure, with the body of a cat and the visage of a human, albeit without a face. A pair of golden wings are neatly folded upon their back, its head adorned with a headdress.

"Behold my works, and despair King of Heroes! HAHAHA!!" Ozymandias haughtily laughs, hands on his hips.

He has to admit, such a visage is nothing short of an impressive sight.

"Are you two kings, or children in a playground trying to one-up the other?" Arthur replies with a smirk.

"I'd like to think they're both." Looking to his left, All three of them turn to see Charlemagne with a smirk of his own, and his clothes covered in an absurd amount of sand from head to toe.

"Oh ho! The Holy Roman Emperor has graced us with his presence! Did you bear witness to my works?" Ozymandias asks with a smirk.

"Yes, I got a view. A view too close may I add." Charlemagne grumbles, dusting the sand off his head.

"What, did he drop a pyramid on your head?" Arthur asks, only for Charlie's eyebrow to twitch.

"Yep. Watch where you're building next time, Ozy!" He scolds the Egyptian sovereign.

"Do not call me with such a childish nickname! 'Oz' will suffice, and nothing else."

"If the pattern of Gilgamesh is of any indication, then Moses and your wife are exempt from that rule, no? With how loud you two can be, I may as well have either of you as my alarm clock." Arthur grumbles.

"You tell me. My room is right next to this loudmouth." Charlie grumbles, pointing a thumb of Ozymandias.

"How hypocritical of you, Charlemagne. With how much you're fond of showing off, you may as well have shouted your name upon our arrival here." Ozymandias tuts.

The paladin sheepishly scratches the back of his head.

"Charlie, don't tell me you didn't..." Arthur trails off, only for the emperor to suddenly find his eyes interested in a nearby structure that's still building.

Arthur suddenly finds the urge to pinch his nose again, along with the urge to slap the right side of his face.

"Are you an idiot?"

"Hey, I didn't introduce my full name! I just told Bronya to call me 'Charlie' and nothing else!" Protests Charlemagne.

"You forget that name is dangerously close to your actual True Name!"

"I know, I know! I'll admit it was the heat of the moment. We were fighting Honkai and it just came to my mind!"

"Hahaha! Why should we hide who we are, Arthur? Isn't the point of kings supposed to reveal themselves to the world?" The King of Heroes queries.

"Yeah, except it's not just us here! We'd rather not give the enemy information they can use, especially regarding Theresa's grandfather."

"Hmph. Fret not about the clown who clings to the past. While his influence is grand, it's only a matter of time until his downfall is imminent." Gilgamesh speaks, a tone of finality laced in his voice.

The male King of Knights just lets out a loud sigh, all the while giving a smile of resignation and exasperation.

"If you say so."

Just then, the sound of a stomach grumbling can be heard. Everyone's eyebrows are raised, all glancing at one another.

The sound comes back stronger this time, prompting everyone to turn to the source.

Gilgamesh clears his throat.

"I suppose a meal is in order. Come, I shall treat you all with the finest of banquets." Gilgamesh says, walking back to the main building.

“Wait, I thought Servants aren’t supposed to be hungry since all we need is mana?” Charlie asks with a tilt of his head.

“Yes, but one can't deny a good meal, and it doesn’t stop everyone from going to the cafeteria, despite only our Masters and the Director needing food.” He then turns to Charlemagne.

“Do you also wish to recall how the Artorias reacted upon there being no food to eat? Along with their attempts of being in the kitchen?”

“...” For once, the usually vibrant paladin keeps his mouth shut.

"Isn't EMIYA cooking this time?"

"As exemplary as his culinary skills are, I'd prefer not to tolerate him any more than I wish. Besides, the Faker's cooking pales in comparison to the food stored within my vault."

'What an odd way of saying you'll treat us to dinner'. Arthur remarks within his head.

"'Got it. Lead on, King of Tsunderes." Charlie snarks with a grin.

Ozymandias laughs and Arthur smiles, while Gilgamesh rolls his eyes, but never saying another word.

Goredolf Musik

Being Chaldea's director is tough work. The Servants know that. Kadoc and Ritsuka know that. He knew that.

Granted, it's the black-haired teen who usually keeps them in line, and Kadoc to an extent now that he's joined the party.

Now, they're embroiled in a fight against an outside force hellbent on destroying humanity. Nothing new about that, they've dealt with it before.

Except this threat is one they've never faced before. A threat they haven't faced until now.

All the other adventures they've dealt at least have a familiar setting. Goetia’s mess at least involved familiar faces and going into already known settings within different time periods and while the Lostbelts are more alien, at least the people they’re going up against are using Servants, even when the stakes are as high as they are.

Here? Zip, zilch, nada. While Schicksal isn't an enemy out to get them (yet), it's clear they're not stalwart allies either. Such relationships take time to build, and even then something can make it all fall apart like a house of cards. Having dealt with Clock Tower politics taught him that much.

