Old Fashioned Strawberry Jam Without Pectin {Vintage Recipe} (2024)

By Karrie on | Updated | 95 Comments

Old Fashioned Strawberry Jam Without Pectin {Vintage Recipe} (1)

Ah, strawberry season. The best time of the year! Time for strawberry shortcakes, strawberries in my Greek yogurt and homemade old fashioned strawberry jam. Last time I was thumbing through my Great Grandmother’s old recipe box I noticed her hand-written strawberry jam recipe and just knew I needed to give it a try. And so I did. And now I will never go back to any other recipe…this one is the “berry” best out there!

This old fashioned strawberry jam recipe was amazing. It was so easy to make, and had a perfect texture. Plus it doesn’t use Pectin!! Did you know you don’t need to use pectin in homemade jam making? Neither did I until now. Pectin isn’t necessarily bad for you but I would way rather make it the old fashioned way and let the natural pectin in the fruit do the work. Plus I prefer a softer jam to a more gelatinous one.

Old Fashioned Strawberry Jam Without Pectin {Vintage Recipe} (2)

Have you noticed that all jam recipes alwayscall for an insane amount of sugar? I’ll admit that is shocks me every time. This recipe does have all that sugar too, but theending result is worth every sugary spoonful.I love the 3 simple ingredients – fresh strawberries, sugar and lemon juice. Doesn’t get much simpler that that.

This recipe is my new favorite strawberry jam recipe. Why? Because I am a huge fan of freezer jam, and this tastes just about the same, like fresh strawberries. It has the same consistency of freezer jam but I don’t have to store it in my freezer. I need all the freezer space I can get for my freezer meals. This strawberry jam is canned using the hot water bath canning method, so I can store it in my pantry.

Old Fashioned Strawberry Jam Without Pectin

Old Fashioned Strawberry Jam Without Pectin {Vintage Recipe} (3)

First you will want to wash your jars and lids in some hot soapy water. Place the center lids of your jars in a small saucepan and cover with water, bringing it to a simmer without boiling.

Old Fashioned Strawberry Jam Without Pectin {Vintage Recipe} (4)

Next wash and remove stems from strawberries and puree them or mash the up depending on the consistency of jam you like. I went ahead and pureed mine. Stir in sugar and let sit for 2 hours.

Old Fashioned Strawberry Jam Without Pectin {Vintage Recipe} (5)

Add strawberry mixture to a large pot and bring to a slow boil over medium heat, stirring often. Turn heat up to medium high and let strawberries boil rapidly for 5 more minutes.

Update: Some of you have mentioned in the comments about the jam being runny. Gene, a happymoneysaver reader emailed me and said that if you take the boil to 220 degrees F using a candy thermometer it comes out perfectly set. Haven’t tried this myself…but wanted to let you know this may be a great thing to try.

Old Fashioned Strawberry Jam Without Pectin {Vintage Recipe} (6)

Add in lemon juice and stir. Boil for 5 more minutes and remove from heat.

Old Fashioned Strawberry Jam Without Pectin {Vintage Recipe} (7)

Pour the delicious strawberry jaminto theclean jars, making sure to wipe the rim with a wet washcloth to remove any jam that mayprevent the lid from sealing. Or just grab a spoon and start digging in…it is so very tempting. 🙂

Old Fashioned Strawberry Jam Without Pectin {Vintage Recipe} (8)

Remove center lidsfrom simmering water and add to the tops of the jars then place on lid rings and set aside. At this point you can add jars to a large water bath canner and boil for 10 minutes.

For small batch canning like salsa, syrups and jams, etc. I prefer to use my Ball® Home Canning Discovery Kit. This little contraption is so nice because I can use a large pot instead of pulling out my gigantic canner. The little basket that it comes with it can only do 3 jars at a time but for small batches it’s perfect. It is especially perfect for the beginner canner. I have been very happy with it.

Just place jars in the basket, lower basket into a pot of boiling water, put the lid on the pot and boil for 10 minutes.

Old Fashioned Strawberry Jam Without Pectin {Vintage Recipe} (9)Old Fashioned Strawberry Jam Without Pectin {Vintage Recipe} (10)

After 10 minutes is up, using the handle of the Ball® Home Canning Discovery Kit, pull basket out of water, place jars on a counter away from small hands, and let cool.

Old Fashioned Strawberry Jam Without Pectin {Vintage Recipe} (11)

If jars seal, you will hear a loud popping sound. It’s pretty much my favorite part about canning. I don’t know why. All you canners out there, you understand don’t you? If a jar does not seal, put it in your fridge and eat it up in the next couple weeks. This recipe made about 10 half pint jars for me.

Thank you Great Grandma Munn for this wonderful recipe. I will be making this one for many years to come.

Old Fashioned Strawberry Jam Without Pectin {Vintage Recipe} (13)

Below is the printable version of this recipe for you!

Old Fashioned Strawberry Jam Without Pectin {Vintage Recipe} (14)

Recipe Card

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Old Fashioned Strawberry Jam

Published By Karrie

Course Breakfast, dressing

Cuisine American

Keyword jam, strawberry

Servings 10

Prep Time 40 minutes mins

Cook Time 40 minutes mins

Total Time 1 hour hr 20 minutes mins

Old Fashioned Strawberry Jam is wonderful for ever!


  • 2 quarts strawberries
  • 5 cups sugar heaping
  • 1/2 cup lemon juice


  • Wash strawberries and remove the stems.

  • Chop, mash or puree strawberries and stir in the sugar. Let sit for 2 hours.

  • Add strawberry mixture to a large pot and cook slow over medium heat until it boils, stirring often. Then turn up the heat to med-high and boil fast for 5 more minutes or until candy thermometer says 220 degrees F.

