Batman (The Lego Movie) (2024)

Bruce Wayne, also known as Batman, is one of the tritagonists of the Lego film franchise. He is based on his original comic book incarnation and is an ally of Emmet.


  • 1 Personality
  • 2 Story
    • 2.1 The LEGO Movie
    • 2.2 The Lego Batman Movie
    • 2.3 The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part
  • 3 Gallery
  • 4 Navigation


In stark contrast to his live-action interpretations, Lego Batman is incredibly vain and also rather childish. He claims to only use black parts or, failing that, "very dark grey". He obsesses over his bleak existence to the point where it seems like he enjoys being miserable. He is also remarkably childish, enjoying to brag about himself and throwing a tantrum when Alfred locks his computer or when he's forced to attend a winter gala.

Underneath it all, LEGO Batman does have a sensitive side. Upon seeing the connection that Emmet and Wyldstyle had, he decided to break up with her so she could be with Emmet. His more sensitive side can also be seen in 'The Lego Batman Movie,' as we see that the reason why he leads a rather lonely existence and doesn't form real connections with others is because he's afraid that if he does so and forms a family of his own, he could lose them similarly to how he lost his parents and so he doesn't want to deal with any more of that inner pain than he already does.


The LEGO Movie[]

He first appears in the Old West; saving Emmet, Wyldstyle and Vitruvius on the Batwing. When confronting Bad Cop, he uses his Master Building power to turn his car into a baby carriage. He then crashes into the sun, taking them all to Middle Zealand. He turns the Batwing into the Batmobile and shows off the new loudspeakers he added to the back of the vehicle. He takes a rainbow to Cloud Cuckoo Land, which he appeared to hate, especially after seeing Lizard Man (who may have reminded him of Killer Croc) and the Circus Clown (who may have reminded him of The Joker). He and the Master Builders went inside "The Dog", where "The Special" made his speech. However, it was not a success as the Master Builders became angry that Emmet was just an ordinary person.

Batman tells Wyldstyle that she was right about Emmet being a "ding-dong". Just then, the Super Secret Police attack the palace and Batman calls, "Every man for himself!" However, Wyldstyle convinces him to help her and the others. They then meet Benny, who attempts to help group by building a spaceship. However, he quits after Wyldstyle informs him the skies are surrounded. Emmet then quietly decides that they travel underwater. However, Batman steals his idea, therefore getting the credit. He then helps with the master builders to build a submarine but then customizes it by changing the color of the spaceship. However, as it goes into the river, the submarine was then destroyed by Bad Cop's army.

He was then saved by Emmet thanks to his creation of the Double-Decker Couch and was then rescued by Metalbeard to come into his ship. He was involved with Emmet's massive plan against Lord Business. However, he and the others were then captured by the Robo SWAT. He was then freed thanks to Emmet's decision and was involved in the fighting against the Micro Managers. At the end of the movie, he decided to end his relationship with Wyldstyle, admitting that he was a jerk to Wyldstyle and especially Emmet.

The Lego Batman Movie[]

At the beginning of the film, Joker and his gang of villains hijack a plane laden with explosives and steal all of them. He makes a bomb out of it and attaches it to the Gotham Power Plant which threatens to destroy the entire city unless the city surrenders to him. With the bat signal egged, the government has no choice but to lower the mayor in to meet the Joker's demands. However, the mayor is revealed to be Batman in disguise and he beats down all the villains before taking on Joker himself. Batman manages to grapple onto him as he flees but Joker presents Batman a dilemma: the bomb is about to go off in a minute, leaving Batman with the choice to either defuse it and save the city or defeat his arch-nemesis. Batman however, reveals to Joker his true feelings (or rather lack thereof): he feels nothing towards the villain and that he doesn't view their rivalry as special at all. With that, Batman rushes off to defuse the bomb, leaving the Joker to float away broken-hearted.

Saving Gotham once again, Batman is greeted by cheering crowds who he waves and glamors to before heading home, where he changes into a bathing robe and eats his dinner: lobster thermidor. Batman gazes upon a family photo of him and his parents, addressing them and expressing his wish that they could've seen his heroics today. Alfred arrives, spooking him who accidentally kicks him into a piano before apologizing. Alfred tells Batman that he's noticed him going into a similar depressive state and asks him of his biggest fear currently, which Batman claims is either clowns, snakes or "snake-clowns". With it becoming day, Alfred advises Batman to attend tonight's winter gala for Police Commissioner Gordon's retirement, which the superhero refuses to do until enticed with a tuxedo dress-up session.

