Next Metroid Game Ideas (2024)

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hermanpowers S Ueper mode N Ickels Since: Apr, 2011

S Ueper mode N Ickels

#1: Jun 5th 2011 at 9:59:30 AM

So if Nentendo makes a new Metroid, wat do you wnat to see in it?

Iwanna see a linearized Metroid with only 1 or 2 secret rooms ans a plot that is a direct continuaton of Fusion;s.

ActuallyComma I am making sense! from a mysterious place Since: Feb, 2011

I am making sense!

#2: Jun 5th 2011 at 10:05:42 AM

Minimal plot, no cut scenes, just a large spooky area full of weird aliens that I can explore in a manner of my own choosing. So nonlinear that the whole idea of sequence-breaking is basically meaningless. And if you get 100%, the ending is a fifteen minute video of Samus in the decontamination shower.

Except [condescending response follows]. Because [sarcasm here]. You do understand [snark], right? POTHOLE TO SARCASM MODE

Komodin TV Tropes' Sonic Wiki Curator from Windy Hill Zone Since: Jan, 2001 Relationship Status: I like big bots and I can not lie

TV Tropes' Sonic Wiki Curator

#3: Jun 5th 2011 at 10:08:08 AM

Iwanna see a linearized Metroid with only 1 or 2 secret rooms ans a plot that is a direct continuaton of Fusion;s.


Experience has taught me to investigate anything that glows.

hermanpowers S Ueper mode N Ickels Since: Apr, 2011

S Ueper mode N Ickels

#4: Jun 5th 2011 at 10:09:22 AM

Next Metroid Game Ideas (5)Y is it so WTF-is?

Bur Chaotic Neutral from Flyover Country Since: Dec, 2009 Relationship Status: Not war

Chaotic Neutral

#5: Jun 5th 2011 at 10:13:34 AM

I want to see a continuation of Fusion, and I wouldn't mind a solid plot, but it'd be nice if things went back closer to the "OH GOD WHERE AM I WHAT IS THIS THING I AM SHOOTING AT" roots that we know and love.

i. hear. a. sound.

ColorPrinter Since: Dec, 2011

#6: Jun 5th 2011 at 10:14:02 AM

with only 1 or 2 secret rooms

Wow, that's not really Metroid. At all.

(unless I'm being really stupid here, in which case, please call me out)

edited 5th Jun '11 10:14:37 AM by ColorPrinter

Komodin TV Tropes' Sonic Wiki Curator from Windy Hill Zone Since: Jan, 2001 Relationship Status: I like big bots and I can not lie

TV Tropes' Sonic Wiki Curator

#7: Jun 5th 2011 at 10:16:07 AM

^ Quite a fitting avatar for this particular occasion, Co Pr.

Experience has taught me to investigate anything that glows.

hermanpowers S Ueper mode N Ickels Since: Apr, 2011

S Ueper mode N Ickels

#8: Jun 5th 2011 at 10:16:40 AM

Its just an opinion!

ActuallyComma I am making sense! from a mysterious place Since: Feb, 2011

I am making sense!

#9: Jun 5th 2011 at 10:17:25 AM

I'd like to see it as a rails shooter where you use iron age weaponry and magic spells

Except [condescending response follows]. Because [sarcasm here]. You do understand [snark], right? POTHOLE TO SARCASM MODE

Cider The Final ECW Champion from Not New York Since: May, 2009 Relationship Status: They can't hide forever. We've got satellites.

The Final ECW Champion

#10: Jun 5th 2011 at 10:57:36 AM

Metroid Hunters.

The other six bounty hunters receiving individual primary and secondary weapons so they are more different from Samus. New hunters, who switch between two non biped forms, at least two of these new bounty hunters, also with individualized primary, secondary and affinity weapons. Samus gains the seeker missiles as the first step to individualizing the secondary weapons and the power beam combo to individualize primary weapons. Weavel gets EMP grenades as his secondary weapon and his primary weapon becomes that gun he used in his last cut scene and can use energy scythe in biped form.

A single player game for Samus that is as open ended as the original game as possible, if not even more open ended and doesn't reuse two bosses four times each. Also a single player mode with the other eight bounty hunters' missions. Spire goes to Bryo to study the living rock that Samus reported. Kanden's on a bounty to kill a rogue bot in Skytown. Trace is investigating Aether to see if it is worthy of being assimilated into his empire, Weavel is hunting down traitor space pirates, Sylux is scavenging through a crashed Federation ship and Noxus is trying to catch a criminal who didn't make his court date. These missions unlock stuff for multiplayer.