  • Add in lemon juice and stir. Boil 5 minutes longer.

  • Pour jam into clean jars and add lids. Place in a hot water bath canner and boil for 10 minutes. Remove from water and let cool to room temperature. Store in a cool dry place for up to 1 year.


Jars that don't seal correctly can be placed in the fridge to be eaten within the next couple of weeks.
Makes about 10 half pint jars of jam.


Serving: 227g | Calories: 450kcal | Carbohydrates: 115g | Protein: 1g | Sodium: 3mg | Potassium: 302mg | Fiber: 3g | Sugar: 109g | Vitamin A: 25IU | Vitamin C: 116mg | Calcium: 30mg | Iron: 0.8mg

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Old Fashioned Strawberry Jam Without Pectin {Vintage Recipe} (15)

About Karrie

Food is my love language. But so is saving money. So I like to combine the two a lot and make thrifty make ahead and freeze meals to save time. Because life is busy, and freezer meals can come to the rescue for all of us. And yes, they actually CAN taste good. Read more...

Old Fashioned Strawberry Jam Without Pectin {Vintage Recipe} (2024)


How did pioneers make jam without pectin? ›

those who preceded us across this vast frontier created jams and jellies by mixing fruits. A small amount of high pectin fruit was added to fruits that were low in pectin to aid the geling process. I gather a lot of wild fruits as they ripen throughout the year.

What thickens jam without pectin? ›

Lemons - Juice of one lemon and zest. Sugar - To help thicken and sweeten. I don't recommend substituting for a sugar alternative. Cornstarch - Optional, but works well as a thickener in place of pectin.

What happens if you make jam without pectin? ›

Jam made without pectin is a little softer and looser than jam made with pectin, but learning this technique means that you can make jam at almost any time with ingredients you probably have on hand.

Is strawberry jam better with or without pectin? ›

No extra pectin– You may wonder if strawberry jam is better with or without pectin. Strawberries are naturally low in pectin, so some people prefer to add additional pectin to jams and jellies. However, I actually prefer homemade jam without extra pectin. They are a bit softer in texture, making it more versatile.

How did they make jam in the old days? ›

The first European sugar preserves made use of that seemingly magical substance, honey. The earliest fruit preserves would be made by mixing fruit pulp with honey and allowing it to dry in the sun, creating a texture more like that of a jellied sweet.

How do you fix jam that didn't set without pectin? ›

To remake cooked jam or jelly without added pectin, for each 1 L (4 cups) jam or jelly add 25 mL (2 tbsp) bottled lemon juice. Heat to boiling and boil jam or jelly hard 3 to 4 minutes, then test for signs of gelling.

Does lemon juice thicken jam? ›

I do occasionally add a satchel of lemon wedges to a jam when I know there is likely to be lower amounts of pectin, like with strawberries. This helps add extra pectin that the berries don't have, but in lower amounts than if I were adding commercial pectin.

How long does jam take to set without pectin? ›

Remove pot from heat and divide jam into sterilized jars, leaving 1/4-inch of space at the top. Seal and transfer jars into a boiling water bath. Make sure jars are covered with at least 1 inch of water; let sit for 5 minutes. Lift jars and let them cool in a draft-free place without touching, 8 hours to overnight.

Is jam better with pectin or without pectin? ›

Strawberry jam with added pectin can be cooked in as little as ten minutes, preserving that fresh berry flavor and quality. Strawberry jam without added pectin needs to be cooked up to four times longer to reach the gel stage, resulting in a much sweeter, less fresh-tasting jam.

How did Pioneers make jam? ›

Early settlers in New England used other ways of making jam, using molasses, honey and maple sugar to give it the sweet taste. They used pectin obtained from boiling apple peel to use as the thickening agent. In the early 1800s in the United States, the country was experiencing a surge westward.

Why people avoid pectin? ›

Pectin is high in fiber. Fiber can stick to some medications in the stomach and intestines. Taking pectin at the same time as medications that you take by mouth might decrease how much medication your body absorbs. This can decrease how well these drugs work.

How did the pioneers make jelly? ›

In the United States, early New England settlers preserved fruits with honey, molasses or maple sugar. In those days, pectin (the substance that puts the “jell” in jelly) was made from apple parings.

What not to do when making jam? ›

How to make jam: mistakes to avoid
  1. Confusing jam with marmalade.
  2. Don't be equipped, at least a little bit.
  3. Think that pectin powder is the enemy.
  4. Choose the most ripe fruit.
  5. Creatively interpret the fruit/sugar ratio.
  6. Neglect cooking.
  7. Don't know what to do with the surface foam.
  8. Skip the saucer test.

What happens if you add sugar before pectin in jam? ›

Do not vary the sequence in which the ingredients are added. For example, powdered pectin does not dissolve in a sugared solution, so if you add the sugar and then the dry pectin, the jam will not be firm. Be sure you use a kettle large enough to accommodate the preserves when they are brought to a full rolling boil.

How long do you boil jam without pectin? ›

Cook over low heat until the sugar is dissolved. 3. Turn heat up to high and bring mixture to a boil. Cook for 15 - 20 minutes, until mixture thickens and darkens in colour, or until mixture reaches 220°F (105°C) on a candy thermometer.

How can I thicken jam naturally? ›

1. Apples: Apples contain natural pectin and can be used to help thicken jams and jellies. Simply peel and core the apples, chop them into small pieces, and add them to the fruit mixture.

How did they make jam before sugar? ›

These preserves used honey as their sweetener, though sugar quickly surpassed honey in popularity for making jams. From that point onwards, you can essentially follow the spread of sugar around the world on a map. If a place had sugar and fruit, people would likely combine the two to make a preserve.


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