There's also the matter of the Honkai, who, according to both Masters, have been here since civilization first took root. Considering how hard it is to cover up beasts of all sizes, causing collateral damage that wouldn't look out of place in a Marvel or DC comic (yes he reads those), it might be implied that the public is aware of the Honkai's purpose, or at least just know they exist.

Fortunately, Ritsuka has done a decent job of not fumbling the initial steps in building this relationship. Of course, none of them are strangers to dealing with another group. Negotiating is a mandatory skill they have to acquire.

As tempting as it is to blame Ritsuka, he doesn't have it in him. It's natural someone with his luck has a semblance of getting involved in chicanery like this.

After all, the company he keeps sometimes speaks volumes.

"So, you're the leader of this Chaldea? Ritsuka and Kadoc have told me a lot."

Yes, as a means to further bridge the gap between this relationship and slowly bind them together, Theresa has requested they bring in a Servant to serve as a guest teacher. She also requested Chaldea also occasionally bring in some Servants for missions that may end up being dangerous.

They're also able to deploy without needing their constant oversight, provided they don't end up causing too much of a ruckus. Collateral damage is inevitable, and they're not expecting unscathed buildings, but would prefer if they don't get too destructive if possible.

It would've been easier to keep calm...if it wasn't for the fact that the leader of Schicksal's Far East branch is a child , or has the body of one.

Da Vinci technically belongs in the same category, but she was an adult, and it's a spare body she transferred into. This one looks as if she hasn't grown a day over 11.

Her high-pitched voice does little to further dissuade that notion.

Sure, some Magi families whose head is either dead or unable to take the helm force someone who's perhaps a tad too young to take the driver's seat, but at least they're surrounded by advisors and people who can steer (or more commonly, manipulate) said heir into a specific direction. As of now, there's no one taking up such a position.

To be fair to her, she's at least clad in a black nun habit. Though at first glance, it would've looked like a child roleplaying as an adult, and the fact that she's a tad too short for her desk isn't helping either.

As well as something that looks suspiciously like bunny ears slightly protruding from within her headpiece. It was only able to cover so much, but even someone who doesn't pay much attention to headwear knows there's something underneath if one were to look hard enough.

Hence the reason why he's here now.

'Damn you, Magus of Flowers .' Goredolf mentally remarks, cursing the half-incubus. Merlin always has a history of messing with people, especially anyone belonging to the Arthurian mythos.

"My apologies for the actions of someone underneath my command. I'll be sure to reprimand him for this." The blond director speaks in his most polite tone possible.

"Oh, don't worry about it. I've been told that it'll pass in time." Theresa Apocalypse replies, her hands clasped.

Goredolf blinks in surprise. Huh, he was expecting something more abrasive.

"I also don't mind these ears either..." Are the words Goredolf could've sworn he heard under her breath.

"Pardon?" He asks her.

"Nothing, it's not about that I assure you. Both Ritsuka and Kadoc have told me about you, hence why I've requested they send you here. I've found it a perfect opportunity since one of your Servants has been sent here to teach Himeko's class."

In hindsight, it was a good choice having Kiichi Hogen be the one to come here. Chiron is far from a bad teacher himself, but he figured it would be better to have a female Servant get to know them first.

It's either her or Scáthach's brand 'training', which, coming from Cú Chulainn 's words, make him feel like Kiichi is a safer option for now. The last thing he needs is to kill these girls in body and mind so early, and knowing how hard the Witch of Dún Scáith would be, the infirmary would be a best case scenario for them.

Other Servants, even if they haven't been teachers, have the capacity to also come as a guest Servant, but there are some that would be a definite no.

“Very well. You’ve come to talk to me about the relationship between Chaldea and Shicksal?” Goredolf asks, squashing down the urge to pat her head. Something tells him he’ll lose a hand for that.

“Yes. If you’ve recalled, Ritsuka and Kadoc have agreed upon allowing you all autonomy provided you don’t fly out of our jurisdiction without my consent.”

A small part of him was tempted to ask why Ritsuka didn’t bother in trying to negotiate in increasing their operational area, but then that may leave them in bad taste since they are the visitors here. They’re lucky enough to already be allowed to deploy with Schicksal seeing oversight of the entire world save for North America.

There’s no point in acting entitled. This isn’t the Clock Tower, and whatever clout he built there is irrelevant here.

“I see. You’re concerned about our Servant deployment.” Goredolf guesses.

“Yes. I’ve witnessed firsthand the extent of your fighting force. It’s nothing short of extraordinary.”

Typing on the computer, Theresa pops up multiple holograms from a bird’s eye view.

Glancing, Goredolf sees the main five Servants that've been deployed.

Charlemagne combines elemental manipulation with crude, but effective swordsmanship.

Arthur brings down beast after beast with his Holy Sword.

Karna and Arjuna using both spear and bow respectively combined with crimson and azure flames.

Lastly, Gilgamesh launches forth countless weapons in all directions like a god sentencing judgment.