Some multiplayer levels should involve speed bikes like the one Weavel uses, turrets like in Prime 2, under water sections, there should be a mode where you compete to kill a target first for a bounty. Also, how would the shock coil and volt driver work underwater? The magmal should be less effective underwater to make up for Spire's lava dominance.

Modified Ura-nage, Torture Rack

RenHydron Unknown Phantom from the Land of Lost Laments Since: Mar, 2011

Unknown Phantom

#11: Jun 5th 2011 at 11:00:30 AM

Let's see, in my short long opinions* ;

  • Non-linear Progression: I would rather not be told exactly where I am to go, as in traditional fashion.
  • Better Handled Plot: AKA NOT how Other M was handled. It can have the cutscenes as long as the Story to Gameplay Ratio doesn't suffer from it, for the love of god, get someone who actually knows how to handle it. Despite how Metroid originally started off with a bare bones plot, I would prefer something like Prime's 'search, scan, discover' for all the juicy bits that can be easily ignored, and cutscenes that either are on the side of just 'something happens' with minimal length, Fusions method, or the aformentioned Story to Gameplay Ratio in having a propartioanal size of cutscenes, while not overshadowing the gameplay. The classic way of a bare bones plot would be acceptable, but I'd prefer the above three in a well handled format better.
  • Gameplay: I'd be fine with either of the three (Metroidvania, Prime's first persom shooter/adventure method, or Other M's action adventure method) so as long as they weren't horribly butchered (and in the Other M's gameplay, tweaked and upgraded to be more... Metroid-ish, I guess?)
  • Other M's problems: Either (a) ignore that it ever happened, or (b) fix it. I'm not going into a big rant of this like I did with the above plot area.
  • Other: Don't change Samus's appearance in any major way, keep Ridley and our dear lovable Metroids around, make the atomosphere Metroid-ish, the music should reflect the currrent area/ mood of the situation and end game appearance of the Zero Suit, prefferably in a playable format.

edited 5th Jun '11 11:05:02 AM by RenHydron

Apocali Yep, My Brain Stopped from The End of Time Since: Jan, 2011

Yep, My Brain Stopped

#12: Jun 5th 2011 at 11:04:44 AM

Give the series back to Retro, completely retcon Other M, the Prime games are still canon. An old school Metroidvania style game would be great. The game can have a plot but Samus' character should be in tune with her portrayal in Fusion, the Primes, and Super, she should have depth and development but not in the horribly wrong way they did it in Other M.

Durazno Since: Jan, 2001 Relationship Status: Drift compatible

#13: Jun 5th 2011 at 11:07:44 AM

Either the Space Pirates or the Federation figure out how to hack Samus's ship, forcing you to fight enemies that use technology reverse-engineered from the past games' various upgrades and maybe space monsters spliced together from past enemies.

Related: a Decoy Protagonist in the form of an elite GF warrior on Samus's trail might be fun, provided his/her section of the game isn't too long.

Semicolone Since: Oct, 2010

#14: Jun 5th 2011 at 11:47:07 AM

Metroidvania (and good) will do. Perhaps make her characterisation better or at least explain Other M away in some form.

Oh and take a page from Portrait Of Ruin's final boss battle. As that game had Dracula and Death at once, how about a Ridley and Kraid at once fight? That would be f*cking nuts!

And some new upgrades for the love of f*ck, ones that aren't completely useless (like in Corruption).

edited 5th Jun '11 11:47:28 AM by Semicolone

Rationalinsanity from Halifax, Canada Since: Aug, 2010 Relationship Status: It's complicated

#15: Jun 5th 2011 at 11:48:14 AM

Bring the Space Pirates back to their Prime intreptation; as intelligent.... errr sentient foes rather than a mindless group of centrally controlled aliens.

Politics is the skilled use of blunt objects.

Cider The Final ECW Champion from Not New York Since: May, 2009 Relationship Status: They can't hide forever. We've got satellites.

