How to grow a pollinator garden and bee part of the solution - WWF.CA (2024)

Across Canada, bees, flies, moths, butterflies, wasps, some beetles and even hummingbirds depend on flowering plants for food. These plants, in turn, are dependent onthe feeders to carry their pollen from plant to plant so they can reproduce.

We, of course, also depend on this pollination process for fruits, vegetables and other flowering plants that help support ecosystems.

It’s really a win-win-win. Or it should be.

How to grow a pollinator garden and bee part of the solution - WWF.CA (1)

Sadly, pollinator population size and diversity is on the decline due to habitat loss, invasive species, pesticides and disease. Conserving pollinators is critical — and you can help!

An easy step you can take is choosing native flowering plants for your outdoor spaces and/or growing pollinator-friendly gardens.

What is a pollinator garden and why native plants?

A pollinator garden features flowers that bloom throughout the seasons and provide food and shelter for insects, birds and other animals. These gardens can range in size from a large bed in a community park to a small container garden at home.

Native plants are important because they are well-adapted to the climate in their particular region and have deep reciprocal relationships with pollinators that are also native to that place. Perhaps the best-known example of a plant-pollinator relationship in North America is the endangered monarch butterfly and the milkweed species it depends on for nectar to fuel its migration to Mexico as well as food and shelter for new generations of caterpillars. This case is far from unique — there are thousands of such tight plant-pollinator relationships in a healthy ecosystem.

How to grow a pollinator garden and bee part of the solution - WWF.CA (2)

If people in your community and across our country plant with pollinators in mind, this will make more food sources available to species impacted by loss of native plant habitats.

Want to learn more about growing native plants? Check out re:grow, our online destination for the growing native plant movement!

Five tips for a successful pollinator garden

  1. Research and choose a variety of native plants that will flower throughout the growing season

This will ensure that pollinators in your area can rely on a steady food supply of nectar and pollen. Examples of species that bloom in spring include native Geraniums (this genus includes 7 species that are native in various parts of Canada) and blue flag iris (native east of Alberta). Cardinal flower (native to Ontario, Québec, and New Brunswick) and native Rudbeckia, or coneflower, species (native from Saskatchewan to Nova Scotia) are good choices for summer and smooth blue aster (native from BC to Ontario) for the fall.

On re:grow, you can start your research by finding out which ecozone you are in, which will help you select native plant species that thrive in your location.

  1. Group plants of the same species together in patches

Planting, for example, three blue flag iris plants or four black-eyed Susans in a row or circle will ensure a stronger scent and more visible colour chunk to lure the associated pollinators to your garden compared to isolating single plants of each species.

  1. Create a water source for insects, birds and other creatures

An attractive birdbath, a water feature or simply a depression in the ground that holds water will provide this essential resource to your new neighbours. An unassuming mud puddle can supply nest building material for bees and birds and drinking water for butterflies.

  1. Leave the leaves

Simplify yard work in spring and fall by not removing spent flower stalks and dead leaves. By leaving some organic debris on the ground in fall, you’ll be providing shelter from the elements for young bees and other insects to grow and hatch in as well as food for wildlife and new seedlings in the spring. Delaying your spring cleanup until at least May allows pollinators to emerge from their shelter instead of being discarded in yard waste.

  1. Avoid using pesticides

The “right” insects will self-select and be drawn to the environment you’ve created. Plants are hardy when planted in their native range. They have natural defences against unwanted insects and are codependent on the kinds of insects and birds that you want to attract. To learn more about addressing non-native pests in your garden, visit re:grow.

Aren’t any flowers good enough for bees and butterflies?

While it’s true that you’ll see bees and butterflies visiting non-native flowers, they may not be getting what they need from these plants. You may be surprised to learn that some of the at local garden centres (sometimes even ones labelled “native” or “pollinator-friendly”) are hybrids or cultivars, meaning they have been selectively-bred by people. They are sometimes sterile or have been bred for flower appearance and not to provide the pollen or nectar that birds and insects need to flourish.

How to grow a pollinator garden and bee part of the solution - WWF.CA (3)

After co-evolving together for tens of thousands of years, our native pollinators have some very specific relationships with native plants. For example, one type of native sweat bee relies on evening primrose and another on Monarda, commonly known as bee balm. Native flowers can be just as beautiful and have as wide a range of colours and textures as the non-native plants that are commonly available.

How do I maintain a pollinator garden?

Once planted, a native plant pollinator garden requires very little work or expense to maintain. Some watering may be required to help the plants get established in the first season, but after that they adapt to their location. Leaving plant material where it falls over the winter will make natural mulch, nourish and protect plants as well as non-migratory bees and bugs. Visit re:grow to learn more about stewarding your native plant garden.