“Seeing them like this reminds me of the mythological figures my grandfather told me when I was still young.”

‘Aren’t you still young?’ Is the question he barely fights back to blurt out.

“Are all your Servants like this?” Theresa asks.

“Didn’t you question Ritsuka and Kadoc?”

“I did, but since you are the Director of Chaldea, you’d have more knowledge about how your organization works. From what they’ve told me, they’re more of the field commanders than anything else rather than the one behind everything.

Well, how flattering someone acknowledges him as the chain of command.

“To answer your question, it’s a mixed bag. There’s quite a decent number that’s capable of wielding great power, while others are more suited to fighting humanoid enemies.” Goredolf says.

The likes of Okada Izo, Okita Souji and Hijikata Toshizo are more fitted for taking down zombie squads while those such as the KOTR (Knights of the Round), EMIYA and Charlemagne’s paladins are more suited to taking down lower to mid level Honkai Beasts.

Servants that are demigods and Pseudo-Servants whose bodies are inhabited by divine beings are only suited for situations with Honkai powerful enough to destroy entire cities or even countries if their capability goes so far.

Then there’s also the forbidden-tier Servants such as most Foreigner-classes such as Abigail and Van Gogh, Beast-Class Servants such as Draco and even the likes of Kukulkan and Archetype: Earth. While not every one of them is mentally unstable, their power alone is enough to cause them to have red lights bearing down on Chaldea, and unlike the Clock Tower, no amount of clout is going to help him here.

Hell, even with the Clock Tower clout he has, he’s pretty sure he’ll be under scrutiny just having one of those Servants under his command.

“How many Servants have you all contracted to?”

“We’ve lost count at 300.” Goredolf admits.

He’s pretty sure that number will get to 400 soon.

“...” Theresa’s fingers remain tented, though it’s clear to see the trepidation on her face.

If it wasn’t for the direness of the circ*mstances, they would’ve been more inclined to send some less destructive Servants.

“Rest assured, all of them won’t do anything to threaten your people, though I will admit that some of them are rather…prickly.” Goredolf admits.

At best, they can be helpful but rather rude and overbearing such as Gilgamesh. At worst, they’re unwilling to socialize and will only do the right thing for Ritsuka’s sake such as many of the Evil-aligned or former Beast Servants.

“I’m pretty sure you’re unwilling to do a meet and greet with so many Servants on our side. It’ll take all week at least , and that’s not taken into account if we summon more.” Goredolf ponders.

“Why do you need more?! If what you say is true, isn’t that number enough?!”

“...Let’s just say my charges, or rather Ritsuka , has an addiction.”

Ah, the pains of gacha. For every person who has played a mobile game, it’s a pain everyone has to go through.

The feeling of rage of being denied, the thrill and desire to keep on rolling and rolling, to the point of spending actual money to get just that character you want.

No one needs to know this, but he has a large secret stash of funds stored away for such occasions. It’s thanks to those funds that he’s been able to collect every single limited rate-up Genshin Impact character.

“I see…I can’t say I understand…” Theresa mumbles underneath her breath, looking away for but a brief moment. She then clears her throat.

“Since we’re going to be working together more frequently from now on, how do you want us to get to know them?”

“Fujimaru and Zemlupus have told you about how we make a contract with a Servant, right?” Goredolf asks. Theresa nods her head.

“Has he also told you about what kind of Servants?” He continues.

“Yes. He told me of how they’re separated into 7 distinct classes: Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Assassin and Berserker. The names speak for themselves.” Theresa says.

“They’re a bit more nuanced than that, but yes, that’s the gist of it.” Both Masters had the common sense to leave out the Extra Classes. While Rulers and maybe the Avenger-Class should’ve been brought up, the Foreigners and Beast-Class should be kept behind a closet. A very sturdy closet.

“Tell you what: If we’re going to be collaborating on missions, we’re going to need a report of what it entails. We can then send over Servants to you depending on the mission’s requirements. For any guest appearances, if there’s any Servant that you’re specifically looking for, then we can send them over based on your specifications.”

Of course, he’s going to have to tell Ritsuka how to go about calling everyone since obviously there’s more than one Servant beneath each class type.

“How many Servants are you willing to send?”

“One or two would be fine for now. When everyone in St. Freya gets used to our presence, we’ll see to increasing those numbers.”

“Understandable. I’m pretty sure the one you sent here may be dropping jaws already.” Theresa nods her head with a smile, her bunny ears momentarily spilling out of her habit, forcing her to slip it back in.

“Now, if there’s nothing else, I’ll have to see how she’s doing.” Goredolf says, referring to Kiichi’s teaching session.

“I’m curious: What Servant Class is she?”

Goredolf thinks for a second.


Theresa’s eyes blink in surprise.

“Eh? W-Wait what?!”

A Hall of Heroes - Chapter 7 - Archangel61 (2024)


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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

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Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.