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May 2014 VOL. 75, NO. 3

May 2014 VOL. 75, NO. 3

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The proud and rich heritage of the Conservation Federation of Missouri (CFM) is rooted in nearly 80 years of citizen

inspired conservation action and advocacy. Through the strength of our membership, CFM truly is “The Voice for Missouri Outdoors.”

In those nearly 80 years of CFM’s existence, a lot has changed. Missouri’s forest, fish and wildlife resources have been restored. Our efforts have transitioned from restoration to management. Balancing the abundance of natural resources we find in Missouri today, while fighting

to protect and improve upon our state’s unique system of conservation governance and funding remain CFM’s mission.

CFM is Missouri’s largest and most representative conservation organization. Yet, our membership is only a fraction of the size it could be, and more importantly, should be. In order to grow CFM, we must be more proactive in taking our message to the people who align with our mission. We plan to do just that, and it begins with the debut of CFM’s new logo.

CFM’s new logo was designed with a vision to be a distinguishable mark that encompasses conservation in its entirety. Our new logo brands the acronym CFM, the way other successful membership organizations logos brand their acronyms – NWTF, NRA, RMEF and many more.

In the near future, you will be seeing the new CFM logo in many exciting locations, including on our new website, our redesigned magazine and on numerous social media platforms. We hope you like it.

Here are the three versions of the logo you will be seeing.

The Conservation Federation of Missouri Debuts New Logo

“A New Day Dawns at CFM”

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Being named the 9th Execu-

tive Director of The Conservation Federation of Missouri is the greatest honor of my life thus far.

Knowing Dave Murphy personally, and learning so much about Ed Stegner at our recent convention, I understand the greatness of those who laboriously laid the bricks that began the path I’m walk-ing. I intend to honor them by advanc-ing the organization they devoted much of their lives to.

If you were at CFM’s annual conven-tion that took place March 21-23 in Jef-ferson City, then you undoubtedly felt the energy vibrating throughout the en-tire event. As an organization, we turned the page in CFM’s history book and are now staring at a blank page preparing to write another chapter. It’s impossible to put into words the excitement I feel about the future of our organization.

CFM is a prestigious organization recognized by a large part of the con-servation community in Missouri, yet our membership is nowhere near where it could be; where it should be. CFM is going to grow. We are going to grow by developing and executing an aggressive plan to communicate our reasons of rel-evance to people from every walk of life that are passionate about every aspect of conservation in Missouri.

Our communications efforts are being modernized. By the time you read this column, I expect the number of folks who have “Liked” our Facebook page will be around 5,000. We strategically identified a set of interests that align with the mission of CFM and placed ads on Facebook to reach Missourians who share these interests. Now that they have given us permission to market to them through content on our page, we will

begin the task of winning them over and converting these “Likes” into members. This is just the first step in implanting our social media plan. In the near future, you will see CFM actively engaged on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and more. We must make it real easy for people to find us, and then keep them engaged with CFM through the strategic use of informative and entertaining content.

Social media involvement will raise awareness of CFM and drive a signifi-cant increase in membership, especially amongst younger generations. We also must improve our outreach to tradition-al media markets. As a former president of the Missouri Outdoor Communi-cators, I know there are hundreds of outdoor communicators out there who are hungry for information to share with their readers, viewers and listeners. CFM must engage the leadership of Missouri based media platforms, including news-papers, magazines, websites, forums, radio shows, television shows and more that reach the target demographic of CFM. Numerous communicators have assured me that they will help us spread CFM news and initiatives to their audi-ences. To make this flow of information a systematic process, CFM will regularly deliver press ready news releases to these communicators and media outlets. We will make it easy for them to help us.

Hopefully, you noticed the new CFM logo on the cover. CFM has launched an aggressive branding campaign, and it all begins with our new logo. We are in the process of completing an entirely new CFM website. The CFM website will serve as a content hub for CFM news, articles, photography, videos, social media and so much more. It’s where we will keep everyone current on all the is-sues effecting conservation in Missouri. You’ll be able to watch up-to-date vid-eos and read digital editions of Missouri Wildlife. The new CFM website is going to be both informative and entertaining. It will remain fresh, as we will constant-

ly be updating it so people will always have a reason to come back. You will also be able to purchase CFM branded merchandise sporting the new logo very soon on the new website.

Of course, in order to spread our mes-sage and grow our relevance, we must devise a plan to exceed the financial needs of CFM. Three strategic initiatives are in the works aimed at strengthening the fiscal support of CFM. They are:

1. Hiring CFM Deputy DirectorThe CFM Deputy Director hiring pro-

cess is underway. Our goal is to have a Deputy Director onboard by June 1. The Deputy Director will be responsible for planning and executing CFM’s coordi-nated fundraising program, and leading the planning and execution of the CFM events.

2. Increase membership, especially amongst younger generations

CFM is only as strong as our mem-bership. To ensure our future, we must increase and diversify our member-ship. We are working to devise ways to engage with our state’s urban popula-tion bases, show them conservation relevance, express the benefits of our organization and ask them to join us as members.

3. Develop significant fund raising events and initiatives.

In 2015, CFM will host “Conser-vation Celebrations” in four cities – Springfield, Kansas City, St. Louis and Kahoka. These events will drive fundraising and acquire new members in these regions. These events will generate significant fiscal returns and will raise awareness of CFM in these regions each year, thus driving an increase in mem-bership.

A new day has dawned at CFM. I hope you are excited about our future. I sure am.

Sincerely, Brandon Butler

What an Honor…ExEcutivE DirEctor

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May 2014Vol. 75, No. 3

Missouri Wildlife is the official publication of the Conservation Federation of Missouri, Affiliate of the National Wildlife Federation. ISSN 1082-8591

Mission Statement: Missourians for Conservation of Natural Resources and Protection of Our Outdoor Heritage.

728 W. Main Jefferson City, MO 65101-1559

Phone • 573-634-2322 Email • [emailprotected]

Online • www.confedmo.org

MISSOURI WILDLIFE (USPS 012868) is published bi monthly in January, March, May, July, Sept ember and November for subscribers and members of the Con ser vation Federation of Missouri, 728 W. Main, Jef ferson City, MO 65101-1559. Of each member’s dues ($25 minimum) $10.00 shall be for a year’s subscription to Missouri Wildlife. Periodical postage paid at Jefferson City, MO. and additional mailing offices.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to

MISSOURI WILDLIFE, 728 W. Main, Jefferson City, MO 65101-1559

Al VogtRon ColemanGary Van De VeldeNicole WoodRandy Washburn

Brandon Butler

Debra Lee

Micaela Haymaker

Laurie Coleman

Joe Pendergrass

President1st Vice President2nd Vice PresidentSecretaryTreasurer

Executive Director/ Editor

Teaming With Wildlife Coordinator

Office Manager

Membership Director/ Managing Editor

Creative Director




Front Cover: Cecropia Moth (Hyalophora cecropia) or Robin Moth — Found statewide, the female Cecropia is the largest of all moths

and butterflies found in Missouri. Credit: Glenn Chambers © Glenn D. Chambers 2014 www.glenndchambers.com

6 Missouri Bow Hunters Association - CFM Affiliate

8 Esteemed CFM Conservation Awards Presented Citizen Conservationists Recognized at Annual Convention

12 Thousands of Missouri Trails All in Once Place

15 8th Annual Pull For Conservation Weekend August 8-9

16 CFM Debates Issues: Annual Convention Produces Conservation Resolutions

23 Inaugural Conservation Legacy 5K Run / Walk

24 2014 Convention at a Glance

26 Life After CLC - Where are you now?

32 Conservation In Missouri - Days of Future Past?

34 2014 MOBASS Spring Fling Benefit for CFM

35 Why I Became a Life Member of CFM

news, updates and columns

3 From The Stone House

5 President’s Message

agency news –

missouri department of conservation -

20 MDC Testing Results Show No New Cases of Chronic Wasting Disease

21 Celebrate 25 Years of Missouri Stream Teams Keeping Our Waters Clean

department of natural Resources –

28 It’s The People That Make It Happen

29 Capturing Missouri’s Outstanding Natural Resources – One Photo at a Time

30 Spotlight on Missouri State Parks - Watkins Mill State Park and Watkins Woolen Mill State Historic Site

teaming with wildlife –

27 What is Teaming With Wildlife?

member Information:

7 CFM Affiliates 14 Calendar 19 New Members 26 Business Alliance Members

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M I S S O U R I W I L D L I F E 5

At the Conservation Federation of Missouri’s Annual Convention, I was honored to stand with

incoming CFM Officers to accept our responsibilities:

“You are charged with the duties

of seriously and resolutely furthering the mission and objectives of the Conservation Federation of Missouri. With the Bylaws and Policy as your guide, you must be ever ready to exercise the functions of the office with which you are entrusted”.

As we accepted, we knew we would need to work very hard to live up to the accomplishments of CFM’s past leaders who, for nearly 80 years, have been essential to Missouri’s development into what most agree has become the Nation’s finest example of effective conservation management. On March 21, 2014, at the CFM Convention we had the occasion to honor the late Ed Stegner’s unequalled contributions to Missouri conservation. A gathering of family, friends, and conservationists celebrated Ed Stegner’s lifetime of contributions to conservation as CFM’s Executive Director for 40 years. At that tribute, Ed Stegner was inducted into The Missouri Conservation Hall of Fame.

CFM’s Annual Convention in March was filled with an atmosphere of energy and optimism. The auctions were very successful. At the awards ceremony, CFM recognized

Missouri conservationists for their achievements. I consider these folks to be conservation role models for us all.

CFM’s Director Emeritus, Dave Murphy, and immediate past President, Richard Ash, have followed CFM’s tradition of leadership excellence. They were challenged

with the difficult task of leading CFM in a search for the person who would continue Dave’s ten-year record of outstanding leadership.

Mission accomplished. On March 1, 2014, Brandon Butler was appointed to become CFM’s 9th Executive Director since its beginning in 1935. The CFM Board of Directors also approved a Deputy Director position to work with

Brandon, staff and committees to strengthen efforts to enhance CFM’s financial base. Applications are being received through April 30. We hope to fill the Deputy Director position by June 1, 2014. The Board also approved funding to engage a person with outstanding communications expertise to assist with development.

Staff and committees are pursuing strategic goals in support of CFM’s Mission. Priority goals include: development of effective CFM social media capabilities, increasing citizen awareness of CFM’s role, increasing the number and diversity of CFM members, engaging young people in conservation and leadership, and securing a funding base to support all the above.

We must all work together to ensure that Missouri will always be a great place for people to enjoy the outdoors. Let’s realize that Missouri’s successful conservation management is science-based and must always remain so. Let’s remain vigilant and be prepared to deflect future threats to the conservation of Missouri’s natural resources. I challenge every person reading this to pledge that they will speak and act to conserve and sustain Missouri’s natural resources-- its air, water, soil, minerals, forests, fish and wildlife, and to protect our outdoor heritage. Remember: YOU are conservation.

Al VogtPresident, CFM

Greetings to all who “Are Conservation”prEsiDEnt’s mEssagE

Would you like to be added to our electronic newsletter list?

