Everspace 2: Every Ship In The Game, Ranked (2024)

Everspace 2 is an adventure shooting game that lets you traverse through space in your chosen spaceship. The ships are available in three classes and five tiers. Each one has its own features that make it superior in combat. Though, with nine ships available, it can be overwhelming to know which to choose.


When selecting the most appropriate ship, it's important to pay attention to the ship's speed, weaponry options, how it'll perform in combat, and so on. That said, this list it'll give you a better idea of the different ships and how they'd rank from best to worst.

9 Vindicator: Heavy Class, S-Tier Ship

Everspace 2: Every Ship In The Game, Ranked (1)

Being an S-tier ship, the Vindicator is one of the best ships you could choose. Vindicator is equipped with two slots for primary weapons and one for a secondary weapon. Moreover, it comes with drones. Using the phalanx ability, these drones are capable of targeting their enemy and re-spawning any defeated drones. Having the re-animator ability, this ship is able to collect pieces from defeated enemies in order to repair its own drones.

Measuring up to a speed of 80-84 m/s, this ship definitely isn't the quickest option in the game, although it is the quickest of the heavy class ships. Additionally, the vindicator is a good option for making quick maneuver's in the heat of combat.

8 Striker: Medium Class, S-Tier Ship

Everspace 2: Every Ship In The Game, Ranked (2)

The Striker is quite similar to the Vindicator ship, though it's a faster model with less shielding. Aside from its average 90-95 m/s speed, the Striker also has a boost speed ability that can boost the speed by 110%. This, along with its agility, makes it a good ship for close-range combat.

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The Striker spaceship also has the ability of quantum tether, which allows you to damage up to five enemies with a single strike. Not only does this feature deal a greater amount of damage during combat, but it also has the ability to repair about 50% of any damage done to your own spaceship.

7 Vanguard: Light Class, A-Tier Ship

Everspace 2: Every Ship In The Game, Ranked (3)

With a speed of 100-105 m/s, Vanguard is by far the quickest ship in the game; however, it's not the best match for combat situations. If you do choose to take the Vanguard into combat, your best bet would be to use your rear-attacking ability. This will grant you a higher chance of dealing more damage to your enemies.

In any case where you're in combat and your ship starts to fail, you can attempt to survive longer by enabling your time extender, which will recharge all energy and weapons instantly. In addition to that, flying closer to your average speed will start up your overcharge ability, giving you a higher capacity for shielding.

6 Gunship: Heavy Class, A-Tier Ship

Everspace 2: Every Ship In The Game, Ranked (4)

The Gunship is one of the better ships to take into combat due to its pulse laser turret and its coil gun turret. Together, these two weapons are capable of dealing damage to a single enemy for 20 seconds while also increasing the damage done to drones by about 30%.

The gunship specializes in armor damage reduction, giving it the ability to reduce the cost of ship repairs by 50% and the overall damage by 40%. Nonetheless, there is one downside to playing with the gunship, and that is its need to consume double the amount of energy than the other ships would consume.

5 Interceptor: Medium Class, B-Tier Ship

Though the Interceptor only has a speed of 85-89 m/s, it is a great ship for combat. It's capable of carrying three secondary weapons and three primary weapons, and it has a weapon overdrive ability that increases the firing rate and damage dealt by the equipped weapons. Weapon overdrive has a chance of being recharged by 1% after each successful critical shot.

Although this ability is great for combat, it does drain the weapon's energy consumption quite drastically. This means you will need to either find a way of recharging weapons or improve the ship's weapon energy consumption.

4 Sentinel: Medium Class, B-Tier Ship

Everspace 2: Every Ship In The Game, Ranked (6)

The Sentinel ship is one of the faster ships to play with, with an average speed of 90-95 m/s. It has slots for two primary weapons and two secondary weapons. This ship's greatest ability is its static overload ability, which has the power to equip lightning guns. These guns fire electricity at their enemies, and the firing rate of these weapons is increased to 20%.

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The main downsides to using the sentinel ship, however, are that it is not as strong as the other ships ranked ahead of it. This ship also doesn't have the best maneuverability, so if an enemy gets past your shield, you'll need to leave the area immediately in order to survive.

3 Stinger: Light Class, B-Tier Ship

Everspace 2: Every Ship In The Game, Ranked (7)

The Stinger spaceship is a quicker and more maneuverable ship to play with in Everspace 2. With a speed of 90-95 m/s, it's quite easy to get the stinger out of the way in the heat of combat. This ship has two spots for primary weapons, two for secondary weapons, and a ULT known as "void swarm." This ability unleashes a group of tiny bots that are powerful enough to take out anything in their way while the ship is in cool-down.

While this ship may seem like a great choice, the stinger is one of the riskier ships to use. Nonetheless, with the right skills, this build would be great for heavy combat situations.

2 Scout: Light Class, B-Tier Ship

Everspace 2: Every Ship In The Game, Ranked (8)

Scout is a good starter ship for beginners who don't feel ready to jump right into close-contact combat yet. This ship consists of a ranger ability that allows you to fire at enemies from quite a distance away; in fact, the further you distance yourself from enemies, the greater amount of damage that will be dealt.

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Scout also has a shadow strike ability, which gives you a chance to enable invisibility on your ship for a small amount of time. Considering this is a light class ship, and it doesn't have the best defenses, this invisibility feature, along with its 95-100 m/s speed, provides some help in keeping your ship alive longer in combat.

1 Bomber: Heavy Class, D-Tier Ship

Everspace 2: Every Ship In The Game, Ranked (9)

The bomber ship is another decent starter ship for beginner looking to learn the mechanics of the game, though it's best to avoid using it if possible. This ship mostly uses up to three secondary weapons, and rather than using up ammunition, it uses the weapons' energy to target enemies. Additionally, it consists of a projectile weapon that deals damage to a single target when fired at an enemy.

With an average speed of 95-100 m/s, the bomber certainly isn't the slowest ship in the game, but it cannot withstand the other ships. For this reason, it's not recommended to use this ship in fiery combat.

NEXT: Best Spaceships In Video Games

Everspace 2: Every Ship In The Game, Ranked (2024)


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