The Final ECW Champion

#16: Jun 5th 2011 at 11:58:04 AM

Maybe High Command saw how effective the space pirates were when Dark Samus was in control and decided to copy her, not realizing other factors that led to Dark Samus's success and thus ensured the space pirate's downfall.

Next Metroid Game Ideas (18)Hunters sequel is enough reason.

edited 5th Jun '11 2:04:25 PM by Cider

Modified Ura-nage, Torture Rack

X2X Since: Nov, 2009

#17: Jun 5th 2011 at 12:10:24 PM

Either Classic Metroidvania or at least similar to Prime. Give the series back to Retro. Strike a fine balance between story and exploration; I don't care if the Japanese want X and Y, the games have always been better received here in the States.

In terms of characterization, something's got to give. Turning your popular heroine into a Base Breaker in the span of one game (I can understand why Samus had the Heroic BSoD, but still) is never a good thing.

And last, but most certainly not least: Make the game follow Fusion. Status Quo Is God, my foot. Fusion left a myriad of plot points for a sequel to follow up on (for example, the experiments the Federation was performing on the space colony); there is no justifiable reason to cram another game somewhere between the original trilogy. None at all.

ActuallyComma I am making sense! from a mysterious place Since: Feb, 2011

I am making sense!

#18: Jun 5th 2011 at 8:57:58 PM

Play as a metroid, evolve into more powerful forms by absorbing radiation, battle Samus as the final boss...

Except [condescending response follows]. Because [sarcasm here]. You do understand [snark], right? POTHOLE TO SARCASM MODE

X2X Since: Nov, 2009

#19: Jun 5th 2011 at 9:18:15 PM

That is just ripe for some serious High Octane Nightmare Fuel.

deuxhero Micromastophile from FL-24 Since: Jan, 2001


#20: Jun 5th 2011 at 9:22:54 PM

Make Other M Broad Strokes and give a few take thats at the infamous parts in logs.

Encourage sequence breaking.

Zeromaeus Since: May, 2010

#21: Jun 5th 2011 at 9:33:27 PM

Follow up to Metroid Fusion that very deliberately holds your hand for the first tenth of the game, only to leave you stranded after an early plot development. All of this takes place on a planet controlled by the Space Pirates.

This game would cement that the Other M Space Pirates were only a hive mind structure becasue they were based on the Space Pirates that were specifically altered by Mother Brain to be her personal defense force.

edited 5th Jun '11 9:44:12 PM by Zeromaeus

X2X Since: Nov, 2009

#22: Jun 5th 2011 at 9:35:15 PM

Next Metroid Game Ideas (25)

TheGinkei A Pheasant Experience from Reality Since: Sep, 2010

A Pheasant Experience

#23: Jun 5th 2011 at 10:34:58 PM

Paper Metroid. It would be glorious.

And "Reality" isunveiled. What did it want...? What did it see...? What did it hear...? What did it think...? What did it do...?

Mammalsauce Since: Mar, 2010

#24: Jun 5th 2011 at 10:39:50 PM

OP is a idiot/troll but I will answer regardless

  • 2D sidescroller
  • Super Metroid-style non-linearity, at the least
  • I want to see more dead ends and pointless loops like in the original Metroid. The last two 2D metroids have been too streamlined. I like getting lost.
  • A difficulty mode where there's no map.
  • Fusion-caliber action for the boss battles. Make regular enemies more deadly without having them spawn as often.
  • Larger areas. No more backtracking unless the area is significantly changed (ala Fusion's trek through sector 5)
  • Assuming it would be for the 3DS, using the touchscreen as a cursor for the scan visor would be excellent
  • Some new gadgets, and bring back the ones that aren't stupid
  • Start the game with missiles, bombs, morph ball, charge beam
  • No ridley except maybe as a bonus boss
  • Music by Super/Prime composer
  • Set after the events of Fusion
  • De-canonize Other M entirely
  • Sakamoto isn't involved
  • Samus keeps her armor on until the end when she strips naked (assuming you beat it fast enough). Also, if she talks or does anything, ner personality should be based on what she showed from Fusion, not Other M's battered wife
  • The ending sequence will have a countdown timer and when it ends, the universe explodes. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

X2X Since: Nov, 2009

#25: Jun 5th 2011 at 11:03:27 PM

Not sure if serious... Next Metroid Game Ideas (29)


Total posts: 28

Next Metroid Game Ideas (2024)


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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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