Please email your name and email

address to [emailprotected] or

call us toll free at 800-575-2322

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In the 1940’s, field archery was in its beginning stages in Missouri. Small target archery clubs were building interest and selling their members on the idea of field archery and hunting, especially for those who were

looking for more action and excitement than just target shooting. The best target archers were also the leading field archers in the beginning. These individuals met with officials from the Missouri Conservation Commission and were able to impress them with the increased interest in hunting deer with a bow and arrow. Shortly after these meetings and the personal contacts made Missouri held its first Archery Deer Season. Bow hunting for deer was permitted for the first time during the 1945 gun season. Paul Jeffries and Earl Hoyt, Jr. were instrumental in convincing the Missouri Department of Conservation to establish the first archery deer season in Crawford County in October, 1946. Paul and Earl had already begun working to put together an organization that would later become Missouri Bow Hunters. As the cofounders, these gentlemen used the forum of the first hunt for Paul to announce to the 73 pioneer archers in attendance that a statewide committee was being formed. After several months, everything finally came together at the first Annual Championship Tourney, which was held on the public golf course in Sedalia, Missouri under the guidance of Hugh Collins and other local archers. A business meeting was held in conjunction with the tournament, and it was from that meeting that Missouri Bow Hunters emerged as a small, but very excited and energetic new State Association. These early pioneers worked tirelessly organizing and building clubs and ranges. Both of these men have been inducted into the Missouri Bow Hunters Hall of Fame, bestowing on them our highest honor. Today MBH is the largest archery organization

in Missouri. We have over 25 affiliated clubs and ranges located throughout Missouri. MBH holds 5 state championship tournaments every year. We also publish a monthly newsletter available on our website and a yearly archery guide for each member household. Yearly game awards are also offered for successful hunters. So whether you are interested in viewing a beautiful sunrise from your tree stand or enjoying the challenge and camaraderie of an archery tournament you should consider joining our club to help keep bow hunting strong in Missouri. MBH wel-comes all levels of archers, no matter if you picked up a bow for the first time yesterday, or if you have been shooting and bow hunting all your life.

Missouri Bow Hunters Association – CFM Affiliate

First archery deer season – Pictured from left to right: Harry Weber (behind), Earl Hoyt (hand up), Jay Reeg, Jim Hillman, Ross Bristol, Paul Jefferies, Jack Compton, and Joe Hennessy (kneeling).

Shoot at the State NFAA Tournament.

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M I S S O U R I W I L D L I F E 7

Your affiliation with CFM speaks loudly to Missouri.Affiliate name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Affiliate address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Contact person: _______________________________________________________________ Role in group: ____________________________

Phone: (__________)_________________________________ Email: __________________________________________________________

Number of members in group: __________________________________ Date group was established: __________________________________

Purpose of group: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Payment Method: Cash Check # __________ CC #________________________________________________________ Exp:_____________

cFm affiliate membership

C o n s e r v a t i o n F e d e r a t i o n o F M i s s o u r i a F F i L i a t e s

Anglers of Missouri, Inc.Association of Missouri Electric CooperativesAudubon Society of MissouriBass-Hole Bassmasters of Missouri, Inc.Big Game Hunters, Inc.Bobwhite Quail Restoration AssociationCapital City Fly FishersCentral Missouri Chapter Safari Club InternationalChesterfield Citizens Committee for the EnvironmentDeer Creek Sportsman’s Club, Inc.Festus-Crystal City Conservation ClubForest and Woodland Association of MissouriFriends of Rock Bridge Memorial State ParkGreenway Network, Inc.Heaven’s AnglersJefferson County Coon Hunters, Inc.Meramec Area Sportsman AssociationMid Missouri Outdoor DreamMid Missouri Trout UnlimitedMidwest Diving CouncilMississippi Valley Duck Hunters AssociationMissouri Association of Meat ProcessorsMissouri Atlatl AssociationMissouri BASS Federation NationMissouri Bird Conservation InitiativeMissouri Bow Hunters Association

Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries SocietyMissouri Chapter of the Wildlife SocietyMissouri Chapter Soil & Water Conservation SocietyMissouri Conservation Agents AssociationMissouri Conservation PioneersMissouri Consulting Foresters AssociationMissouri Delta WaterfowlMissouri Ducks Unlimited State CouncilMissouri Farmers CareMissouri Forest Products AssociationMissouri Grouse Chapter of QUWFMissouri Hunter Education Instructors AssociationMissouri Hunting Heritage Federation, Inc.Missouri National Wild Turkey FederationMissouri Native Seed AssociationMissouri Parks & Recreation AssociationMissouri Parks AssociationMissouri Prairie FoundationMissouri River Bird ObservatoryMissouri Smallmouth AllianceMissouri Society of American ForestersMissouri Sport Shooting AssociationMissouri State Campers AssociationMissouri State Chapter of the Quality Deer Management AssociationMissouri State University Bull Shoals Field StationMissouri Taxidermist Association

Missouri Trappers Association

Missouri Trout Fishermen’s Association

Missouri Whitetails Unlimited

Mule Deer Foundation

North Side Division Conservation Federation

Open Space Council of the Saint Louis Region

Ozark Fly Fishers, Inc.

Ozark Regional Land Trust

Ozark Wilderness Waterways Club

Perry County Sportsman Club

Pomme de Terre Chapter Muskies, Inc.

Quail & Upland Wildlife Federation, Inc.

Quail Forever & Pheasants Forever

River Bluffs Audubon Society

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

South Side Division Conservation Federation

Southwest Missouri Fly Fishers

St. Louis Audubon Society

Tipton Farmers & Sportsman’s Club

Troutbusters of Missouri

United Bow Hunters of Missouri

Walnut Council & Other Fine Hardwoods

Wecomo Sportsman’s Club

Wild Elk Institute of Missouri

Windsor Lake Rod & Gun Club

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Missouri conservationists were awarded for their volunteer and professional efforts to improve and protect our natural resources at the Annual Convention of the Conservation Federation of Missouri on March 21, 2014, at the Capitol Plaza Hotel, Jefferson City, MO. Chosen from a select group of nominees, the 2013 award winners represent the best of the best. Hundreds of CFM members and friends celebrated the win-

ners’ accomplishments at a reception sponsored by Bass Pro Shops. Presenting the 2013 awards were CFM Executive Director, Brandon Butler and David Smith of Bass Pro Shops.

Please visit the CFM website at www.confedmo.org to view our convention award booklet for further details.

Esteemed CFM Conservation Awards Presented Citizen Conservationists Recognized at Annual Convention

Joanie Straub, ColumbiaConservation Communicator of the Year:

For the outstanding conservation effort during the year by a person, newspaper, magazine, radio station, or televi-sion station in the state. Joanie Straub developed television infomercials and commercials, public service announcements, radio ads and promotions. Her efforts and innovative spirit continues to enable us to reach citizens more effectively.

Andrew Kinslow, FordlandConservation Educator of the Year:

For the outstanding conservation effort in education in the state. Andrew Kinslow has been involved in all aspects of Green Leadership Academy for Diverse Ecosystems (GLADE). He is passionate about meeting the challenges that we face as science educators and responsible stewards of human and natural resources.

Pat Jones, WilliamsburgLifetime Achievement:

For her amazing conservation philanthropy to help protect our land and water resources and her financial support for so many conservation endeavours. The depth and breadth of Mrs. Jones’ conservation legacy has touched the lives of every Missourian and countless others around the globe.

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Ann Koenig, ColumbiaForest Conservationist of the Year:

For the outstanding forest conservation effort during the year. Ann Koenig is presently working a special assignment to create and implement a campaign encouraging all Mis-sourians to appreciate their trees called TREES WORK. The scope of this project will reach far into the future.

Craig Fuller, CamdentonWater Conservationist of the Year:

For the outstanding water conservation effort during the year. Craig Fuller has worked with private landowners on stream and riparian issues. His efforts have improved stream habitat, fish populations and anglers’ enjoyment of aquatic resources.

Dwayne Bowden, SpringfieldHunter Education Instructor of the Year:

For the most outstanding effort in hunter education in the state during the past twelve months. Dwayne Bowden is the kind of instructor who gets to a class and immediately jumps in to whatever needs to be done, completing the tasks thor-oughly and professionally. His value as a volunteer instruc-tor starts with his enthusiasm and in his energy for teaching safety and outdoor skills.

Chris McLeland, ColumbiaSoil Conservationist of the Year:

For the outstanding soil conservation effort in the state. Chris McLeland formed the Cover Crops Work-ing Group comprised of members from agencies and universities. He coordinated the effort to investigate how cover corps could provide wildlife habitat while still meeting the needs and requirements of agriculture producers.

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Missouri Quail Forever, ExcelloWildlife Conservationist of the Year:

For the outstanding accomplishment during the year which has made a significant contribution to the manage-ment and/or restoration of wildlife. Missouri Quail For-ever’s partnership efforts have put more boots on the ground to help landowners improve quail and grassland songbird populations, while helping to promote the visibility of that same habitat work through various workshops, demonstra-tion and quail focus area monitoring.

Kelsey Rumley, OzarkYouth Conservationist of the Year:

For the outstanding conservation effort by a youth or youth group. Kelsey Rumley continues to rapidly grow professionally and has established relationships with a large network of community, regional, national and international conservation partners. She is an avid conservationist with a positive attitude and passion for the outdoors.

James Civiello, BransonProfessional Conservationist of the Year:

For the most outstanding accomplishment during the year by a professional in the field of conservation or natural resource management in Missouri. James Civiello for years has demonstrated leadership, innovation, dedication and a positive attitude. He willingly takes on difficult tasks and shows true leadership and professionalism.

Magnificent Missouri, Saint LouisConservation Organization of the Year:

For the outstanding contribution to the conserva-tion effort by a state organization during the year. Magnificent Missouri was started to bring agriculture, conservation and food together to promote the interre-lationship between the various disciplines. Magnificent Missouri has set the table for many future conservation initiatives.

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Representative Nate Walker, KirksvilleSenator Kurt Schaefer, Columbia

Conservation Legislators of the Year:

For the outstanding conservation effort of the year among all members of the Missouri General Assembly. The recipient may be a member of the Missouri House of Representatives or the Missouri Senate. At the discretion of the Federation and its Awards Committee, one legislator in each chamber may be honored. This award can be for performance in any area of natural resource conservation. Representative Walker openly supported the efforts of the Conservation Department at the Chronic Wasting Disease and deer health public meetings. Senator Schaefer helped stop legislation that would challenge the Conservation Commission’s authority of setting hunting and fishing seasons, methods and limits.

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Susan Flader, ColumbiaConservationist of the Year:

For the most outstanding overall conservation effort and achievement or most significant contribution to the cause of conservation or toward the solution of a major conservation problem in the state during the year. Susan Flader is well published and has been a remarkable educator inspiring hun-dreds of present and future conservation and environment leaders. Her work is known nationally and internationally.

