The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)

YOUR MORNING NEWSPAPER ri THE SHREVEPORT TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1947 terian church In Choudrant was of Mother Takes Wrong Baby Home AA' Easy Easy Terms CAMP SITE PLANNED BY PRESBYTERY jiga) Terms rTTsssssssBssMssssisTsssTssiis.stsssissMS fill Hi" the home missions and self-supporting churches be granted. At the morning session of the presbytery yesterday the ministers and elders of 33 parishes in the Red River area heard the Rev. John W. Currle deliver the sermon. His talk was followed by a communion service.

Selected as alternate ruling elders to attend the general assembly to be held In North Carolina In May were Norrts Smith, Choudrant, in the place of H. A. Burgees, deceased, and S. R. Springhlll, in place of L.

Trimble. Shreveport. fered for the consideration of the group by the committee that has been working- on the project. Chairman of the committee 1 H. B.

Foran. Ferrlday. The Pioneer group comprises the youna people between ages of 12 and 14. The group met last year and will meet again this year from June 0-14 at Caney Lake, but this has been always recognized as a temporary location. The presbytery also voted to assemble at Choudrant for its fall meet In, the date to be fixed by the moderator and stated clerk for some Fall Merting of Church Croup to He Held at Choudrant FREE TO ALL GIFTS FREE GIFTS TO ALL Legion Post to Meet Tonight -v i i 5 y.

for the leae or purchase of permanent camp site tor the conferences of the Pioneer group er the Presbytery of Red Rer were at the final meeting of the freabytery Wertnesdsy at Dunlap IfemoriaJ. Presbyterian church. A near tr-j Alabama Preitby- time during October. It was suggested that by having the meeting there, the presbytery could look over the ground advocated for the camp site. A report of the home missions committee proposed that a general In rreane in salaries of pastors' In Mrs.

Arthur Woods, consultant to Secretary of War Patterson, will speak on the need for universal military training at the regular meeting of the A Lowe-McKarnane poet of the Amerl can Legion tonight at the club house on Cross lake. SENSATIONAL SAVINGS! A former WAC lieutenant colonel. Mrs. Woods is consultant to Patter son. with parents' Interests as her For Custom-built Venetian Blinds CALL 7-3684 free estimates at your convenience.

We will be glad to call at any time. Complete repair and re-finlshlng service. Dun't forget to call us. Dixie Venetian Blind Co. special field.

She Is now tournlng the country explaining the "pilot plan" for universal training new being used at Fort Knox. Ky. The meeting will open at 0:30 p. with a barbecue supper. 541 M.

Vincent Ave. After a hospital mistake that sent her home with the wrong baby, Mrs. Jean Zltny nestles her rightful three-day-old daughter. Suzanne, In her Detroit home. The father took the first baby back to the hospital when they discovered It to be a boy.

(International) Phone 7-3RH4 New Zealand plans to produce board feet of timber this year, 6,000,000 board feet above last year. BUY GIFTS NOW FOR MOTHER'S DAY! GRADUATION! FATHER'S DAY! JUNE BRIDES! DIAMONDS Recommends Coast Oil Revenue for Schools Keily Offers Suggestions of Mineral Hoyalty Use to Police Jury Association Alexandria, April 16 (Special). Dedication of revenues from coastal oil wells to Louisiana schools and the development of a more satisfactory solution for parochial financial problems in sharing of state funds were recommended today by James S. Riley, state director of finance, in an address to the Louisiana Police Jury association convention here. y2 OFF f'hroine riiitnt Srrlre for 8 FLATWARE S3.95 Sliver Tlutert SALAD FORKS 11c STEAK KNIVES 9c Regular $100 Values NOW Of the revenues and royalties from minerals beyond the three-mile HAND WIND ALARM CLOCKS SHREVEPORT LIMITED SUPPLY SITE OF NEXT JURY MEETING coastal limit and their dedication to schools, he said "The potential possibilities from this source turn out to be tremendous If explorations are successful.

Therefore I would suggest to give one half at least of these revenues permanently to the public schools and the remainder to the state colleges and university for capital expenditures, perhaps limiting the grand total for this latter purpose to $50,000,000 or some appropriate maximum. The revenues In question' were dedicated by a 1948 constitutional amendment to the retirement and City Gets Convention Originally Planned Here for 1913 So sleek and smart in tan end white with your favorite walking heel. 13.95 i Alexandria, April lfl (Special). payment of accumulation of the rev Campbell Palfrey, state fire marshal, today asked police Juries throughout the state to set up simple ordinances enues that could amount to many million dollars. He suggested that to enforce fire-prevention regulations amended provisions be Included In the new state constitution to rededl-cate the funds.

