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  • #1Nov 11, 2013



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    • Tree Puncher
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    Hey guys.

    I've noticed that there is hardly any online documentation of the Pixelmon mod for multiplayer servers. This post is to inform other server owners about the Pixelmon Permissions nodes and commands. (NOTE: I'll try to update it when changes occur).

    Current Pixelmon Version: 4.0.1 / Legacy 3.5.1 (Nov 2015, To Be Updated)

    Updated: January 2016

    Pixelmon Commands, Information & Permissions:

    (Key: Commands are red with parameters in orange ( [ ] parameters must be included, () parameters are optional), information is blue, permission node in black).


    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Command: /pokegive [player] [pokemon] (s) (lvl#)Information: Gives the specified player "[player]" a specified pokemon "[pokemon]" that is sent directly to their pokemon team or, if full, their PC. If included, "(lvl#)" where # is a number from 1 to 100 gives the player "[player]" the specified pokemon "[pokemon]" with the level "#". Is the shiny parameter "(s)" is included in the command line, it gives the specified player "[player]" the shiny variation of the pokemon "[pokemon]"

    Permission Node: com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.commands.PokeGive

    Usage examples: To give a player named felixferr0w an ordinary magikarp, do the command /pokegive felixferr0w magikarp. To give him a shiny magikarp, do /pokegive felixferr0w magikarp s. To give him a level 69 magikarp, do /pokegive felixferr0w magikarp lvl69. To give him a shiny level 69 magikarp, do the command /pokegive felixferr0w magikarp s lvl69.

    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Command: /pokebattle [player 1] [player 2]

    Information: Initiates a Trainer battle between Player 1 "[Player 1]" and Player 2 "[Player 2]"

    Permission Node: com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.commands.Battle

    Usage example: To initiate a battle between a player named JediMaster88 and RoxasSynchro, do the command /pokebattle JediMaster88 RoxasSynchro.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Command: /pokeheal [player]Information: Heals the specified player "[player]"'s pokemon instantly, if the player "[player]" isn't specified, it heals the users pokemon by default.

    Permission Node:


    Usage example: To heal a player named Watsjoel, do the command /pokeheal watsjoel. To heal yourself do /pokeheal--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Command: /pokespawn [pokemon] (s) (lvl#) (boss%)

    Information: Spawn the specified pokemon "

    [pokemon]" where you are facing. The optional "(s)" parameter gives the pokemon its shiny variation, the optional "(lvl#)" parameter, where # is an integer from 1 to 100 determines its level. The "(boss%)" parameter, where % represents an integer from 1 to 4, makes the spawned pokemon a boss pokemon of the specified level "%"

    Permission Node: com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.commands.Spawn

    Usage examples: To spawn a normal eevee where you are facing, do the command /pokespawn eevee. To spawn a shiny eevee, do the command /pokespawn eevee s. To spawn a level 16 eevee, do the command /pokespawn eevee lvl16. To spawn a shiny level 16 eevee, do the command /pokespawn eevee s lvl16.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Command: /freezeInformation: Freezes all the pokemon on the entire server, meaning that they cannot move or interact.

    Permission Node: com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.commands.Freeze

    Usage example: To freeze all pokemon and prevent them from moving, do the command /freeze. To allow pokemon to move freely after freezing them, do the command /freeze once more.

    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Command: /struc

    Information: Generates a default Pixelmon structure such as a Pokemon Center. Your line of vision is used as the reference point of the structures spawn location.

    Permission Node: com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.commands.Struc

    Usage example: To generate a structure such as a Pokemon Center from where you are standing/facing, do the command /struc--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Command: /pokestats (player)

    Information: View a player's (

    (player)) Pixelmon statistics. If (player) is not specified, then the command executor's statistics are displayed.

    Permission Node: com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.commands.Stats

    Usage example: To view your own statistics, do /pokestats. To view DaRabbid's statistics, do /pokestats DaRabbid.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Command: /setparty (level)

    Information: Set all Pokemon in your party (doesn't include Pokemon stored in a PC) to a certain level

    (level). Also allows the editing of each Pokemon's moveset from a list of level-appropriate moves, once the party level has been set. NOTE: This command cannot be executed on other players. Once this command has been executed, it cannot be undone.

    Permission Node: com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.commands.SetParty

    Usage example: To set all your Pokemon to Level 30, execute the command: /setparty 30. After the command has been executed, select moves to add to your Pokemon.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Command: /setparty (level)

    Information: Set all Pokemon in your party (doesn't include Pokemon stored in a PC) to a certain level

    (level). Also allows the editing of each Pokemon's moveset from a list of level-appropriate moves, once the party level has been set.

    Permission Node: com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.commands.SetParty

    Usage example: To set all your Pokemon to Level 30, execute the command: /setparty 30. After the command has been executed, select moves to add to your Pokemon.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Hope this helps!



  • #2Nov 19, 2013



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    Please reply if this helped!