Senator Kurt Schaefer, Columbia

Representative Nate Walker, Kirksville

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After years of planning and coordination, the Missouri Trail Alliance, with Missouri Park and Recreation Association as its chair, is proud to announce that VisitMissouriTrails.com is

available for trail users across the country.Missouri is home to thousands of miles of the nation’s

finest trails, ready for every kind of user to experience and enjoy. For that reason, Missouri was named the 2013 Best Trails State by American Trails. Now the state’s trail managers and trail enthusiasts have created a one-stop-shop for trail users looking for a specific type of experience. Find the perfect trail that suits your schedule, location and ability.

You will find managed trails available to users with all interests – walking, hiking, bicycling, equestrian, mountain biking, and boating – searchable by zip code, city or county. Eventually, the site will allow you to plan your adventures, share your memories, and take part in the rich tradition that is the Missouri trail system more easily than ever before.

“This website exhibits the ground floor of this amazing resource – searchable by all the criteria mentioned above and much more,” says Jan Neitzert, Missouri Park and

Recreation Association Executive Director. “As more agencies and organizations upload their data, it will grow to become the premier resource for those looking for a local activity or for those coming to America just to ‘hit the trails!’”

MPRA was joined by a number of partners to bring this to fruition. This venture was made possible by the support of Great Rivers Greenway District, Missouri Department of Natural Resources – Division of State Parks, Kansas City Parks and Recreation, Ozark Trails Association, Springfield-Greene County Park Board, City of Clayton Parks and Recreation, and web designer SteadyRain.

If you are interested in knowing more, visit www.visitmissouritrails.com today and take a look around. Don’t see your favorite information there? Leave a message and we’ll get back to you. The site needs funding to keep up with new information, and to keep it accurate, so if this cause speaks to you please contact the Missouri Trail Alliance at [emailprotected].

Thousands of Missouri Trails All in One PlaceMissouri Trail Alliance launches VisitMissouriTrails.com

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AUDUBON SOCIETY OF MISSOURIMaY 2: Spring Meeting, Jefferson CityMaY 17: Public Field Trip, Gans Recreation Area, Columbia (8:00am); Louise Flenner (573) 268-7468MaY 31: Public Field Trip, Ozark Caverns - Lake Ozarks State Park, Linn Creek

GREENWAY NETWORKMaY 4: Dardenne Creek Monitoring Day (8:30am - 2:00pm)MaY 5: Monthly Board Meeting, Saint Peters (7:00pm - 9:00pm)MaY 10: Kiefer Creek Hike, Castlewood State Park, Ballwin (10:00am - 12:00pm); Lorin (314) 727-0600MaY 12: Race for the Rivers Meeting (7:00pm - 9:00pm)MaY 14: Big Muddy Paddle Series, MDC French-town Boat Launch (4:30pm)MaY 14: Bid Muddy Speaker Series, Big A’s Restaurant, Saint Charles (6:30pm)MaY 17: Saint Charles County Storm Drain Mark-ing Kick OffJUNe 2: Monthly Board Meeting, Saint Peters (7:00pm - 9:00pm)JUNe 7: Saint Charles County Storm Drain Marking (9:00am - 1:00pm)JUNe 7: National Trails Day, Saint Charles (10:00am - 3:00pm); Sue Love (636) 940-3322JUNe 9: Race for the Rivers Meeting (7:00pm - 9:00pm)JUNe 11: Big Muddy Paddle Series, MDC French-town Boat Launch (4:30pm)JUNe 11: Big Muddy Speaker Series, Big A’s Restaurant, Saint Charles (6:30pm)JUNe 14: Kiefer Creek Hike, Castlewood State Park, Ballwin (10:00am - 12:00pm); Lorin (314) 727-0600

MID MISSOURI TROUT UNLIMITEDJUNe 3: Annual Hot Dog Burn, Gordon Shelter - Stephens Lake Park (5:30pm - 9:30pm)

MISSISSIPPI VALLEY DUCK HUNTERS ASSOCIATIONMaY 26: Monthly Board Meeting, American LegionJUNe 23: Monthly Board Meeting, American Legion

MISSOURI BOW HUNTERS ASSOCIATIONMay 18: State 3D Championship, Carrollton, MOJune 7 & 8: State 600 Championship (NFAA Sanc-

tioned), Forest Park, St. Louis, MO; Steve Bridger (816) 419-2310

MISSOURI DUCKS UNLIMITEDMaY 1: Saint Louis Sponsors Fun Shoot, Strathalbyn Farms Club, Weldon Springs (12:30pm - 6:00pm); Chip Wagner (314) 496-8283 or Mike Checkett (901) 277-9118MaY 2: Joplin Gun Bash, Twin Hills Country Club, Joplin (5:30pm - 9:00pm); Jon Mathis (417) 499-0637 or Bret Gosch (417) 438-3868MaY 8: White River Sponsor Event, County Club, West Plains (6:00pm - 9:00pm); Justin Brown (417) 505-8701MaY 10: Old Monroe Shoot, Blackhawk Valley Shooting Club, Old Monroe (10:00am - 4:00pm); Cathy Kleinsorge (314) 578-1245 or Caleb Rowland (636) 443-5091MaY 17: Saint Louis Mid County Dinner, Crest-wood Elks Lodge, Saint Louis (6:00pm - 10:00pm); Caroline Whiting (314) 583-3749 or Eddie Whiting (314) 450-6420JUNe 30: Missouri Ducks Unlimited License Plate Renewal; Todd Carlton (573) 893-7449


FUNDRAISING BANQUETSMaY 3: Carroll County Longbeards, Rupe Center, Carrollton; Joe McCumber (660) 322-0801MaY 9: Jacomo Strutters, Sportsmen’s Club, Lake Lotawana; Norbert Kurok (816) 560-0799MaY 31: Randolph County Longbeards, Saint Pius X Gymnasium, Moberly; Larry Terry (660) 651-8636MaY 31: King City Strutters, Tri County Alternative Energy, King City; Justin Washburn (660) 483-0071JUNe 5: Lost Creek Longbeards, VFW Post, Warrenton; Gary Janes (636) 456-1161JUNe 7: Branson Tri Lakes, Clarion Hotel, Branson; Jack Livingston (417) 699-3481JUNe 20: Crowleys Ridge Limbhangers, Eagles Lodge, Dexter; Kyle Ouzts (573) 258-0770JUNe 20: Sand Hills Thundering Toms, Wild Idea Archery, Seymour; Jeff Ford (417) 880-7173JUNe 21: Turkey Creek Longbeards, Elks Lodge, Joplin; Terry Greer (417) 206-6447JUNe 21: Bollinger County Double Beards, First Baptist Church , Marble Hill; Randy Pogue (573) 238-3234

CALLING CONTESTSJUNe 6: 2nd Annual Ozarks Wild Turkey Calling Competition, Civic Center, West Plains; Jim McFar-land (417) 274-3176

WHEELIN SPORTSMEN EVENTSMaY 3: Willard Thunderin Gobblers, Community Center, Willard; Randy Bussard (417) 827-0513MaY 17: Wheelin Sportsmen Shoot, 44 Club, Waynesville; David Howlett (573) 765-8568JUNe 14: Bootheel Boss Gobblers, American Legion Hall, Benton; Timothy Schwent (573) 225-3740JUNe 14: Bootheel Boss Gobblers Clay Bird Shoot, Midwest Shooting Sports Clay Range, Marble Hill; Randy Huehn (573) 587-6184

MISSOURI PARKS AND RECREATION ASSOCIATIONMaY 7: Region 2 Meeting, City Hall, Hermann (10:00am)MaY 16: Glow Ball Golf Tournament (2 Person Scramble), L.A. Nickell Golf Course, ColumbiaJUNe 6: Region 3 Meeting, Nixa (11:00am - 1:00pm)JUNe 13: Board Meeting, Jefferson City (10:00am)

MISSOURI PRAIRIE FOUNDATIONMaY 3: Lush Charity Pot Lotion Party, The Galleria, Brentwood (12:00pm - 5:00pm)MaY 24: Field Trip to Union Ridge Conservation Area, Spring Creek Ranch Natural Area, Green-castle (10:00am - 2:00pm)JUNe 7: 5th Annual Prairie BioBlitz, Gayfeather Prairie - Vernon CountyJUNe 14: Grow Native! Workshop, University of Missouri’s Bradford Farm, Columbia (8:00am - 2:00pm)JUNe 21: Grow Native! Field Tour and Picnic Dinner, Double T Farm, Saint Elizabeth (4:00pm - 7:00pm)JUNe 28: Tour of Welsch Tract Restoration Project, Dade County (7:00pm - 9:00pm)

MISSOURI TROUT FISHERMEN’S ASSOCIATIONSPRINGFIELD EVENTSMaY 1: Fly Fishing Class (6:00pm - 9:50pm)MaY 3: Fly Fishing Class, Roaring River State Park (9:00am - 4:00pm)MaY 17-18: Spring Derby, Bennett Spring State ParkJUNe 5: Monthly Meeting (6:00pm - 9:00pm)JUNe 6-7: Discover Nature Woman’s Event, Windermere Resort

KANSAS CITY EVENTSMaY 3: Kid’s Derby, Lake JacomoMaY 3: Kid’s Derby, Bennett Spring State ParkMaY 17-18: Spring Derby, Bennett Spring State ParkMaY 24-25: 9th Annual Fly Fishing Expo, Read-ing’s Fly ShopMaY 27: Club Meeting (7:00pm)JUNe 7-8: Missouri Free Fishing WeekendJUNe 24: Club Meeting (7:00pm)

SAINT LOUIS EVENTSMaY 17-18: Spring Derby, Bennett Spring State Park


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MISSOURI WHITETAILS UNLIMITEDMaY 10: Pike County Twin Rivers Chapter Ban-quet, Pike County Fairgrounds, Bowling GreenJUNe 28: Banks Black Island Chapter Banquet, Parish Center, Portageville

MULE DEER FOUNDATIONMaY 10: MULEY Kids Event, Rod and Gun Club, Sedalia; (660) 530-5500

OPEN SPACE COUNCILJUNe 1: Paddle for a Cause (1:30pm); (314) 835-9225

OZARK FLY FISHERSMaY 1: Intermediate Fly Casting, Tilles Park, Saint LouisMaY 8: Intermediate Fly Casting, Tilles Park, Saint LouisMaY 12: Board Meeting, Creve Coeur (7:00pm - 9:00pm)MaY 15: Intermediate Fly Casting, Tilles Park, Saint Louis

MaY 16-18: Montauk OutingMaY 22: General Membership Meeting, Greens-felder Recreation Complex, Queeny Park (7:00pm)JUNe 2: Board Meeting, Creve Coeur (7:00pm - 9:00pm)JUNe 26: General Membership Meeting, Tilles Park, Saint Louis

OZARK WILDERNESS WATERWAYS CLUBMaY 10: Potluck Dinner, Swope Park, Kansas City (6:30pm - 7:30pm)MaY 10: Business Meeting, Swope Park, Kansas City (7:30pm - 9:00pm)JUNe 14: Potluck Dinner, Swope Park, Kansas City (6:30pm - 7:30pm)JUNe 14: Business Meeting, Swope Park, Kansas City (7:30pm - 9:00pm)

POMME DE TERRE CHAPTER MUSKIES, INC.MaY 17: Muskie Mayhem and Club Meeting; George Donner (816) 678-1623JUNe 7-8: Northern Missouri Muskie Trail Outing and Meeting; Wayne Humphrey (314) 440-2173 or

Tim Dunaway (573) 588-4082JUNe 21: Kids and Family Day, Pittsburg State Park; Dan Diemert (314) 752-9971 or Phil White (816) 518-8459

ROCKY MOUNTAIN ELK FOUNDATIONMaY 10: Three Rivers Buglers Big Game Banquet, Poplar Bluff; LeNard Wagganer (573) 728-5030MaY 24: South Central Missouri Big Game Ban-quet, West Plains; Paul Adelsberger (417) 469-0062

SAINT LOUIS AUDUBON SOCIETYMaY 3: Honeysuckle Kill, McKelvey Woods Park (9:00am - 12:00pm)MaY 17: Honeysuckle Kill, Creve Coeur Park, Maryland Heights (9:00am - 12:00pm)

CFM EVENTSJUNe 21: Board Meeting, School of Natural Resources, ColumbiaaUG 9: Sporting Clay Shoot, River Hills Sporting Clays, Boonville

8th Annual Pull For Conservation Weekend August 8-9

The date for CFM’s 8th Annual Pull For Conservation Sporting Clays Classic has been set for August 9, 2014. The CFM shoot committee is already planning to ensure this year’s late summer event continues to grow. Colum-bia Bass Pro Shops is once again providing the prizes and if you have never attended this annual fun shoot make plans to join us this year for a great time at River Hills Sporting Clays.