Join the re:generation!

Regenerating nature means facing biodiversity loss head-on. By growing native plants, you can make a meaningful, measurable difference. Join the movement and help re:grow Canada.

How to grow a pollinator garden and bee part of the solution - WWF.CA (2024)


How do you grow pollinator friendly garden? ›

Follow these simple steps to create a pollinator-friendly landscape around your home or workplace.
  1. Photo by Beatriz Moisset, 2006. ...
  2. Avoid modern hybrid flowers, especially those with "doubled" flowers. ...
  3. Eliminate pesticides whenever possible. ...
  4. Include larval host plants in your landscape. ...
  5. Build a bee box. (

How do pollinator gardens help the ecosystem? ›

Pollinator habitat can beautify your space, increase native biodiversity, increase pollination services and biological control of “pest” insects, and provide community engagement and learning opportunities.

How do I make my yard bee friendly? ›

Design tips for your bee-friendly landscape

Garden without pesticides. Focus on sunny sites, as most good bee plants do best in full sun. Place nest blocks and bundled hollow stems under an overhang to protect from rain and prevent mold. Reduce the size of your lawn to create space for a more diverse array of plants.

How do you make a bee garden? ›

Think 'win-win'!
  1. How to Create a Bee Friendly Garden. Honey bees collect nectar from flowers as a food source for energy. ...
  2. Aim for Continuous Flowering all Year.
  3. Allow Herbs and Vegetables to Flower. ...
  4. Grow Fruit Trees. ...
  5. Provide Water Access. ...
  6. Provide a Chemical Free Refuge. ...
  7. Be Colour-wise with Flowers. ...
  8. Grow Fragrant Flowers.
Apr 11, 2023

How big should a pollinator garden be? ›

A Pollinator Garden Can Vary in Size.

It can be a decorative planter with a mix of a few native flowers and annuals, a small perennial flower bed, a vegetable garden interspersed with flowers, or it can be an entire yard. Start small as you can always expand the garden later as time, budget and space allows.

What is the most efficient bee pollinator? ›

Although honey bees tend to get all the credit for keeping our crops going, native solitary bees are almost two to three times more effective at pollinating!

How do you attract bees and other pollinators? ›

Annuals, perennials and herbs provide important food sources for insect pollinators, especially in the heat of summer. Consider planting sunflowers, zinnias, marigolds and cosmos in or near the vegetable garden. Herbs such as lavender, basil, borage, dill, fennel, oregano and catnip will also attract many pollinators.

What does a pollinator garden need? ›

Flowers are, of course, beloved by our pollinators, but you don't have to limit yourself to just flowers in your beds. Evergreen shrubs, herbs, and even grasses make great additions to your garden. Grasses especially provide places for wildlife to hide and raise their young.

What makes a good pollinator plant? ›

It's essential to choose plants that have not been treated with pesticides, insecticides or neonicotinoids. You'll also want to focus on selecting perennials to ensure your plants come back each year and don't require a lot of maintenance. Remember to think about more than just the summer growing season.

What do pollinators need to thrive? ›

Just like everything else, pollinators need food, water and shelter to survive. You can help provide these essentials by planting a wide variety of plants that bloom from early spring into late fall.

Can I make my own butterfly garden? ›

Plant Annuals

Arrange bloomers in drifts so that near-sighted butterflies can easily spot the large swaths of color. Focus on flowers that feature bright tones in your butterfly garden design. Most butterflies can't resist blossoms in shades of pink, red, purple and yellow.

What is the best mulch for pollinator gardens? ›

Crimson clover, borage, yarrow, lemon balm, and even kale can be used to create pollinator-friendly living mulches. As these plants grow, their leaves shade the soil and their roots create air and water pockets, necessary elements for good plant health.

How do you attract pollinators quickly? ›

Fill your yard with flowers in a rainbow of hues, and choose plants that bloom at different times so you'll have blossoms throughout the growing season. Planting flowers with a variety of bloom shapes—some tall, some short, some wide, some narrow— will help draw a diverse group of pollinators, too.

What are 4 ways plants attract pollinators? ›

Many flowers use visual cues to attract pollinators: showy petals and sepals, nectar guides, shape, size, and color.

Should you mulch a pollinator garden? ›

Mulching, including leaf mulch, can be an effective way to control weeds and retain moisture in topsoil during dry spells. Still, heavy mulch can block access to the ground for soil nesting bees and certain mulches (e.g., cedar mulch) can be toxic to bees and ants.


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.