  • #3Nov 20, 2013



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    This did help, but I wonder how you can add them so they can open PCs, ect, idk the nodes for tht

  • #5Nov 24, 2013



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    The command for searching a pc would be /compsee (playername) (box#)
    Command for seeing someones party would be /pokesee (playername)
    I'm not sure what the permissions node would be though.
    And the permissions node for Structure doesn't work.


  • #6Dec 23, 2013



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    Quote from GravityTek

    This did help, but I wonder how you can add them so they can open PCs, ect, idk the nodes for tht

    youre using essentials antibuild to prevent them from using it

  • #7Dec 28, 2013



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    Quote from OblivionDemon

    youre using essentials antibuild to prevent them from using it


    Did antibuild work for you? I'd imagine it wouldn't, as the Pixelmon mod blocks won't be "identified" by Antibuild.
    They pretty much don't exist.

    Also, hope this helped Pixelmon Permission Nodes | Pixelmon Commands | Pixelmon Documentation - Server Support and Administration - Support - Minecraft Forum (7)

    Must add optional params as well.
    You can also spawn bosses, shinies, etc...

    Last edited by PokeGalaxy: Dec 28, 2013

  • #8Dec 28, 2013



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    Updated Information to Pixelmon 2.5.7, added usage examples in green.

    Last edited by PokeGalaxy: Dec 28, 2013

  • #9Dec 30, 2013



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    It'd be great if there was a permission node to ride pokemon. Larger servers tend to get a lot of lag due to it and it'd help a lot of only donater ranks could.

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  • #10Jan 10, 2014



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    Is there a certain command that you can use for buycraft to give a randomly picked pokemon? i tried /pokegive {player} {pokemon} and that didnt work but i seen other server do it. Thank you

    Last edited by AndrewD360: Jan 10, 2014

  • #11Feb 1, 2014



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    I can't seem to get "/struc" to work in singleplayer! D:

  • #12Feb 13, 2014



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    I tried to put the pokeheal command in the permissions but it is not working Pixelmon Permission Nodes | Pixelmon Commands | Pixelmon Documentation - Server Support and Administration - Support - Minecraft Forum (13) Is there another permission or a way to fix this? Please let me know ASAP

  • #14Feb 17, 2014



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    is there anyway a player can only do poke heal themselves only and not poke heal others? Because my Donators have that permissions and they can poke heal other players. The purpose of it was just to poke heal there own pokemons.

    Last edited by user-6840779: Feb 19, 2014

  • #15Feb 19, 2014



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    Quote from itsPrime123

    is there anyway a player can only do poke heal themselves only and not poke heal others? Because my Donators have that permissions and they can poke heal other players. The purpose of it was just to poke heal there own pokemons.

    Updated to Pixelmon 3.0.

    Last edited by user-6840779: Feb 19, 2014

  • #17Mar 8, 2014



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    Quote from Edfame

    Thanks a lot Pixelmon Permission Nodes | Pixelmon Commands | Pixelmon Documentation - Server Support and Administration - Support - Minecraft Forum (17)

    Pixelmon Permission Nodes | Pixelmon Commands | Pixelmon Documentation - Server Support and Administration - Support - Minecraft Forum (18)

  • #18Mar 20, 2014



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    pixelmon.commands.heal does not work for me

  • #19Mar 22, 2014



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    I use all the permission nodes just as explained above and none of them are working. I'm using PermissionsEx and running the latest version of Pixelmon (which I believe is 3.0.2). Any ideas on how to fix it? Thanks! Pixelmon Permission Nodes | Pixelmon Commands | Pixelmon Documentation - Server Support and Administration - Support - Minecraft Forum (21)

  • #21Mar 31, 2014



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    I can't get /struc to work in singleplayer either! Plz fix this in the new update.

  • #22Apr 1, 2014



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    Hey guys.

    Believe that permissions are case sensitive.

    Here is a list of permissions (FORMAT: pixelmon.commands.COMMANDNAME):


    Sorry! Fixing those permission nodes now.

  • #23Apr 1, 2014



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    Quote from Merajurr

    Is there a permission node where you can only heal yourself? Would be good as a donation perk for servers Pixelmon Permission Nodes | Pixelmon Commands | Pixelmon Documentation - Server Support and Administration - Support - Minecraft Forum (25)

    Hey! Well, unfortunately, there isn't a node to control that. However, if you are running a Bukkit/Spigot server, you may install a plugin that will allow you to control the parameters (Many plugins out there, google is your best friend;)).

  • #26Aug 25, 2014



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    I can not see my pokemon, Weather a starter or one that I have caught. I can see ALL of the other pokemon other than my own. If you do a google search for "Pixelmon Can't see pokemon" you get next to nothing as if no one has had this problem. So I'm asking if anyone has a solution or if anyone else has had this problem. I am currently running the 1.7.10 version using the pixelmon server. Running windows 7. Nothing is wrong with my graphics card because it happens on the other side too. Is it the server program itself?

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