In addition, David Smith and his Columbia Bass Pro team will once again host our Pre-shoot banquet inside the Columbia store. Mark your calendars now and don’t miss out on a fun filled evening on Friday, August 8 and stick

around and have a blast at the shoot on Saturday, August 9. Register early for the shoot or purchase your banquet tickets by contacting the CFM office (800) 575-2322 or visit or website at www.confedmo.org. Have a safe and successful Spring and we’ll see you in August!

Shooters on the individual course in 2013. Photo credit: Debra Lee.

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The delegates of this year’s Conservation Federation of Missouri Annual Convention voted to adopt 33 resolutions on current issues. The convention challenged more than 200 CFM members, meeting in natural resource committee sessions, to debate current conservation issues and develop position statements, when appropriate.

Action letters have been sent to agency leaders, legislators (state and national), non-profit directors, and others, requesting their response.

Each resolution concludes with “Resolved that the Conservation Federation of Missouri assembled at the Capitol Plaza Hotel, Jefferson City, MO, this 23rd day of March, 2014...”

#1: CFM Support of Providing Adequate Restroom Facilities for State and Federal Public Land...urges the state and federal resource agencies to make budgeting for these amenities a priority as these structures play such an important role in the visitor experience.

#2: Save Missouri’s Largest National Park...does hereby reaffirm its longstanding and strong interest in the well-being of the Riverways and the national park that is charged with their proper stewardship and opposes any legislation advocating transfer of the Ozark National Scenic Riverways to the State of Missouri or obligating any state agency to assume costs of operation and maintenance.

#3: Support for Missouri Water Quality Standards Triennial Review...supports the adoption of new ammonia and bacteria criteria.

#4: Protect Missouri’s Underground Aquifers by Encouraging and Assisting with the Plugging of Abandoned Wells...encourages the Department of Natural Resources to enhance their program that will assist with the plugging of abandoned wells.

#5: CFM Support of Wetlands Reserve Program...encourages the United States Congress to increase funding for

Wetlands Reserve Program that would support a national cap of at least 250,000 acres annually.

#6: CFM Members in Fishing Education...encourages its members to become certified fishing instructors and help with the mission of outdoor education.

#7: Funding for Fishing Clubs...requests that the Missouri Department of Conservation create grants for such things as equipment purchase, travel expense and instruction to be awarded to high schools that create student fishing clubs.

#8: DESE Teaching Certification Requirements...recommends that the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education installs a component to the teaching certificate training requiring that educators receive training in Discover Nature Schools or a certification in either Project Learning Tree, Project Wet, Project Flying Wild or a similar conservation related curriculum.

#9: Habitat Requirements in Farm Conservation Plans...recommends that the Natural Resource Conservation Service revise their requirements for landowner conservation plans to include wildlife habitat concerns.

#10: Establish Well-managed Grazing as an Acceptable Mid-contract Management Practice Under the Conservation Reserve Program...works with Missouri Farm Service Agency leaders to add prescribed grazing for wildlife habitat to the list of acceptable Conservation Reserve Program mid-contract management practices and waive the twenty-five percent penalty.

#11: Adjustment of Conservation Reserve Program Rental Rates...recommends that the Farm Service Agency take steps to address this issue.

#12: Health Study of Bobwhite Quail from Areas with Low Population Density...recommends that the Missouri Department of Conservation implement a controlled study to determine the effect of disease and parasites of quail in Missouri.

#13: Nest Predator Study...recommends that the Missouri Department of Conservation do a study on nest predation to determine the impact on quail populations.

#14: Lack of Quail Response to Habitat Work...urges that the Missouri Department of Conservation determine a reason why habitat efforts have not led to significant population increases on Department

CFM Debates Issues: Annual Convention Produces Conservation Resolutions

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land including the Quail Emphasis Areas as well on private land.

#15: Development of a Native Warm-season Grass Program for Agricultural Grazing...encourages the Missouri Department of Conservation in cooperation with the Natural Resource Conservation Service and interested non-profit organizations to develop and promote a program with added incentives to already existing cost share programs to cover lost income during establishment, encouraging grazers to incorporate native warm-season grass species into their livestock production strategy.

#16: Increase of Cover of Missouri Department of Conservation Quail Emphasis Areas and Other State Areas with Potential for Bobwhite Quail Populations...encourages the Missouri Department of Conservation to further increase the presence of native shrubby cover and high quality brood rearing and nesting cover on Missouri Department of Conservation grounds as outlined in the 2014 quail plan to meet the stated 20 percent habitat requirement of bobwhite quail.

#17: Not Approved

#18: Missouri State Park Ranger Day...encourages Governor Nixon and the Missouri State Legislature to recognize World Ranger and proclaim the day in Missouri.

#19: OAKs Funding...encourages the Conservation Federation of Missouri Board of Directors to consider an annual budget line for the OAKs Committee to operate and engage partners on special projects.

#20: Ozark National Scenic Riverways Management Plan...supports the National Park Service

preferred plan B and requests appropriate funding to the National Park Service to implement and manage the plan in a mission to promote citizen-led conservation.

#21: CFM Support of Parks, Soils and Water Sales Tax...recommends full support from all Missourians for the renewal and passage of the Parks, Soils and Water Sales Tax, thus providing the appropriate funding for the continuing efforts to maintain, enhance, protect and leave a legacy for future generations as they continue to protect and care for Missouri’s natural resources, parks, soil and water conservation efforts.

#22: Support Bond Initiative to Fund Missouri State Parks Capital Improvement Projects...urges the Missouri State Legislature and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources to support the issuance of general obligation bonds to maintain and upgrade the infrastructure of state parks all throughout Missouri in order to provide construction jobs to benefit the economy, increase ecotourism rates, provide employment opportunities for the younger generation and provide a better environment for outdoor recreation.

#23: Missouri State Agencies and Corporate Agencies Should Require Diversified Plants to Promote Native Pollinators...suggests that all state and federal agencies use a minimum of 30 percent diversified seeding mixtures that are required for pollinators for plantings funded with state and/or federal funds.

#24: CFM Support of Missouri Solar Industry...urges the Missouri General Assembly, the Public Service Commission and regulated electric utilities (Kansas City Power & Light

and Ameren Missouri) to work together to reinstate the rebates provided under law with a provision to step down the rebates to zero in 2020 as currently agreed upon.

#25: Small Game Management...encourages the Missouri Department of Conservation to increase management and allocate more resources for small game, such as squirrel, rabbit and bullfrog population improvement.

#26: Position Statement on Lead (Pb) Ammunition and Fishing Tackle...recognizes Pb has been known for centuries to be a broad-spectrum toxin to humans and wildlife, work toward a voluntary long-term reduction in the use of traditional Pb based ammunition and fishing tackle, and promote nontoxic or non-Pb alternatives, while recognizing complete replacement may not be possible. Recognize reduction of Pb for hunting, fishing and shooting will require collaboration and cooperation among many different stakeholders, including wildlife professionals, hunters, anglers, policymakers, ammunition and tackle manufacturers, retailers and general public. Advocate for communication and information strategies that build partnerships and acknowledge the crucial role hunters and anglers play in conservation. Support coordinated communication/information efforts to promote greater public awareness and understanding of the consequences of Pb exposure to wildlife populations and emphasize the benefits to wildlife and the environment from using nontoxic and non-Pb ammunition and tackle alternatives. Request the Missouri Department of Conservation develop and implement strategies to increase understanding and awareness

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regarding the consequences of Pb exposure to wildlife and emphasizing the benefits of using nontoxic and non-Pb. Suggest outreach efforts include regulation brochures, conservation area signs or kiosks, hunter education materials, incentive programs to convert to non-Pb ammunition and tackle, live shooting demonstrations with nontoxic and non-Pb ammunition, websites and the Missouri Conservationist magazine.

#27: CFM Encourages the Department of Natural Resources to Research and Develop Means to Address Historic Waste Disposal Sites...encourages the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and other interested parties to research and develop means to address historic waste disposal sites.

#28: CFM Supports the Department of Natural Resources in Their Efforts to Establish and Implement a Robust Cleanup Program for Lead Contaminated Sites...supports the Department of Natural Resources in their efforts to establish and implement a robust cleanup program for lead contaminated sites.

#29: CFM Supports the Department of Natural Resources Statewide Waste Pesticide Collections Program in Conducting Additional Events...supports the Department of Natural Resources Statewide Waste Pesticide Collection Program in conducting additional collection events.

#30: CFM Supports the Extension of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources’ 50-cent Scrap Tire Fee...supports the extension of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources’ 50-cent scrap tire fee.

#31: Captive Wildlife Inspection Program...requests the Missouri Department of Conservation revise and improve their process, policies and regulations pertaining to the inspection, record-keeping and enforcement of regulations that apply to captive cervid facilities in the following respects: 1. Increase the frequency of inspection of captive cervid facilities to at least one mandatory inspection per year; and 2. The Missouri Department of Conservation should consistently issue citations for documented violations; and 3. The Missouri Department of Conservation should develop standard reporting forms to be used by Missouri’s captive cervid industry; and 4. The Missouri Department of Conservation should electronically store and maintain captive wildlife inspection records at a central location for a minimum of fifteen years; and 5. The Missouri Department of Conservation should implement a program to train their personnel to thoroughly and uniformly inspect deer facilities; and 6. The Missouri Department of Conservation Protection Division should publish an annual report of captive wildlife programs including the number of inspections, escapes, mortalities, citations issued and fines assessed.

