Beaver Dam Daily Citizen from Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (2024)

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Beaver Dam Daily Citizeni

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

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t) HJ riZ tdtfet AMgh 4 3Cr Anniversary Events i Prices Are DownBuy Nowj Sheets 'No in Af fa tir ow Wis Bella Myers Madson Buy Now! BUY NOW! Readjustment New Low Prices BUY NOW! 81x90 Sheets A Now tJ IV If 'J i) Mrs Bessie Wierzchoslawski'' Aged 66 Years Passed Away at the The Home of Her Daughter rK Store wide are increasing the buying power of your money Noto this outstanding vn'ue the same quality you've liked so long! 12 Momme Silk Pongee yard Mrs ond du Oshkosh Madison Mrs Henry Schwoeh passes Awayat Columbus Hospital Tuesday Brand 81x99 Inch Size New Low Prices! Readjustment New Low Prices! RANDOLPH WOMAN DIES INJURIES IN AUTO ACCIDENT BEAVER DAM LADY DIES IN MILWAUKEE 1 Read New Low Prices I i ill nm iiii ties silks cosmetics toilet goods hosiery and un rlprwpAr Percale New Low Prices vf owi Mrs orward Rockton Ill: Daniel Le Bur Delavan Wis Mrs Martha Schnctzler Palo Alto Calif Stanley Schnetsler Hollywood Calif Vlilbur Wekk Long Beach Calif Carroll Webb Miamila Natalie Merriam Lake Geneva Jenny and Marjory Lit del Madison Wis Mr and Mrs Beal Hudson Mich Dorothea Bunge Stone Lake Wis Helen Brockett Joliet 111 Bessie and James Johnston Moore Mont Hazel Tayldr Shanghai China Selma Draeger Mayville Wlsr lorence Harry and Mrs A Beach Madi son Wis Janet and Henry A Todd Evanston Henry Beach Madison Ohio Elmer McMurray Mr and Mrs Charles Berry Elmhurst Ill Arthur Serres La Crosse Wis Al bert Sray Elmhurst 111 0Howell ort Woctb Tex Margaret McDowell Montello W'is Inez Schroeder MadJL fmAV1s ranklin Thomas Hudson Eunice McGregoor Kaukauna Wis Mr ind Mrs Yeakel Seattle Wash Mr and Mrs Howard Ham mond IndfMrs Clare Hosmer Hous ton Tex Dorothy Ifosmer Sarasota la Kenneth Catchpole Delavan Maude HousmanKewaskum Wis Mr and Mrs Wesley Bowman Evanston Ilk Evelyn Dixon Minne lapolis Minn: Mrs Avery and Char lotte West Allis: I Hulburt Edger ton Win Mary Hulburt Wauwau tosa Mrs Williams ox Lake Wis Mr and Mrs Samuel Pickard Ripon Wis larence jRosenheimer Kewaskum Macy Brown Milwaukee Ramdna Daisy and Vincent Nast Mil waukee Schwendenier St Louis Mo Bernice Waddell Evansville' Maude Stone Rockford Ill Mr and Mrs Don Crews Mrs Atherton Airs Charles Utz Milwaukee 'Mr and Mrs Norman Smith Green Bay Wis Putnam Brooklyp Mr' and Mrs Johnson Oak Park III Stalev Ashland) Wis Lieut and Mrs Turner Portage Wis Mrs McClelland Madison Wils JI olsom Mrs Learuns Lac Evelyn Wilckmnnn Wis Ruth and John Price Wis Winnifred Gerard Ora Dear born Gwendolyn Dearborn Stoughton Wis Lerna Steckelberg Vera Lodi Wis Mr and Mrs Smith Madison' Wis RudolfNoer Wabeno Wis Mr and Mrs Webb Herlocker (lalesbnrgf Ill Mrs Clayton Tink ham Ripon Wis Mrs Marshfield Wis Mr and Mrs Tlnkham ail water Wis Mrs Nash Galesburg Ill Elma Seafield Janesville Mrs Haertl Neenah Unlerwood NowYork City John Hanchctt Bradley Conrad Janes ville nMrrftnVrMrsr Dallas DavisrElk horn Wis 'Mario Blatz Tulsa Okla Law rence itchett Sayles Janes ville Wis Mrs Bessie OsenChlcago Ill New Low Prices 1 Silk abrics NowOgc Our No 449 silk hosiery that formerly sold at 149 iis now $129 Sheets that were $129 are now 98c lOiir Pay Day areudowiy from $129 to $110 You will find in our $1975 suits of today many of the same line fabrics that were used in making higher priced lines a few short months ago 1 Below you will find other) concrete evidence of the new lower prices and higher values with which store is packed and a glance at our windows will ishow them jammed full with exceptional savings in cotton piece goods sheets and pillow cases