Batman attends the gala as his civilian persona Bruce Wayne. At the gala, he is smitten by Gordon's successor and daughter Barbara Gordon, causing him to unwittingly adopt one of the choir boys and orphan Dick Grayson when approached by the kid. During Barbara's address, she reveals her goal of having the police to try and work with Batman to ensure more security and peace in Gotham, annoying Bruce who prefers working alone. Suddenly, the Joker and his posse arrive, causing Bruce to rush into the shadows to change into his Batman costume. However just as Batman arrives back on the scene, Joker reveals that he isn't here to cause mayhem but, after hearing Batman's words, has decided crime is meaningless and thus hands himself up to the authorities (trapping all the other villains in a toy box as well save for Harley Quinn). With organised crime gone from Gotham, Barbara and Batman are lauded as heroes, but with now no villains to fight, the vigilante begins to feel empty and bored.

Suspecting a master scheme behind all this, Batman begins spying on Joker during his prison sentence. He is approached by Barbara Gordon who wishes to establish friendly ties with him but Batman, believing Joker to be scheming something and capable of breaking out of jail, declines and plans to imprison the criminal elsewhere. Just then, a laundry van (driven by a disguised Harley Quinn) from the company "Phantom's Own" arrives, reminding Batman of the one place Joker could be safely imprisoned forever: the Phantom Zone.

Back at the Batcave, Batman turns on his computer to find the Phantom Zone Projector's whereabouts, only for Alfred to reveal he installed a parental lock on it. Alfred advises that instead of obsessing over Joker, Batman should take care of his new son Dick. Batman refuses so Alfred opens the entrance to the Batcave to Dick, allowing the two to interact. Batman approaches Dick, announcing that he too, is adopting him and offers him a chance to become a superhero and help him steal the Projector, which he accepts. Dick dons one of Batman's old costumes and, adopting the moniker Robin, sets out with Batman to infiltrate Superman's headquarters to steal it. Arriving at the Fortress of Solitude, Robin offers to give his input on the heist plan but Batman insists on going his way and thus, gets Robin to sneak into the vault while he commands him and distracts Superman. Batman enters, only to find that Superman and the rest of the Justice League are having a party without him. Noticing their ally, the heroes quickly apologize for starting the party without him and console Batman, saying that the invite probably got lost in the mail. With the party in full swing, Batman manages to steal the blueprints of the vault and, guiding Robin through its defenses, heists the Projector. The two celebrate their success before going off to Arkham Asylum.

Batman and Robin arrive at the prison, where Barbara greets them, eager to establish an alliance. However, she quickly notices the Projector strapped to Robin's back and deduces the duo's plans. Batman and Robin flee from the security and make their way to Joker's cell, where he is blasted into the Phantom Zone. Barbara arrives and, fearing that being sent to the Phantom Zone was Joker's plan all along, imprisons Batman and Robin while seizing the Projector as evidence. Noticing Robin is afraid in his cell, Batman comforts him by having the two beatbox together. Unfortunately, Harley Quinn manages to steal the Projector and open up the Phantom Zone, proving Barbara's fears right as Joker and many other notorious villains he recruited there escape and wreak havoc on Gotham City. Realizing that Gotham does need Batman after all, Barbara releases Batman and Robin and, together with Alfred, team up to defeat Joker.

Batman notices that Joker has turned Wayne Island into his headquarters and thus the team decide to take down the villains' watchtower, Sauron. They board Batman's Crawler and fly towards the wicked eyeball, but on the way are attacked by the Wicked Witch of the West's Flying Monkeys. While Batman insists of managing the situation alone, the team is soon overwhelmed and Alfred nearly falls to his death. Springing into action, Robin drives off the monkeys and Barbara saves Alfred, allowing Batman to repair the Crawler and, with some swift maneuvering, tricks Joker's kaiju minion into blasting Sauron in the eye, taking him out. Arriving on the island, the group celebrate their victory and take a group selfie together. Batman however, quickly realizes something: for once in his life, he's gotten attached to somebody and fears losing his friends. With a heavy heart, Batman traps the trio in the Crawler and, despite some resistance, gets the Batcomputer to fly them to Blüdhaven where they can wait out the chaos. Batman sneaks into Joker's lair but unfortunately, is caught by him, who is still mad at Batman's indifference to their relationship. Joker attempts to make Batman confess his hatred for him but as the hero refuses, Joker declares that Batman's real arch-nemesis is himself before blasting him to the Phantom Zone.