#32: Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)...finds that the Missouri Department of Conservation’s system for permitting deer facilities requires strengthening in many respects; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Conservation Federation of Missouri suggests that the Missouri Department of Conservation and the Missouri

Conservation Commission conduct a thorough review of their deer facility permitting program with input from the public; and, be it furtherRESOLVED, that the Conservation Federation of Missouri suggests that the Missouri Department of Conservation and the Missouri Conservation Commission make the following procedural changes and regulatory modifications: 1. Permits must have all landowners sign an application and be included as permittees, not just operator if different from landowner(s); and 2. If the operator is not the landowner, the operator must also sign the application and be a co-permittee with the landowner; and 3. Ask permit applicant to confirm whether the permittee is a sole proprietor, partnership or corporation. If a partnership, require all partners to sign application. If a corporation, confirm that the corporation is in good standing with the Secretary of State’s office; and 4. Application must require submission of property deed for verification of all owners; and 5. A legal description and map of the pen area should be required to be on the application and permit; and 6. Permits, including permit renewals, must go on public notice for thirty days. The draft permit shall include the names of all owners and operators and the physical location of the facility. The public notice for permit renewals shall also summarize the status of the facility’s compliance with its permit during the last permit cycle and the Missouri Wildlife Code; and 7. Changes to fence boundaries or other structures, beyond routine maintenance and repair, must be approved as an amendment to the existing permit and inspected/approved prior to use; and 8. All herd plans shall go on public notice for thirty days and be posted on the Missouri Department of

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Kelsey Albin, Bolivar

Dennis Ballard, Sturgeon

Lynn Barnickol, Jefferson City

David & Mary Beffa, Jefferson City

Casey Bergthold, Paris

Jeffrey Beringer, Columbia

Kevin Borisenko, Ashland

Lakeya Brantley, Saint Louis

David Calandro, Joplin

Jennifer Campbell-Allison, Jefferson City

Nick Cavaness, Polk

Shawn Colborn, Warrensburg

Arnold Compton, Excello

Billie Cooper, Saint James

Michael Corwin, Columbia

Jeanne Crews, Saint Louis

Thomas Dailey, Columbia

Scott Darling, Kearney

Gerald Ebker, Fenton

Keith Ebker, Fenton

Lucas Evans, Point Lookout

Shirley Flatt, Cainsville

Julia Frank Hundman, Saint Louis

Ron Gaber, Kirksville

Terry Gerke, Houstonia

Eric Green, Springfield

Kurt Homeyer, Raymondville

Michael Hubbard, Jefferson City

Scott James, Benton

Gary Keith, Mexico

Kenneth Kieser, Olathe, KS

Trevor La Clair, Columbia

Denver Long, Marshall

Josh Marshall, Gilman City

Ina Metzger Linville, Columbia

Norman Murray, Jefferson City

Terry Pollard, Jefferson City

Steve Remspecher, Ballwin

Donald Richardson, Ballwin

William Sanders, Kirksville

Jennifer Sargent, Belton

Brian Schewiss, Jefferson City

Craig Scott, Warrensburg

Heather Seever, Agency

Ted Seiler, Macon

Rachel Settle, Springfield

Blake Simmons, Point Lookout

Ben Smith, Springfield

Sophia Smith, Warrensburg

Deborah Spalding, Guiford, CT

Tim Staelens, Columbia

Hank Stelzer, Columbia

Eddie Sterling, Fenton

Robert Stout, Jefferson City

Jack Stowe, Kansas City

Scott Sudkamp, Sheldon

Pat Vitello, Holts Summit

Bill White, Jefferson City

Dalton Whittle, Odessa

Dana Wynen, Springfield


CFM would like to thank the 351 members that renewed since our last publication.

Conservation’s web page; and 9. All permittees shall be enrolled in a CWD program (on movement of ALL cervids). No more “voluntary” program; and 10. The Missouri Department of Conservation should develop a points system for revoking or suspending permits. The points system should undergo public notice for comment and to make sure the cervid industry is aware of the point system; and 11. Permit language should make reference to points system and potential for suspension of revocation of permit; and 12. Regulation and permit should require monthly submission of a report on all changes in deer numbers (e.g. imports, deer that died, shot, missing, escaped, transported out); and 13. Permit application and monthly reports must include a signatory’s certification statement (allows prosecution for perjury); and 14. Application and permit should

include language in which they acknowledge their permit could be suspended or revoked and they could be required to depopulate; and 15. Regulation and permit should allow the Missouri Department of Conservation to quarantine contaminated areas on property from which deer must be excluded; which may require continuation of deer proof fence after depopulation to prevent deer access to contaminated areas; and 16. Permit fees should be adjusted if necessary to help cover the Missouri Department of Conservation expenses associated with administering the program; and 17. Sale of the $10.00 “Hunting preserve hunting permit” required for those hunting on permitted game preserves should be moved from the current on-site, paper-based system to the main Missouri Department of Conservation permit system, to be acquired from vendors or on-line. Currently permits are not on the public record nor maintained

anywhere other than on-site. These permits should be part of the public record subject to the Missouri Sunshine Law; and 18. Hunter education requirements for game preserve permit holders are not adequately screened. There should be a system to ensure these shooters are certified.

#33: Bear Scare in Missouri...encourages the Missouri Department of Conservation to emphasize appreciation of black bears in Missouri while educating the public regarding the minimal threat they pose to human safety.

#34: Retaining the Right to Harvest Deer by Center-Fire Rifle...encourages state legislators and the Missouri Department of Conservation to protect the hunting heritage of Missourians by retaining their right to pursue deer with center-fire rifles.

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Following the testing of 3,666 free-ranging deer harvested during and after the 2013 deer-hunting season, the

Missouri Department of Conserva-tion (MDC) has detected no addi-tional cases of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in Missouri free-ranging deer.

The total number of confirmed cases in Missouri free-ranging deer remains limited to 10 found in 2012 and early 2013. All were from a small area of northwest Macon County near where CWD was confirmed in 10 captive deer in 2012 at a private hunting preserve. Missouri’s first case of CWD was discovered in 2010 in a captive deer at private hunting facility in southeast Linn County owned by the same private hunting preserve.

“While I am cautiously optimistic that these latest test results suggest our efforts to limit the spread of CWD may be working, the threat of this infectious disease remains signifi-cant,” said MDC State Wildlife Vet-erinarian Kelly Straka. “Therefore, continued surveillance is important.”

Of the 3,666 deer tested, 1,520 were from Department’s CWD Containment Zone of Chariton, Randolph, Macon, Linn, Sullivan, and Adair counties. Of the 1,520, 206 were from the 30-square-mile CWD Core Area around the private hunt-ing preserve in Macon County where cases of the disease were discovered in captive deer.

The remaining 2,146 test samples were gathered from deer harvested outside of the six-county Contain-ment Zone as part of MDC’s ongoing statewide sampling effort.

As done in the past two years, MDC again worked with local land-owners during January and February to harvest and test 147 free-ranging deer as part of 206 samples col-lected in the CWD Core Area. The effort was done to monitor infection rates and help limit the spread of the disease from deer to deer by reducing local deer numbers.

“More than 90 percent of Missouri land is privately owned, so landown-ers are vital to deer management and to our ongoing efforts to limit the spread of CWD,” Dr. Straka said. “We greatly appreciate the coopera-tion of local landowners in the CWD Core Area who participated in this effort. Their sacrifice in temporar-ily reducing local deer numbers is

helping to protect the health of deer throughout the state.”

She added that MDC will continue working with hunters and landowners to test harvested free-ranging deer for CWD during future deer seasons.

Missouri offers some of the best deer hunting in the country, and deer hunting is an important part of many Missourians’ lives and family traditions. Infectious diseases such as CWD could reduce hunting and wildlife-watching opportunities for Missouri’s nearly 520,000 deer hunt-ers and almost two million wildlife watchers.

Deer hunting is also an important economic driver in Missouri and gives a $1 billion annual boost to state and local economies. Lower deer num-

MDC Testing Results Show No New Cases of Chronic Wasting Disease

A 10-point white-tailed deer buck stands in a field. Photo credit: Noppadol Paothong.

While promising news, the fatal disease for deer remains a significant threat

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In 1988, a small group of anglers got fed up with unsightly trash disrupting their fishing in Roubi-doux Creek. These conservation-

minded Missourians decided to clean this section of stream in south-central Missouri. In doing so, they formed the first Missouri Stream Team in 1989. The Roubidoux Fly Fishers Association (Stream Team 1) is still going strong 25 years later. During that time, the Missouri Stream Team Program has grown to more than 4,000 Stream Teams around the state with more than 85,000 volunteers.

The Missouri Stream Team Pro-gram is a citizen-led effort to con-serve Missouri streams. Sponsored by the Missouri Department of Conser-vation (MDC), the Missouri Depart-ment of Natural Resources (DNR), and the Conservation Federation of Missouri (CFM), the Program focuses on education, stewardship, and advo-cacy for Missouri stream resources.

“The success of the Stream Team Program is a great example of how Missourians care about conserv-ing fish, forests, and wildlife, and how MDC, DNR and CFM work with citizens to conserve our natu-

ral resources,” said MDC Fisheries Biologist Amy Meier, one of several Stream Team biologists with the Conservation Department. “Stream Team activities also provide unique opportunities to discover nature in new and exciting ways.”

Meier added that the ongoing work of more than 4,000 stream teams and their more than 85,000 volunteers have made enormous positive impacts on the health of Missouri’s streams over the last 25 years. That work includes volunteers giving more than 2.2 million hours of time, energy and passion, removing more than 10,000 tons (20 million pounds) of trash from Missouri waterways, planting nearly 265,000 trees along streams, conducting more than 25,000 water quality monitor-ing trips, and stenciling more than 17,000 storm drains.

“Stream Team volunteers have a passion for clean, healthy streams and do amazing work to help im-prove our streams and other waters so Missourians can enjoy clean drink-

Bernie Arnold of Stream Team 211 digs muck out of a 1,200-pound tire during a massive two-day tire roundup in southeast Missouri in August 2013. This particular tire was so massive it could be seen in the stream in satellite images. Nearly 900 tires were removed from streams and sink-holes in two days. Photo credit: MDC.

bers from infectious diseases such as CWD could hurt 12,000 Missouri jobs and many businesses that rely on deer hunting as a significant source of revenue, such as meat processors, taxidermists, hotels, restaurants, sporting goods stores, and others. CWD also threatens the investments of thousands of private landowners who manage their land for deer and deer hunting, and who rely on deer and deer hunting to maintain property values.

Chronic wasting disease infects only deer and other members of the deer family by causing degeneration of the brain. The disease has no vaccine or cure and is 100-percent fatal. CWD is spread both directly from deer to deer and indirectly to deer from infected soil and other surfaces. Deer and oth-er cervids can have CWD for several years without showing any symptoms. Once symptoms are visible, infected animals typically die within one or two months. Once well established in

an area, CWD has been shown to be impossible to eradicate.

For more information on CWD, including what MDC is doing to limit the spread, and what hunters and oth-ers can do to help, go online to mdc.mo.gov/node/16478.