domes Overalls Thrifty homemakers ar familiar with this standard qual ity percale tt nowa bigger this revised price made possible by lower costs to us Attractive printed patterns and36 inch width Xy 4 1 Url WANTADS Bring Now (yard 4'3 These 'are theSyell known Overalls i made of heavy 220 blue denim Cut full and for freedom of triple stitchNiku cd throughout with six pockets Either Overalls i or Jumper each at this new low price WdyldndJActidemy Has MdnyQuests Attend PAGE SHEN New Low Prices Work Shirts VlMfiv i sj Prices That All Time 'Low 1 i 4x r'j 'r Siiesg 55c Justimagine! A lower than ever price on those outstanding shirk are made of fine and coarse yarn chambrays they are cut big andap*rny all over All sizes" BUYNdwr gi:" 2 lo'P I PrintedAll Silk xfniJ ft fl? Shantung yard Satin Crepe Lust Tons finish yard wP 4t BUY NOW! 1 if tai Printed 'Washable Silk yard Penney plat Crepe yard 1 ii i I i fru 'rswuniw iuiiilih( jiaja vj tCT' 'a Since last October America has been passing' through a period of a condition that has caused unemployment retrenchment and down ward revision of prices To help meet this condition to stimulate industry arid to reducejuneniployment 51 rk Henry mother of eight children died at the' Cotum bus hospitil onsTticaday at 9:30 A of injuries iiHtained In an automobile accident near Randolph bn morning' Mrs Schwoth her husband a farm er living south of Randolph and metti of the' family wtre oh way to church when the car skidded Into a ditch and' Mrs Schwoch "Sustained fi injuries twhkli resulted in Jjer death At first itjwas not believed that she was serfodslv injured but her condi ft Ion gradually grew wopse until she passed away yesterday mopnlng( The deceased is survived by her husband eight children and six grand children Thechlldren are: Harry Arthur and Carlj0j Mrs Schwodlf formerly lived at Bea ver Dam cW'iS well known' this 4 vicinity Two Harry an'Clar reside1 tn1 farms near this clty (Mrs Schfbthlwas horn in Germany on January'! 1872 and came to this country when a young girl She was married tctiMdi itanrjf ISwcfch on ehruaty After living in Beaver Dam a short time after their I marriage? the thqn moved to the farm south bt Where they Trave resided ever ilnbe field "on Saturday afternoon with" Rev Henry 'Geiger of the' Randolph'0 Lutheran Church officiating Services will be held at the farm home at 1:00 and at the' church In ferment will be ln Oakwood eme 1 1 WEDDING ANNIVERSARY? You areSl)bint to forget your wife? Present ber with a gift Waldhier tie Jeweler 100 lt 4 Jk Tho following names represent par ents of students' former student's and teachers of Wayland who were here to attend' the' 1 anniversary: Marie Chrlsler Keiiosha John' Roc Mien Roc ranklin Ind Morton Barnard Chicago George Smith Madison Wis David Campbell iron River Mich John Mcrgenor Milwaukee Jack Best Menasha Wins: Ruth Waddell Chica go Margaret Schultz Chicago Robert Hilton New York City lorence Balch Dr Kathleen Muir Edith Gos sink Mrs Donnellan A Reed Carlson Mrs Mains rCarrle Doolittle John Tenzi Joe Kluchinskas Rev Convh Lillian Carlson Mr and Mrs Stolz Arthur Hansen Mrs Diver Mrs Mc Carthy Lincoln Uffendahl Henry Eiserr Mrs Mabel Sommers Dolores Alex Winefield and Mr'TrrMtr1nrmof Stromberg Galesburg Ill? Howard Nelson Carleton College Mr A Barber Adele Barber Ri Barber Warrens Wis Gertrude Hogan La Crosse rank Goll Beth Mosher Bar haraGildenMrs Geofgeu Welnhazen Mr and Mrs rank lctirUeder Mrs Jessfo Knowlton Mrs Nornfan' Mitten hausen Eugene McIntyre5 Dr and Mrs Wileox red Geor gia Riesen Sophl Rpeder IB pl) by Ban nister and of Mil waukee porothy WilsonRichland Center Mrs Josephine Bessie" McMillen' Evanston Sarah Wilson Rockford lit Dorothy and Melvin Peterson Wausau Wis Rev Vernon Philllns Columbus Gladys Rawlins