In buildings outside Louisiana municipalities. Palfrey spoke at the final Citing statistics of the nresent session of the 1947 convention of the state administration, Reily said "the varied activities of your state gov I Louisiana Policy Jury association ernment perhaps comprise the larg which adjourned Its two-day meeting, after hearing James S. Reily, director est single business enterprise In the state. For illustration. DRVGR'S L.

of the state department of finance 1 A A 0 current administration we will have O'NEILLS OURS EXCLUSIVELY Shreveport was awarded the 1648 convention. An off-year session, with gubernatorial candidates Just beginning or planning their campaigning and the spent In round figures $450,000,000 of our taxpayers dollars. Ia addition to this the department of highways will have available from special appropriations, sale of bonds, and federal matching approximately In the current biennlum and the department of public works Is spending $5,000,000 for next session of the legislature still more than a year away, the convention concerned Itself with informal "politicking" and social gatherings. No officers were elected and no resolutions were adopted.

Officers This all adds up to a half a billion dollars for the four-year period I predict that during the next administration tax collections alon win probably reach the half million mark," Men's Nationally A1ertlspcl WATCHES $33s95 $29s75 1495 COSTUME OFF Natlonallv Aflvrrtlsril 4-llead Giiuranteed ELECTRIC RAZOR All ELECTRIC APPLIANCES 25 to 50 OFF Toasters-Irons-Vacuum Cleaners-Hot Plates BIRTHSTONE RINGS Vz OFF GAS STOVES Vz OFF SUN GLASSES OFF LODGE EMBLEM RINGS 1 2 OFF Nationally Advertised Electric ALARM CLOCKS 25 OFF HOLLO WARE V2 OFF STRETCH BANDS 25 OFF DRESSER SETS V2 OFF SS $3.50 COMPACTS 12 PRICE BABY JEWELRY. V2 PRICE co*ckTAIL SETS PRICE V2 OFF Kb $3.95 BICYCLES fik $33.30 BILLFOLDS y2 OFF IDENTIFICATION BRACELETS 75 OFF WASHING MACHINES Vz OFF TRAVEL KITS. y2 OFF I-Jlectrlc Self-VViuln)f KITCHEN CLOCKS $349 NATIONALLY ADVERTISED RADIOS s. $2 795 TABLE AND CONSOLE MODELS Truman Signs Rill for 0 Permanent Nurse Corp Washington. Aorll ltt zmP.i- serve 2-year terms and will be elected at the next annual session.

The resolution were sent to Shreveport by mistake before the convention acted on them, Secretary L. P. Clawson of Shreveport said the resolutions bad been accidentally returned to his office. He said members of the association will be sent copies of the committee actions and ballot, and will vote by mall. He said that among the resolutions were proposals to set up a committee to study a retirement system for parish employes and to condemn pollution of streams.

He said that all branches of government except the parish had set up a dent Truman today signed Into law a Din establishing a perm IdlGCD CDS SBBOG corPg bth the army and the navy. Shreveport for the site of the 1948 meowng. and said that thev hi pected the association to meet there in i43, but that crowded warHm. A conditions had forced them to con method of paying pension on retire vene in Lafayette. He Introduced Mayor Clyde E.

Fant. who ment. The proposed system will be supported by deductions from salary. from Shreveport to Alexandria this The second resolution will save morning to extend the invitation. oysters and marine life from death BETWEEN SHREVEPORT.

AUSTIN and SAN ANTONIO EFFECTIVE SATURDAY, APRIL 19 in the poisoned streams. A resolution honoring nine members of the association who died since the last convention was passed by the session. L. A. Borne, Raceland, association president, presided at the final ees- slqn which was opened with an Invocation by Rev.

Guy Hicks, pastor of the First Methodist church or Alexandria. Prank Brown. Caddo, nominated mfnWmfT?) Your Assurance, of Better Eyesight Service! See Dr. Rieber for Expert Eye Examination Accurately Fitted Glasses Modern Contact Lenses Dr. E.

C. Rieber Optometrist 629 Texas, Ph. 2-4902 A aV fts aW MM sir sV sTsT tw ATTIC FANS -Disappearing STAIRWAYS WARREN C. WEST SALES AND INSTALLATION! Quality Through Experience 7-3770 I'honr. 2-HM7 7 7:00 A.M.

3:00 P.M. 7:30 P.M. For Information Call UNION BUS DEPOT FREE GIFTS Shreveport's Largest Stock of Fine LUGGAGE 11. a tr v- nsfK i i l- wsons Spring and Fnnin Street OFF NJ 3---208 2. Hard, durable finish.

4.. Wide color choice. 1. 1-coat paint job. 3.

Fast setting. il 11 11 lit 1 1 2.14 I UJ III II II I vaiue 5. Easy workability. Stucco and Masonry Pqint For extremely poroue surfaces or wet basem*nts, use X-TITE. 1 Ml 1 eras riooucf For safe of feoffor pain sforot.

OPEN AN ACCOUNT -T CREDIT fci ALL ROUTE OF THE NEW A I A tkrowghout Txo, Oklahoma, Colorado, New Mexico, Louisiana. one clhliuch) a- 13 HJJW rlCmn i i.

The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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