Joe JerekNews Services Coordinator, MDC

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Celebrate 25 Years of Missouri Stream Teams Keeping Our Waters Clean

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ing water and outstanding recreational opportunities” Meier said.

To celebrate 25 years of education, stewardship and advocacy for Missouri stream resources, the Missouri Stream Team Program is inviting all Teams (and new volunteers) to participate in “25 Days of Stream Team” events around the state. Running from March to October, events include stream cleanups, water monitoring efforts, education activities, storm-drain stenciling, and more. For a calendar of events, visit mostreamteam.org.

“The anniversary celebration is an effort to increase awareness of citizen-led stream conservation efforts, to en-courage participation in the many types of activities that Stream Teams perform, to recognize the accomplishments of Stream Teams over the last 25 years, and to demon-strate how Stream Teams benefit our aquatic resources,” Meier said.

She added that participants can track their activities to receive special appreciation items for attending multiple events, and be entered into a drawing for larger prizes at the end of the year.

“Missouri is fortunate to have 110,000 miles of flow-ing waters, and the Stream Team Program continues to spread the word about keeping them clean, healthy, and safe,” Meier said. “Even seemingly little things citizens do to help streams makes big differences, such as planting trees and native vegetation along streams, picking up lit-ter, performing water-friendly lawn practices, and educat-ing others about the importance of clean water.”

The Stream Team Program is open to anyone in Mis-souri with an interest in streams and offers a variety of activities for individuals, families, schools, and communi-ties regardless of age, background, or ability. For more information, visit the website at mostreamteam.org or on Facebook at facebook.com/mostreamteams.

The places and stories in Missouri River Country are part of the fabric and life of East-central Missouri and the St. Louis Region, a piece of its heritage and culture. It captures the es-sence of both the land and waters associated with one of the world’s greatest rivers. The route that Lewis and Clark took, and that made St. Louis the Gateway to the West, was the Mis-souri River. The original essays and photographs in this book follow the first 100 miles of that river west from St. Louis. We think that you will enjoy the trip.

Missouri River Country is a great gift as a table top book or as an addition to your own conservation library. The book can now be ordered from the Conservation Federation of Missouri (CFM) for $39.95 plus shipping and handling by contacting the CFM office.

Now Available from CFMMissouri River Country

100 Miles of Stories And Scenery From Hermann To The Confluence

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Order yours today! Just call CFM toll-free at (800) 575-2322.

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5901 S. Highway 163 Columbia, MO 65203 Check-In begins at 8:00 am Run/Walk starts at 9:30 am

$30 Adults - Advanced registration online or mail before June 1st $40 Adults - Race Day registration on June 28th starting at 8:00am $20 Youth Under 18 $15 Youth Under 12

*Not guaranteed a t-shirt registering

the day of the event

Snacks and water provided. shuttle service available: If park-ing is filled, secondary location labeled on the event map will be used.

Cut out and mail the official entry form with check payable to: Conservation Federation of Missouri Attn: Conservation Legacy 5K 728 W. Main Street, Jefferson City, MO 65109

InauguralConservation Legacy

Sign up online at www.confedmo.org

OfficiaL eNtrY fOrM - conservation Legacy 5K - June 28, 2014

Last Name: ________________________________________ First: ________________________ Initial: ____

Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Sponsor Name If (If Applicable): _________________________________________________________________

City: ___________________________________________ State: __________ Zip: _____________________

Day Phone: (________) ___________________ Email: _____________________________________________

Date of Birth: ______ / _______ / ______ o Male o Female

Check one: o 5K Run o 5K Walk

T-shirt size: (Circle one): S M L XL XXL Youth S Youth M Youth L

Amount Paid: $_____________________ (Please make checks payable to Conservation Federation of Missouri)

Credit/Debit Card Number: ____________________ ____________________________ Exp. Date _____ / _____

Signature: _________________________________________________________________________________

Waiver: I understand that running or walking in the Conservation Legacy 5k is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not en-ter and run or walk unless I am medically able and properly trained. I assume all risk and responsibility associated with running in the Conservation Legacy 5k, including, but not limited to falls, contacts with other participants, adverse effects of weather, including heat and humidity, traffic and conditions of roadways and trails, all such risk being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts and in consideration of your accepting my application I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on behalf, waiver and release the Conservation Federation of Missouri, Missouri Conservation Leadership Corps, Missouri State Parks, City of Columbia and any and all sponsors and their representatives, supporters and assignees, regarding the Conservation Legacy 5K, of any and all injuries or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this event though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the person named in the waiver.

Date: _____/______/______ Signature of Entrant: _______________________________________________

Saturday, June 28, 2014Rock Bridge Memorial State Park

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We want to once again thank everyone who made this year’s convention a huge success. We would like to

extend our deepest appreciation to all of our sponsors. Special thanks to our key sponsors for their financial contributions to help ensure our convention was a success.

We appreciate those who traveled to share in the fun, fellowship and business of the Federation once again. THANK

2014 Convention – At A Glance

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Steve Jones, Tom Rizzo and Robert Brundage receive the 2013 Presidents Award from Richard Ash.

CLC students, Valerie Jones and Mikenzie Hart help with the live auction.

Attendees at the Awards Ceremony on Friday, March 21.

Quail and Quail Habitat natural resource committee session.

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YOU to all who attended the 2014 convention! Over 30 resolutions passed out of the resource committees. Numerous individuals were recognized formally for outstanding conservation achievements at our Awards Ceremony.

Special thanks goes out to this year’s convention planning committee and to everyone working behind the scenes for their task in pulling off this outstanding event and whose efforts will no doubt help us achieve greater heights in 2015.

2014 Convention – At A Glance

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Youth Leadership and Conservation Education resource committee session.

Left to right: Joel Vance, Hannah Rogers, Marty Vance and Jim Low.

DNR Director, Sara Parker Pauley. CFM Director Emeritus, Dave Murphy.

Quail and Quail Habitat natural resource committee session.

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After being involved with the Conservation Leadership Corps for five years, I graduated from Missouri Southern State University with a B.S. in Biology. I then began my career with the Missouri Department of Conservation. I have worked for the Fisheries Division, the Outreach and Education Division, the Wildlife Division and now, my current position is with the Protection Division as a Conservation Agent in Knox County. I remain a member of the Conservation Federation of Missouri. While in the CLC, I was shown how to be a leader in conservation. That is because CFM is made up of great citizen leaders who showed me how our state’s great conservation legacy came to be and how it will continue to thrive. CFM taught me how important citizen involvement is to the management and conservation of our natural resources. I especially understand that now as I serve the great citizens of our state. It was a pleasure to be in the CLC. I hope I can continue to serve it so we can recruit new leaders for tomorrow’s conservation challenges.

Tyler Green

Life After CLC - Where are you now?

Thank You! Business alliance MeMBersOur sincere thanks to all of our Business Alliance members.

Your support of CFM is making a difference for Missouri outdoors!


silverAssociation of Missouri Electric Cooperatives

Gray Manufacturing Company, Inc.

Middle River Bluffs

NW Electric Power Cooperative, Inc.

Pyramid Home Health Services

BasicBee Rock Outdoor Adventures, LLC

Black Widow Custom Bows, Inc.

Bob McCosh Chevrolet Buick GMC

Brown Printing

Cap America

Citizens Telephone Company

Consolidated Electric Cooperative

Dickerson Park Zoo

Farm Management Service (Dan & Cheri Erdel)

Farmer’s Co-op Elevator Association

Forrest Keeling Nursery

Friends of Ryan McKenna

Full Care Inc.

General Printing Service

Goodwin Brothers Construction Company

Greenbrier Wetland Services

Grundy Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Heartland Restoration, Inc.

Hulett Heating & Air Conditioning

Hunting Works for Missouri

Joe Machens Dealerships

Land & Water Partners, Inc.

Lewis County Rural Electric Cooperative

McRoberts Farm, Inc.

Meramec Bison Farm, LLC

Mid America Mortgage Services, Inc.

Midwest Mailing Services

Osage Canoes, LLC

Platte-Clay County Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Quality Forest Management, LLC

REMAX Boone Realty

R. L.’s Swimming Pools, LLC

Sapaugh Chevrolet Buick GMC Cadillac

Second Creek Deer Blinds

Shade Tree Service, Inc.

Shafer, Kline & Warren, Inc.

Sierra Bullets, LLC

Socket Internet Service, LLC

Sport & Spine Rehabilitation

Tabor Plastics Company

The Bank of Missouri

Thirty 3 Bar & Grill

Thomas Industrial Coatings, Inc.

Trumans Bar & Grill, Inc.

United Electric Cooperative, Inc.

White River Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Associated Missouri Electric Cooperatives Bass Pro Shops Drury Hotels Shelter Insurance



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tEaming with wilDliFE

While working at the registration table during the Conservation Federation of Missouri (CFM) annual convention, I spent some time talking to members of our organiza-

tion. CFM’s members are passionate about conservation, however several did not know the purpose of the Teaming With Wildlife program. I had a very candid conversation with one member about the program and he asked that I write a summary for members who may not be familiar with the work our coalition does. He said it would be a good opportunity to see if any members may belong to an organization or have a business that may want to join.

Teaming with Wildlife (TWW) is a national coalition of more than 6,400 organizations and businesses work-ing together to prevent wildlife from becoming endan-gered. Missouri’s TWW coalition has 315 members. The coalition works to support increased public funding for wildlife conservation, associated recreation and educa-tion in every state. The focus is on conserving lands, protecting clean waters, restoring healthy habitats, and managing wildlife. We work through communication and advo-cacy. The Teaming with Wildlife Coalition includes wildlife biologists, state wildlife agencies, conservation-ists, hunters, anglers, birdwatchers, nature-based businesses and many others who support the goal of restoring and conserving our nation’s wildlife.

Teaming with Wildlife is the largest coalition in con-servation history. Headquartered out of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies office in Washington D.C., the TWW coalition supports the State and Tribal Wild-life Grants Program (SWG). SWG provides federal funds for developing and implementing programs that benefit wildlife and their habitats. The grant funds must be used to address conservation needs identified in a state’s wildlife action plans (i.e. Missouri Department of Conservation - Comprehensive Conservation Strategy).

As an individual, you can help with Teaming with Wild-life by doing 3 simple actions.

1. JOIN the TWW coalition. Any organization or busi-ness may join. If you are a part of a group interested in supporting dedicated funding for fish and wildlife conser-vation, outdoor recreation and conservation education, please ask them to fill out an endorsem*nt form. There is no cost to join. We have small groups (Stream Team of 3) and large organizations and businesses (NWTF, DU, Bass Pro Shops) alike.

2. Speak up. Add your voice to the TWW coalition. Dur-ing the legislative session or when there is a call for new and essential public funding we ask our coalition to reach out to spread the word about the state wildlife action plans. We ask that you encourage others to get involved, too.

3. Be a Part of Conservation Action. Please get outdoors and work with conservation projects on the ground. Con-tribute to the planning process and the implementation of plans. It is rewarding work. It makes you want to speak up for wildlife and wild places. One of my favorite quotes by Winston Churchill is, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” The experience and seeing first-hand results of your actions is gratifying in a way words can’t describe. Future generations will have an outdoor legacy because of you.