Arriving in the Zone, Batman is greeted by its guardian Phyllis, who, after scanning him for villainous traits, notes that while he isn't exactly evil, he has hurt many people, including his friends. Batman insists that what he did was meant for their good, but she remarks that his action ended up causing more harm instead. Just then, Batman witnesses the Batcomputer overriding his command and returning the trio to Wayne Island, where they're attacked by numerous villains. Seeing his friends in danger, he strikes a deal with Phyllis: he will be freed from the Phantom Zone, but he must capture every villain that Joker released and return to it himself later on. Batman returns to the real world and saves his friends who, are reasonably angry at what he did. Thus, Batman confesses his true fear: gaining a family, as he fears losing them as he did his first ones. However, he's decided to stop pushing people away and accepts his friends as his new family and reconciles with the team. Barbara points out that despite their enthusiasm, they are no match for Joker's gang, to which Batman reveals he recruited the other villains of Gotham, who felt neglected by their former leader. With Barbara taking on the moniker of Batgirl and Alfred donning Batman's old costume, the four set out once more to defeat the multiversal outlaws.

The team rush over to the Power Plant where Joker has placed yet another bomb. The team successfully blast all the multiversal villains but just as Batman heads to defuse the bomb, it explodes, cracking the plates the city is situated on and causing it to sink into the abyss. Batman urges his allies to stick themselves together to try and form a human bridge and reattach the plates, but even this proves too short. Batman notices Joker on the other plate and pleads for him to help them. Joker refuses until Batman confesses that Joker truly is his drive for stopping evil and is his archenemy after all. Delighted by this, Joker happily forms another human chain and, alongside all the other citizens of Gotham, he and Batman rejoin the city's plates, saving the day.

With peace returning to Gotham, Batman reveals his true identity to Dick, who is horrified to know that his father is leaving. Batman consoles him, telling him that the family he's found in Alfred and Barbara will always be there for him and thus, departs for the Phantom Zone. However, Batman finds his path blocked by an invisible barrier and falls back to Earth. Phyllis reveals herself and admits that she's touched by Batman's change of ways and thus, has allowed him freedom from the Phantom Zone. With that, Batman professes his hatred to Joker once more before letting him and the villains off for a 30 minute head start. Now with a family to fill his life with, Batman and the team return home to a now lively and full Wayne Manor.

The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part[]

Five Years Ago, after Lord Business redemption and saving the LEGO World, DUPLO Aliens come to announce they're gonna destroy all. The Master Builders are ready to fight, but Emmet stops them, and attempts to make peace with the aliens by making a heart as a friendship offer. Batman was surprised it worked, but immediately, the aliens starts eating the heart and demands for more. Lucy attacks them, but this causes the aliens to cry and destroy the city.

While the Justice League leave to find the planet they live, Batman went on his solo adventure on Gotham. Two Years After the events of LEGO Batman Movie, Batman lives with Alfred in Apocalypseburg (formerly called Bricksburg), sharing his story with Emmet, and stating he lost his new family (Possibly they got in Storage), as is "what the fans wants".

While Sweet Mayhem enters in the bunker, announcing to find the most fearless leader, Batman self proclaims himself as a leader, and is taken with Lucy, Unikitty, Benny and Metalbeard, leaving Emmet behind. Once they enter in the Systar System, they meet Queen Watevra Wa’Nabi, and tell she's planning to make peace with Apocalypseburg by marrying Batman, and sharing half of everything. Although Batman agrees, he denied the idea of marrying with Wa'Nabi.

Batman is changed of suite, covered by glitter, and dances in the Catchy Song segment. After that, he's taken by Mayhem to Wa'Nabi where they have dinner, and have a musical moment when Wa'Nabi expresses his disinterest in "Gotham City Guys" by actually planning to marrying Superman, instead. Convinced, Batman offers to marry her, and she accepts in marrying in a quarter of an hour.

