Creative Arts and Cultural Experiences | Mastercard priceless™ (2024)

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Creative Arts and Cultural Experiences | Mastercard priceless™ (2)


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Creative Arts and Cultural Experiences | Mastercard priceless™ (6)

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Popular arts and culture experiences

  • Gondola tour in Venice Venice, Italy Enjoy the romance of Venice with an iconic gondola ride and cicchetti US$111 (approximate conversion)
  • Pompeii Exclusive Tour Pompei, Italy See Pompeii's rarely glimpsed ruins on a private walking tour US$56 (approximate conversion)
  • Musée de Montmartre/ Vignes de Montmartre Paris, France Taste exquisite wines* and French delicacies at Paris's only vineyard US$166/person (approximate conversion)
  • Beijing Wtown Beijing, China Afternoon Tea Experience atop the Simatai Great Wall US$633 per booking (for 2 adults) (approximate conversion)
  • Discover the Paris of Coco Chanel Paris, France Explore Coco Chanel's Paris US$89 /person (approximate conversion)
  • Palacio de las Dueñas Seville, Spain Explore Seville's Palacio de Las Dueñas on an after-hours tour US$19 (approximate conversion)
  • Discover the prestige of the high jewellery house Paris, France Enjoy a guided tour of haute couture at top Parisian jewelry house US$89/person (approximate conversion)
  • Cristina Kahlo Mexico City, Mexico Tour the Frida Kahlo Museum with the artist's relative before it opens US$81 (approximate conversion)
  • Toposophy Athens, Greece Have an elite former Olympian guide you on a tour of Greek sports history US$210 (approximate conversion)

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Mastercard and Priceless are registered trademarks, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated. ©2024 Mastercard


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" + xhr.responseText); } else { confirmEx("Please refresh and try again." + ' ' + "If you continue to receive this error please contact priceless\u2122 concierge." + '

It will automatically refresh the page in LIVE.
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Creative Arts and Cultural Experiences | Mastercard priceless™ (2024)


What is the priceless Mastercard saying? ›

Priceless is an advertising campaign by Mastercard that started in 1997 and makes use of the slogan "There are some things money can't buy; for everything else, there's Mastercard". It has provided Mastercard with a constant and recognizable message. There are some things money can't buy.

What is the Mastercard priceless story? ›

The Mastercard "Priceless" campaign is a marketing and advertising campaign launched by Mastercard, a global financial services company, in 1997. The campaign was created by the advertising agency McCann Erickson and was designed to promote the use of Mastercard as a payment option for consumers.

Is Mastercard priceless legit? ›

A: Yes, it is safe. Here's why: The Priceless website is the property of Mastercard (as mentioned at the bottom of the pages) and the connection is SSL secured, as you can see in the address bar of your browser: the web address starts with https:// and the browser displays the icon an uncut (intact) or green lock.

What is the Mastercard priceless program? › is available exclusively to Mastercard cardholders and provides access to unforgettable experiences and valuable everyday discounts in the cities where you live and travel.

What is the credit card millionaires use? ›

Many millionaires use the American Express Centurion Card, J.P. Morgan Reserve Card, the Insignia Jewellery Card, and other high-end, invitation-only cards that provide extensive travel perks and personalised services.

What is the secret code on a Mastercard? ›

Customers using VISA, MasterCard, JCB, Discover or Diners Club. The security code (CVV) is a three-digit number on the back of the credit card.

What is the true story behind priceless? ›

The story is inspired by true events. James Stevens, after losing his wife and daughter, is unable to hold a steady job and agrees to drive a box truck across the country with no questions asked, then discovers that he is actually "delivering" two girls as part of a human trafficking ring.

What is a priceless experience? ›

Priceless Experiences are exclusive, cardholder-only access to exceptional curated experiences. With over 1,000+ experiences, cardholders have an array of offerings to choose from in the world's most exciting destinations.

What is the primary objective of the Priceless campaign? ›

So, based on the case I can say, the main objective was to keep Mastercard from going up. It promoted the uses of the card to make everyday purchases. It was a way to help Mastercard compete with Visa. Mastercard initiated the "Priceless" campaign primarily to enhance its market share and brand recognition.

Who can use Mastercard priceless? ›

The Site is a benefit for Mastercard cardholders. Benefits of the Site include one of a kind offers and experiences.

What is the Mastercard lawsuit? ›

The settlement partially resolved a long-running antitrust case in which the two credit card network giants were alleged to have overcharged merchants by exacting excessive interchange fees. Those so-called swipe fees are what a merchant pays to accept credit card or debit card payments from consumers.

What is the highest level of Mastercard credit card? ›

World Elite™ Mastercard®

How do I use my Mastercard priceless specials? ›

Redeeming Your Offers

Select your chosen Offer for use on the Priceless Specials App. If you are in a restaurant or bar, inform your waiter that you have the Priceless Specials App before you ask for the bill. Present your mobile device with the chosen Offer to the server before the bill is presented.

How do I get money from my Mastercard? ›

Most Mastercard credit cards also allow you to obtain cash advances at an ATM. You will need a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to withdraw cash. You can find your issuer's contact information on the back of your Mastercard and on your billing statement. Or you can visit the issuer's Web site.

Why is Mastercard so good? ›

All Mastercard levels offer some amount of purchase protection and insurance with their cards. World and World Elite Mastercard, however, offer the most. These services include: Mastercard ID Theft Protection, which alerts you if fraudulent activity is detected and assists you with resolution.

What is the slogan fallacy of Mastercard? ›

The Mastercard advertisem*nt mentioned, "There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's Mastercard," can be seen as an example of a false dilemma. The statement implies that there are only two options: either there are things that money can't buy or Mastercard can provide everything else.

What is the tagline of the Mastercard company? ›

Mastercard's current advertising campaign tagline is Priceless. It started in 1997. The slogan associated with the campaign is There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's Mastercard.

Who is the voice of the Mastercard priceless? ›

Fun Fact: Actor Billy Crudup was the voice behind the famous Mastercard 'Priceless' campaign from 1998-2005. In 1874, the batter's box in professional baseball is officially adopted. In 1933, the film King Kong premieres in New York.


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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Views: 5796

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.