Stockton Ill Joe Goldbury Minneapolis Idalene Tuck er Roseville Ill Charles Miller Al len Miller Kewaskum Wis Mr and Mrs Hitchco*ck Rockfohl Ill Mrs Mary Orr Mt Hope Wis Doro thy Hutchins Madison Wis George and Musa Shepard Ia Crosse Wis Cooper Maywood III Mrs A Sasada Randolph Wis Mrs Sherwood Beliot IjVis Valerie Al bert Mayville Maurice inch St Louis Mo Mrs Anna Butler Mrs Luolla Lincoln Traverse City Mich Beecher Dye Madison Wis Roby i Loomis Milwaukee Mrs Har bour Elmhurst Ill Eugene Heman Cleveland Mr and Mrs Sander son Portage Wis MrzandiMrs'R Modre Iron River Mich Ardis rank Wauwatosa Wis Mr and MrsTLand strom' and Mildred Rockford Ill Bertha Merwin Woodstock" TIL Mrs Carl oss Grove Wis Mr find Mrs' Biglow Brooklyn Wis Em ma Braaks West Allis Wis James WhytcrLewtsbnrg'PS'uMfrmiff Smith Portland Ore Jennie Madi son Wis Mildred Owdn Ruth Grul ke Juneau Wis Mr and Mrs Gibson and Edith Gibson Neenah Wis Mr and throigghmit the store 4 1 A hr Store wide our counters are packed full of values I fwilv wnnn rnmnarnn TArith ntWAc iivvu tv iUVll UvlHUUf 4 were effective last Octoberor even last January in announcing newlow pricer and new high val ues we rededicate ourselves to our old Company slogan: ALWAYS HAVE AND ALWAYS WILL UNDER Our reason and excuse for soliciting your patronage is just New Low Prices! i 4 The JCPenney Compaiay has RadeOlw Revised 4 Downward c4 142 ront Street Beaver Dam Wii 4: 'Mrs Bessie Wierzchoslawskl aged 66 years passed away at the home of her daughter Mrs Albert 1 Mitwaukee at Tuesday night following an illness of the past eight weeks Mrs Wierzchoelawskl had geen visiting at the hom*o of her daughter for the past six months The deceased was born eb 22 1864 In Germany a daughter of Mr and Mrs Karzewske and in the year 1884 came to America and settled in Beaver Dam where she was united in marriage with John Wlerzchoslaw skl in 1885 Her husband preceded her In death three years ago and aurviv Ing are' the following children: Walter Edwin and Stanley Wierzchoslawski Of this city Joseph Wierzchoslawski of Milwaukee and Mrs Albert Eras ed of Milwaukee" Two brothers and two 'sisters Theodore Karzeweke and Joseph Karzewske of Milwaukee Mrs Martin Latonskie of Milwaukee and Mrs Josephine Heiman of Germany also'survlve 'With tour grandchildren Since coming to Bearer in 1884 the' had Jaiways Tired was1 a member of the Holy Ros ary and the Sacred Heart societies of St) Michael's church where funeral sevlceawilTbe held at SO clock Saturday morning with Rerr Brzqj kala officiating Interment will be in St Michael's cemeteryiSSs 4 The remains were brought to this city today and will be taken ffils'e ve nlng to' the home of her son' Walter "Wlefichoslawskl our' window! Enlargements are being made from negatives brought to ua for developing and printing If an enlargement from a negative of yours appear In the! window bring In that negative 'and secure the enltrgo ment ree Drug Store 't CAC 't 'KTzb :3 "7 I i i 9'4 Bleached 'Sheeting yd? BUY NOVSi fh 1 Save Money on these Store wide I Readjustments WE SAVE YOU MONEY! These new low prices call for quick action i delay Viit our store at once and convince yourself of the fact that Sheets W445 Hose LV fc In Service Weight NowjC Sbrv! cwrfght silk' stocli full fashioned and mer at points of strainAt this revised price A I dozen pairs In a choice of 'tho new shades A Buy Now! DAILY CITIZEN BEAVER DAM WIS WEDNESDAY JUNE 18 1930 1 a I L' i l( 'll llljtrl raw Jt 1 fl "hfl pl 4 r' I Vfet fl "Wl 1 7 j' mM VA jw: Av 1 fl 5 1 1 1H 4 4 I ir liS 1 ''fl 4 4 "KI Vf A (4 I f' in 'w i 9 Ut1 WIwrL I A ml AAlagfiM 5 iMeM A' 'W a i 'V zt 1 a iv At C1 Sh A 1 s' fi Al' rts AW) 'A'I 4 "Wc 1 A'iA i A '4 r'V Ai sj xngr OTgf fg 7 af '4 aw a 1 i LI 'i (4 Me AAnu I wr Ab: Vj 'J 59w' Ti Hi 4O 1 i'M.