In the near future we are go-ing to have a new campaign for supporting conservation and wildlife. The Blue Ribbon Panel will lead the charge. Please con-tribute to the call to action and help Missouri’s Teaming with Wildlife Coalition as we move forward, garner more members

and expand our voice to secure funding for natural invest-ment. If you would like to find out more about Teaming with Wildlife, please visit www.teaming.com or www.moteaming.org

Debra LeeTeaming With Wildlife Coordinator

What is Teaming With Wildlife?

Osage Canoes, LLC

Platte-Clay County Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Quality Forest Management, LLC

REMAX Boone Realty

R. L.’s Swimming Pools, LLC

Sapaugh Chevrolet Buick GMC Cadillac

Second Creek Deer Blinds

Shade Tree Service, Inc.

Shafer, Kline & Warren, Inc.

Sierra Bullets, LLC

Socket Internet Service, LLC

Sport & Spine Rehabilitation

Tabor Plastics Company

The Bank of Missouri

Thirty 3 Bar & Grill

Thomas Industrial Coatings, Inc.

Trumans Bar & Grill, Inc.

United Electric Cooperative, Inc.

White River Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc.

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It’s The People That Make It Happen

As the Missouri Department of Natural Resources began celebrating its 40th anniver-sary this year, I have been

reflecting on our many environmental accomplishments and achievements realized during the last four decades. These successes are reflected in our improved air, land, water quality and our geologic and soil resources. These achievements are also vividly demon-strated through our national recog-nized Missouri State Parks system. However, the story doesn’t end there. It’s also a story of citizens making a difference, organizations connect-ing and yes, agencies. It’s about the people that make it happen, day-in and day-out. It’s the employees who are the backbone of our agency. Their dedication to the department and its mission play a key part in this story of success.

I love the talent and commitment of our staff that are dedicated to pro-tecting Missouri’s natural resources. People like Everett Baker, an engineer in our Northeast Regional Office. Baker began working to protect our drinking water supplies in 1971 before our agency was created. When asked about his career with the de-partment, he said “I am going on my 44th year with the state and I have never been bored. Each day brings a fresh challenge and new problems to solve and things to learn. I have been privileged to see the changes from a front row seat and to have a small part in helping them to happen.”

People like Jackie Gatlin, an executive assistant in our Southwest Regional Office, who also transferred to our agency after it was established. Gatlin loves the outdoors and spent much of her younger years camping and floating the rivers of Missouri. What Gatlin says she appreciates most about the department is its staff, “they are passionate about their work

and understand that protecting the environment is a never-ending job but with dedicated staff, it’s a battle we hopefully will never lose.” Even though she sits in the office process-ing paperwork and assisting staff, as she says, she too feels like she has played a small part in the important and necessary work the department completes day-to-day to protect this beautiful state! And she’s absolutely correct!

People like Mary Donze, who began her career with our Missouri State Parks in 1983 in a temporary job that turned into a 30+ year career. After working in the planning section, she said she fell in love with the park system: “the people who work in it and the resources that we are privi-leged to preserve and interpret. Our award winning and nationally rec-ognized park system is built around a strong mission - to preserve and interpret the state’s most outstanding natural landscapes and cultural landmarks, and to provide outstanding recreational opportunities compatible with those re-sources.” Donze quickly began to understand the importance of the state park mission, the impact that it has on everything we do and how each of our state parks and his-toric sites fills a niche in that mission. And even though Mary didn’t plan on making this her lifelong career, need-less to say, her love for the state park system turned it into one.

Their commitment as well as mine, comes from believing what many of us believe – that public service is a type of calling. We believe that what we do is serving a greater purpose – we are doing something for the com-mon good.

The list of alumni working for this agency is impressive, serving both the

private and public sectors in pursuit of environmental protection, historic preservation, natural history, pres-ervation of unique ecosystems and providing input concerning the very bedrock on which we stand.

It takes a truly passionate person to care for and protect our outstanding natural resources. It’s a quality that many of our department staff encom-passes as well as many of those who have served before us – these great employees have made our agency a success. I have found this same passion and dedication in CFM and its dedicated leaders, employees and members. Like Ed Stegner who dedi-cated four decades to Missourians for conservation of natural resources and protection of our outdoor heritage. As well as Dave Murphy who took CFM to the next level in many ways.

And, now Brandon Butler, who certainly has big shoes to fill but I have every confidence he will con-tinue the legacy of Stegner and Murphy in natural resource protection, find new opportunities to part-ner with our agency while ensuring future genera-

tions of Missourians remain engaged with our state’s incredibly diverse natural resources.

The department’s role in protect-ing our state’s natural and cultural resources is established in law as a re-flection of the public will – that gov-ernment should protect these resourc-es (air, land, water, state parks, etc) in public trust for all Missourians. That same public will -- also helped establish CFM’s organization back in 1935. Together our roles are critically important. Ensuring future genera-tions have quality air, land, water and parks is something that will take the effort of more than just government – there’s a role for all of us.

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Capturing Missouri’s Outstanding Natural Resources – One Photo at a Time

CFM members and all Missou-rians value clean air, water, soils and a healthy outdoors in which to recreate. We

would love for you to help us, the Mis-souri Department of Natural Resourc-es, by capturing and submitting your winning photograph of Missouri’s out-standing natural resources. In honor of our 40th anniversary, the department is hosting the MissouriDNR40 Photo Contest through Aug. 1, 2014.

The MissouriDNR40 Photo Con-test will offer you the opportunity to capture your favorite moments in Missouri’s rich natural and cultural re-sources and share them for all to enjoy. The photo contest is divided into three categories.

Natural Resources: this category includes photographs of Missouri’s air, landscapes and waterways.

Special Places: this category includes photographs taken within one of Mis-souri’s 87 state parks and historic sites.

People and the environment: this category includes photographs of people enjoying Missouri’s natural and cultural resources.

The contest is open to all amateur photographers with no age restrictions. You may submit two photographs per category with a maximum of six total entries, but do not submit duplicate photos in multiple categories. All photographs must be taken in Missouri and documented with the photog-raphers name, contact information,

photo caption and address or location for each photo. Photos may be submit-ted online through the department’s website at dnr.mo.gov/40/photocontest or sent by mail to MissouriDNR Photo Contest, PO Box 176, Jefferson City, MO 65101. If selected as a semifinal-ist, you will be requested to submit a high-resolution electronic file.

Contest winners will have their winning photographs featured in the Winter 2015 issue of the Depart-ment of Natural Resources’ Missouri Resources magazine, promoted on the department’s website at dnr.mo.gov, displayed in the Lewis and Clark

State Office Building, and showcased throughout the department. For a com-plete list of rules and entry form, visit dnr.mo.gov/40/photocontest.

So, grab your camera, capture the moment and submit your entries! Thank you for helping celebrate 40 years of taking care of Missouri’s natu-ral resources. Best of luck!

Sara Parker PauleyDirector, DNR

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While we’ve come a long way during the last 40 years, however, we know there is still work to do. The department’s monitor-ing efforts document this fact. Our next set of envi-

ronmental challenges will include some obstacles that we will have to overcome together – with due dili-gence, sound science, more flexibility and collabora-tive approaches. To learn

more about the department, its accomplishments and a timeline of its history, please visit our website at dnr.mo.gov/40.

With your help, we will continue to work to provide

all Missourians a healthy environment in which to live, work and enjoy the outdoors.

Sara Parker PauleyDirector, DNR

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Spotlight on Missouri State Parks – Watkins Mill State Park and

Watkins Woolen Mill State Historic Site

As you scan the landscape, it’s easy to see why Waltus Lockett Watkins decided to settle in Lawson. The land

that makes up Watkins Mill State Park and the adjoining Watkins Woolen Mill State Historic Site incorporates a large section of the Watkins home farm, including the original 80-acre tract upon which Watkins first settled. Both the park and the site are celebrat-ing their 50th anniversary in 2014.

The area is largely forested, as op-posed to the open prairie with wooded creeks that made up the landscape when the Watkins family settled here 150 years ago. The wooded hillsides were once grazing areas for Watkins livestock, while the creek-side val-leys of white oak, sycamore, bur oak, walnut and slippery elm once pro-vided lumber for Watkins’ mill and the many other buildings in the small community he created.

Today, Watkins Mill State Park of-fers excellent opportunities for camp-ing, hiking, picnicking, fishing and swimming. The most rugged portion of the land was created by the cutting action of Williams Creek. The result-ing small valley, Williams ravine, was never farmed but was left as a source of building lumber. The park system in the late 1960s cleared the area and created Williams Creek Lake, now the park’s focal point.

The 100-acre lake features an acces-sible fishing dock and a boat-launch-ing area. Bass, catfish, crappie and sunfish are plentiful in the blue waters. The sandy swimming beach is a popu-lar spot on a warm, sunny day, and a change house is available nearby.

One of the most popular activities in

the park is riding on the bicycle path that completely encircles the lake. The asphalt-paved tract is popular with walkers as well as bicyclists. Several picnic areas, with tables and barbecue grills, are located along the path. An open picnic shelter is located close to the lake and the bicycle path, making Watkins Mill State Park an ideal day trip from nearby Kansas City.

The park offers abundant wildlife and plants. Visitors regularly see white-tailed deer, wild turkeys and other native animals. The bird popula-tion is abundant with a wide variety of species, some of which are only seen in northwestern Missouri.

Though a popular day-use park, spending a night or more under the stars can really add to the experience. The park’s wooded campground is near the south end of the lake and has two modern restrooms, hot showers, dumping station and coin-operated laundry. Visitors can reserve one of 31 regular sites or three accessible sites by contacting the park office. The rest of the campsites are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

The state historic site, immediately north of the recreation area, is Wat-

kins’ legacy. Its main feature is the three-story woolen mill, the only 19th century textile mill in North America with its original machinery still in place. In fact, both mill and machinery are in such excellent state of preserva-tion that the site is a National His-toric Landmark, as well as a National Mechanical Engineering Historic Landmark.

The site also preserves the Watkins farmstead. A visit to this living history farm offers a glimpse into 19th cen-tury agriculture, technology and fam-ily life. Period gardens and orchards featuring heirloom plants and seeds have been introduced along with vari-ous breeds of livestock, some now rare and endangered.

Tours are conducted daily through both Watkins Mill and the Watkins’ house, where much of the original furnishings remain. Other buildings, including the summer kitchen, fruit dry house, icehouse and smokehouse, have been restored and are open to the public. A visitor center provides exhibits, artifacts and audiovisual programming interpreting one family’s story of 19th century agricultural and industrial Missouri. The nearby 1871

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Stepping on to the grounds of Watkins Woolen Mill State Historic Site is like stepping into 19th century pastorale. The mill is the only 19th century textile mill in the U.S. with its original machinery still intact. Photo credit: DNR.

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church and 1856 octagonal school that the Watkins family attended also have been restored.

A tour of the Watkins Woolen Mill State Historic Site is a fitting accompaniment to a day at Watkins Mill State Park. Both pay tribute to a man and the community he built.