During the ceremony, Lucy tries to stop Emmet after learning the truth behind the Systarians, but Emmet convinced she's brainwashed, thinking she would never liked the way he was, destroys the cake before Batman could say "I Do". This starts Ourmamageddon, and Emmet is taken by Rex Dangervest, while Lucy is knocked out from the LEGO world. Batman tries to connect Wa'Nabi but he loses all her pieces and ends in the Bin of Storage with all his friends.

Depressed, Batman sings with everyone else "Everything is Not Awesome", but Lucy, inspired by Emmet kindness, gives them hope to not give up if we stick together. This makes Finn rebuilding Wa'Nabi (as well she comes back to life) and makes peace with her sister, finally allowing her to play with him. Lucy convinces everyone to build starships and to go and save Emmet from Rex Dangervest. Batman and Wa'Nabi discuses each other who's protecting who, while Lucy enters Undar the Dryar System, reunites with Emmet and Rex fades away of his existence.

In the end, they mash up both worlds called Sysapocalpistar, as Batman enjoys the view with Wa'Nabi, Emmet, Lucy and the rest of his friends.



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Films: The LEGO Movie (2014) • The LEGO Batman Movie (2017) • The LEGO Ninjago Movie (2017) • The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part (2019)

Television: Unikitty!
Short films: Enter the NinjagoThe MasterDark HoserBatman is Just Not That Into YouCooking with AlfredMovie Sound Effects: How Do They Do That?Shark E. Shark in "Which Way to the Ocean?"Zane's Stand Up Promo
Video games: The Lego Movie VideogameThe Lego Ninjago Movie Video GameThe Lego Movie 2 Videogame

Emmet BrickowskiWyldstyleBatmanUnikittyBennyMetalbeardVitruviusLord BusinessBad CopSweet MayhemRex Dangervest

DC Comics: Alfred PennyworthRobinBatgirlJokerHarley QuinnClayfacePoison IvyTwo-FaceSupermanWonder WomanGreen Lantern
Ninjago: Lloyd Garmadon

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Theatrical Films: The Lego MovieThe Lego Batman MovieThe Lego Ninjago MovieThe Lego Movie 2: The Second Part

Direct-to-video Films: Lego Batman: The Movie – DC Super Heroes UniteLego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League vs. Bizarro LeagueLego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League: Attack of the Legion of DoomLego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League: Cosmic ClashLego Scooby-Doo! Haunted HollywoodLego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League: Gotham City BreakoutLego Scooby-Doo! Blowout Beach BashLego DC Super Hero Girls: Brain DrainLego DC Comics Super Heroes: The FlashLego DC Super Hero Girls: Super-Villain HighLego DC Comics Super Heroes: Aquaman: Rage of Atlantis
Shorts: Enter the NinjagoThe Lego Movie: 4D - A New AdventureThe MasterBatmersive VR ExperienceDark HoserBatman is Not Just That Into YouCooking with AlfredMovie Sound Effects: How Do They Do That?Shark E. Shark in "Which Way to the Ocean?"Zane's Stand Up Promo
TV specials: Lego DC Comics: Batman Be-LeagueredLego Scooby-Doo: Knight Time TerrorLego DC Super Hero Girls: Galactic Wonder
Television series: Mixels (Episode list) • Unikitty! (Episode list)
Video games: Lego BattlesLego Battles: NinjagoLego City UndercoverLego City Undercover: The Chase BeginsLego Legends of Chima: Laval's JourneyLego Legends of Chima OnlineLego Star Wars: The Force AwakensLego Batman: The VideogameLego Batman 2: DC Super HeroesLego Batman 3: Beyond GothamLego DC Super-VillainsLego WorldsLego Harry Potter: Years 1–4Lego Harry Potter: Years 5–7Lego The Lord of the RingsLego The HobbitLego Marvel Super HeroesLego Marvel's AvengersLego Marvel Super Heroes 2The Lego Movie VideogameLego Jurassic WorldLego DimensionsThe Lego Ninjago Movie Video GameLego The Incredibles

Emmet BrickowskiWyldstyleBatmanLord BusinessUnikittyBennyBad CopSweet Mayhem • Rex Dangervest
See also
Batman (The Lego Movie) (2024)


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