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Beaver Dam Daily Citizen from Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (2024)


Did Fred MacMurray live in Beaver Dam Wisconsin? ›

Before MacMurray was 2 years old, his native Wisconsin parents moved to Madison, Wisconsin where his father worked as a music teacher. The family then relocated within the state to Beaver Dam, where his mother had been born in 1880.

What is the crime rate in Beaver Dam WI? ›

Beaver Dam Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes26114
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)1.576.87

How did Beaver Dam Wisconsin get its name? ›

Beavers inhabited the small stream and built dams across it, and thus the river and settlement was named Beaver Dam. Spring Street was named because it followed the path of the narrow spring running southward.

How old is Beaver Dam Wisconsin? ›

Beaver Dam was settled in 1841 and incorporated as a city in 1856. The Beaver Dam Hydraulic Company was incorporated in 1855 by Thomas Mackie, William Farrington, Robert J. Norris, Robert V. Bogert, and A.

What movie was filmed in Beaver Dam Wisconsin? ›

The Pit (also known as Teddy) is a 1981 Canadian horror film starring Sammy Snyders and Jeannie Elias. Although it is a Canadian production, it was actually filmed in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin.

How wealthy was Fred MacMurray? ›

A 1977 profile dispelled the myth of MacMurray's wealth, reporting that if he "...sold everything I'd be worth maybe $3 million to $4 million. Maybe". He states that the myth of his wealth being in league with Doris Duke and the Aga Khan ($75 to $100 million range) stemmed from his life-long frugality.

Is Beaver Dam a good place to live? ›

Thriving Community:A welcoming atmosphere with a strong sense of community and local pride. Quality Lifestyle: A perfect blend of cultural activities, outdoor recreation, and modern amenities. Plus, Beaver Dam has excellent schools and access to quality healthcare.

What city in Wisconsin has the worst crime rate? ›

According to data from Numbeo, the most dangerous city in Wisconsin is Milwaukee. Milwaukee is a big city with over half a million residents so it's not terribly surprising that there would be a higher number of crimes reported.

What town in Wisconsin has the lowest crime rate? ›

Muskego. With a population of over 25,000 residents, Muskego has been named one of the safest cities in the state of Wisconsin. According to Neighborhoodscout, the city's crime rate is lower than nearly 60% of the state's other cities and towns.

Why is Beaver Dam Lake so green? ›

DATA SUMMARY: Beaver Dam Lake's water clarity was typically worse in the middle of the summer. This decreased clarity is partially caused by nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) making more algae grow in the middle of summer.

What is beaver dam, WI known for? ›

With more than 6700 acres and 42 miles of shoreline, Beaver Dam Lake is the 16th largest lake in the state of Wisconsin and offers plenty of water adventure opportunities including fishing, boating, and paddling in the summer, duck hunting in the fall, and ice fishing, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, and cross-country ...

What river runs through beaver dam, Wisconsin? ›

Beaverdam River at Beaver Dam, WI - USGS Water Data for the Nation.

Who owns beaver dam Farm? ›

The farm is still owned and operated by the family today.

Is beaver dam a town or city? ›

Beaver Dam town, Dodge County, Wisconsin is a city, town, place equivalent, and township located in Dodge County, Wisconsin.

Where did Fred MacMurray live? ›

Where was Fred MacMurray buried? ›

Photo: Crypt of Fred MaCmurray at Holy Cross Cemetery in Culver City, California.

Why didn't Fred MacMurray serve in the military? ›

He attempted to join the military during World War II but was rejected due to a fluctuated ear. He stayed in Hollywood, continued making movies and did everything he could to help the war effort. His daughter Susan was born in 1942.

What did Fred MacMurray do after my three sons? ›

After the cancellation of My Three Sons in 1972, MacMurray made only a few more film appearances before retiring to his ranch in 1978.


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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.