Sara Parker PauleyDirector, DNR

A 100-acre lake with a paved bicycle path around it, plentiful fishing, a pic-turesque campground and choice picnic spots make Watkins Mill State Park an ideal place for an afternoon or longer. Photo credit: DNR.

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Conservation In Missouri - Days Of Future Past?

It is well documented that the Amer-ican conservation movement emerged from the passion and commitment of American sportsmen for the natural resources they loved to pursue. The emergence of American forestry was also largely an offshoot of the fish and wildlife conservation movement. Sportsmen of the 1800s learned you could not conserve wildlife resources without restoration, protection, and management of the forests and woods. In those early years, the land, water, fish, wildlife, and forests were being decimated through abuse and overuse. Sportsmen worked to put a stop to the losses through formation of a sports-man’s code, regulations to protect fish and game, and lobbying for the pro-tection of our natural resources. Our forefathers’ countless efforts resulted in many historically significant conser-vation achievements.

The 1930s was a particularly fertile time for conservation in the United States, and certainly Missouri. Aldo Leopold (nationally), E. Sydney Stephens (Missouri) and many others were motivated by the same passion and concerns, and during this time ad-ditional milestones would be achieved. Today, hunters and anglers remain passionate about the future of fish and wildlife resources, and while the days of market hunting, wanton waste, and extreme resource abuse are gone, more menacing problems exist, including:

• Growing human population and demands for water, energy, and food

• Human disconnect from the natural world

• Sprawl, unplanned development, habitat loss and fragmentation

• Climate change• Invasive species• Privatization of public trust re-

sources• Wildlife trade and trafficking• Fish and wildlife diseases, and their

relationship to human health• Growing public and political con-

tempt for science

Moreover, the increasing empha-sis on the use of technology, absurd expectations for success, and freakish animals created through genetic ma-nipulation, tear the fabric of conserva-tion leaving us with vague remnants and artificiality. Today, the quest to master skills and conquer personal limitations to achieve success in the field has been largely replaced with

gadgetry and gimmicks that will expe-dite the process of catching or killing more and bigger game faster and more efficiently.

Aldo Leopold wrote that “…outdoor recreations are essentially primitive, atavistic; and their value is a contrast-value…”

Fish and wildlife recreation provides us with the ability to step away from our day-to-day lives into another time gone by; another way of life. Even with a modicum of technology and modern advancements in style, we can still make a reasonable journey into the past where we can seek to re-discover our connection to land, water, and wildlife. However, if hunt-ers and anglers wish to preserve those moments, and teach their children and grandchildren about the synchronicity and rhythms of nature, a new conser-vation movement will be required.

This new “movement” will require hunters and anglers to once again unite in finding ways to overcome common challenges in the name of conservation regardless of individual interests and special concerns. How-ever, the unifying banner must also include the non-hunting conservation-ists; those that share the fundamental values of protecting and conserving the land and water, but whose values may differ when considering priority, and ways to use and enjoy these pre-cious resources.

Historically, our shared theme has been economic and utilitarian. We haven’t travelled far. We still hang our hat on the economic impacts of hunting, fishing, the vaguely defined “wildlife associated recreation” and the utilitarian notion of resource use and consumption. We have expanded our view somewhat by considering nature provided ecological services, but we still struggle to understand

Dan Zekor is a proud sportsman-conservationist.

“Above all the (Conservation) Commission should view its role as being the leading defender and exponent for the preservation and enhancement of the physical and biological environment in the State of Missouri.” Organization, Policies and Transactions of the Commission, 1937-1939

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express the more fundamental reasoning that our lives are simply richer and more mean-ingful when wild things remain wild, and we simply live with and amongst them, as part of a natural system and community.

As it was in 1937, securing the future of the state’s fish, wildlife, and forests through protection and conservation and all that is represented by these actions is still the Conservation Commission’s greatest role and responsibility. However, Leopold also noted that: “Where the public has feelings, traditions, or prejudices, a Commission must drag its public along behind it like a balky mule, but with this difference: the public, unlike the mule, kicks both fore and aft. An issue may be so clear in outline, so inevitable in logic, so imperative in need, and so uni-versal in importance as to command immedi-ate support from any reasonable person. Yet that collective person, the public, may take a decade to see the argument, and another to acquiesce in an effective program.”

The future of conservation in Missouri is uncertain. The substantial achievements of the past aside, our urgency and pace must quicken. A new conservation movement is beckoning, but this new movement must reach out beyond the conspicuous traditions of hunting and fishing. This movement must also separate itself from the comfort of past achievements and those who prefer to thump their chest and brag about the past. It’s time for taking risk and traveling into the future with the attitude that the battle for conserva-tion of our precious natural resource today is the only battle that matters.

Theodore Roosevelt’s message is still relevant and still rings true: “The ‘greatest good for the greatest number’ applies to the number within the womb of time, com-pared to which those now alive form but an insignificant fraction. Our duty to the whole, including the unborn generations, bids us restrain an unprincipled present-day minor-ity from wasting the heritage of these unborn generations. The movement for the conserva-tion of wild life and the larger movement for the conservation of all our natural resources are essentially democratic in spirit, purpose, and method.”

Dan Zekor

Timeline of Select Conservation Achievements in the United States and Missouri

Late 1800s American Fish Culturists’ Association created – later American Fisheries Society (1870)

U.S. Fish Commission (1871)

Yellowstone National Park created (1872)

U.S. Division of Forestry (1881)

Bureau of Biological Survey (1885)

Early 1900s Lacey Act passed by Congress (1900)

Society of American Foresters created (1900)

First “wildlife refuges created” (1903)

U.S. Forest Service (1905)

Migratory Bird Treaty Act passed by Congress (1918)

Missouri - Ozark Section of the Society of American Foresters (1929)

1930s American Game Policy presented (1930)

Leopold’s Game Management published (1933)

Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act passed (1934)

Missouri - Conservation and Restoration Federation created (1936)

Missouri Conservation Commission created by vote of the people (1937)

Missouri Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit created (1937)

The Wildlife Society created (1937)

Ducks Unlimited created (1937)

Pittman-Robertson Act passed by Congress (1937)

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service created (1939)

1940 - 1950 Leopold’s A Sand County Almanac is published (1949)

Dingle-Johnson Act passed by Congress (1950)

Missouri – Callison’s Man and Wildlife in Missouri published (1953)

1960s Carson’s Silent Spring is published (1962)

Missouri – Missouri Chapter of the Wildlife Society founded (1962)

Missouri – Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society founded (1964)

1970s Endangered Species Act passed by Congress (1973)

Missouri – Conservation Sales Tax – approved by voters (1976)

2012 75th Anniversary of the Missouri Conservation Commission (2012)

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2014 MOBASS Spring Fling Benefit for CFM

Missouri B.A.S.S. Federa-tion Nation (MOBASS) held their 25th annual Open-Buddy Bass Tourna-

ment on Pomme De Terre Lake out of Harbor Marina on Sunday, April 6, 2014. This is the fourth year MOBASS has selected Conservation Federation of Missouri (CFM) to be the beneficiary of their outstanding event. CFM receives a donation of over $2,000 each year to put toward programs that help hunting, fishing, shooting and youth involvement in the outdoors.

“CFM is a leading conservation orga-nization protecting Missouri’s outdoor legacy, we are delighted to have CFM as a partner and we feel this is a fun, com-petitive way to show our support,” says Jim Zieger, President of MOBASS.

The sponsors included Berkley, Bass Pro Shops, CarbonX, CFM, Live Target, and Pure Fishing. The entry fee of $100 included 60 percent payback to 10 per-cent of the field. There were attendance prize drawings for $1,000 in Bass Pro Shops gift cards, four CarbonX 50 per-cent off gift certificates, a multitude of lures from Live Target and a new Revo reel donated by Pure Fishing.

CFM Teaming with Wildlife Co-ordinator Debra Lee said, “This was my third year assisting with Missouri B.A.S.S. Federation’s Spring Fling. CFM is appreciative of the generous support of MOBASS and Jim Zieger. It is a thrill for us to share in the excite-ment of the tournament.”

The field included 57 boats and 113 competitors. A total of 210 fish were caught with a total weight of 463.34 lbs.

Top total weight teams:

1st place - Ernest Brown Jr. / Jerry Lovell at 20.16 lbs.

2nd place - Mike Rowland / Junior Shinn at 18.72 lbs

3rd place - John Shields / Brian Shull at 18.38 lbs.

4th place – Chuck Campbell / Mike Szc-zechowski at 18.16 lbs.

5th place – Joel Klonowski / Phillip McKinney at 18.13 lbs.

6th place – Kevin Johnston / Roger Waters at 16.97 lbs.

The Big Bass Award winning team of John Shields and Brian Shull weighed in a whopping eight pounder.

MOBASS would like to thank the participants and sponsors for their support and involvement in conserva-tion. A special thank you goes out to Kathy Blankenbeker, Jeanine Lewis,

Randy James, Elizabeth Lewis, David Gray, Mark Cowart and Tyler Eagan. They are the team that makes the Spring Fling run smoothly on the dock. There is never a dull moment with this crew. Congratulations to all on a very success-ful event.

5th place total weight team – Joel Klonowski and Phillips McKinney pictured with Jim Zieger, MOBASS President. Photo credit: Debra Lee.

Jim Zieger and Randy James present Debra Lee with a check for CFM

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It may seem to many who read this, that it has been a “lifetime” since I first became an affiliate mem-ber of CFM when I first joined the Missouri Bowhunters Association in 1960.

After accepting Earl Hoyt’s CFM Board position in 1966, CFM jet-tisoned into a life-changing volunteer position for me, as I quickly realized the significance and impact the Fed-eration had on our state.

Duane Addleman, a man I truly admire, worked out the details to be-come our First Life Member. Later at a CFM Board meeting at Duane’s hometown of Springfield, Past Presi-dent Mike Schallon made a passion-ate appeal for others to step to the plate and become a Life Member. I accepted Mike’s invitation that day and challenged others in attendance to do the same.

Life Membership is an excellent platform to operate from while invit-ing others to become a member at any level. When you demonstrate that type of personal commitment to the conservation concerns of our

state, others will follow.Membership growth in CFM is

paramount to our continued success. I invite you to join me and the

scores of others that wear the badge of honor as a Life Member of the

finest conservation citizens group in the nation, as we approach our 80th birthday.

Dick WoodCFM, Life Member

Why I Became a Life Member of CFM

M I S S O U R I W I L D L I F E 3 5

CFM Life Membership Application

Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Phone: (_______)_________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________

Payment Method: Cash Check # __________ CC #_________________________________________________ Exp:____________

cFm conservationists For life($1,000 contribution)

new lifetime members since the last issue.

Emily Wilbers, Jefferson City

Chris Kossmeyer, Marceline

Kim Blystone, Independence

Mike Torres, Kearney

Vol75 no3 2014 - [PDF Document] (36)

Visit our website: www.confedmo.org

If there are any errors in your name and address, if you’ve moved from this address, or if you plan to move, please notify us at Missouri Wildlife, 728 W. Main, Jefferson City, MO 65101 or call (800) 575-2322.

Vol75 no3 2014 - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.